Afro Legends vs Damdai Money Match at EVO!

Damdai gets paid $50 for each Mexican typhoon. Afro gets paid $10 per maxx out :slight_smile:

I donā€™t know if Iā€™m talented, but I am broke. $500 bucks is a lot for me, but Iā€™m willing to put it on the line and ride with my boy Afro. Lets get it on baby!

hide yo kids, hide yo wife, hide damdai afro gona b raping everbody :o

Iā€™ll add to this. $50 to Damdai if he can land a standing 720. $50 to Afro if he can manage to stun O.Hawk.

Letā€™s make it more ridiculous. Letā€™s add more money bonuses for whoever gets the first hit in the first match, getting a perfect, getting a double perfect, and picking O.Cammy.

I would imagine Zass was joking instead of putting a couple of grand on the line there.

So was I.

Serious answer: Keep it simple. A set amount of cash to be won, FT10 gets the money. Loser gets nothing but salt.

Money talks: Damdai and Afro make the terms.

^^^ Agreed. Though it is fun to talk about, I donā€™t really think other peoples input should matter. I like the idea of simpler terms, but itā€™s up to the players. Iā€™ll support the event either way. I just want to see two great players go head to head on my favorite game.

lol first time ever that i see how google translator worksā€¦ that shit sucks!, damn my conversations with aniken and mattsun has no sense! xD :frowning:

Accurate translation:

"if any Nica(raguan) read this topic, i bet a sixpack in damdaiā€™s favor, if i win, i take the sixpack but iā€™ll drink the half of the sixpack with the loser hehehe, so everyone wins!.

Nica is the short term for Nicaraguan, Nicaragua is a country, a person that lives or come from Nicaragua, is a Nicaraguan.


Thats all i gotta say.

I really canā€™t take that post seriously.

betting afro to get dat fight money

Regardless I think this will be the most hype match-up at Evo 2012 for me. I canā€™t wait to see these matches. Too bad I canā€™t go.

Whatā€™s the gir looking at when it cuts back to Snipes?

ill be taking my side bet money

Afro bragging in GGPO atm:

Another SS:

but here some more ā€œAfroBullshitā€:

This line is the top of the cake: ā€œ<afro legends> he wont beat me with hawk for sureā€

I kind of agree with it. Daigo is a strong player, but I doubt heā€™s going to take out the other Japanese players that have consistently stayed with ST, and ONLY ST.

And Afro has had PLENTY of time to practice against very strong Hawk, Ryu, and O.Ken players here on the West Coast. Thereā€™s no Boxer or Deejay at his level on the east coast.

Hope Afro, doesnā€™t lose 0-10 to damdaiā€™s hawk.

Diago will get top 4 for sure. But he wonā€™t beat nuki or mao. Even shun joker fro ggpo said that Mao will take 1st. In diagos prime back when he was actively playing ST, I wouldnā€™t never bet against him, but these guys never stopped playing. There is no way Diago can keep up with top ACTIVE japanese players. Itā€™s not happening.

What was said was said. Regardless, I still think Damdai is the best player in the US right now. I look at myself as a 3 to 1 dog heading into the money match. I plan on taking it to the champ though. It wonā€™t last the distance. Someoneā€™s getting knocked out. :slight_smile: