Afro Legends vs Damdai Money Match at EVO!

It does sound good on paper.

Winning more for winning more.

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$500 on the line, FT10, no character lock, first pick is double blind. No other rules or stipulations. Puts a lot more stress on both players, which will prove who is more mentally tough. Also makes it more hype for the spectators.

If we do a set amount of $500 and then $50 per game, the reward will still be influenced by how much we kick the other person’s ass. You would basically win at least $550(10-9) and up to $1000(10-0). I just feel with the amount of hype this MM is getting and the magnitude of the event itself, it would be kinda lame if the MM turns out to be only for a measly $100. Just my 2 cents.

That is also a true point.

Though, if you just make it straight $1000, it would get serious hype at 9-9.

Make the first five wins $100 each, and then make the last five $500. So if either of you lose 10-6 you’ll still be out $500. But if you’re down 9-5 you still have a chance to get $500 and you’re one game away from losing $500 too… see? hype.

Each match double or nothing! No limit to matches until someone has nothing but a plane ticket left.

Once you guys settle on how the money will be bet, I think you should strongly consider throwing in each other’s personal arcade stick. That makes it more personal and the winner will have a trophy that will forever showcase his awesomeness. It would suck to know that someone else was in possession of your arcade stick… one that YOU lost in a bet you thought you would win.

Too many wacky ideas being thrown out IMO. I like Watson’s solution of $500 bonus and $50 or $100 per game. I would love to see $100 a game just based on all of the discussion around this matchup but that’s just me. We’re all grown men and I’m sure we can come up with a good compromise.

As usual, the side bets are likely to be worth more than the actual player’s bets: the mark of a really good money match haha.

Yeah, I think losing their personal sticks is, too personal. They probably won’t be friends after if they do that. It’s just a game, no need to get trophies.

I think watsons idea is the best.

Haha, that’s the equivalant of betting pink slips.

Afro vs. Damdai, 2 Fast, 2 Furious, 2 X

Since everyone has an opinion about how they should do it, here’s what I would suggest for max hype. $500 guaranteed. 10-0 either way, loser pays DOUBLE. If you streak 5 games, $100 bonus. Perfect = $20. Double Perfect = $100.

Roy’s getting fancy it seems.

Whatever arrangement the players workout is 100% cool. I am hyped about it either way. It’s just nice to see ST get this attention. Personally, I think the simpler the arrangement the better.

That’s a gamblers mindset. Before they started negotiating prices, I was already thinking about special bonuses like this. But I didn’t want to butt in on their negotiation. But this is super hype IMO.

They can also do a Member Match : 1 win= a finger cut, 5 wins difference = an arm cut, I’ll let them decide what it would be for a 10/0 !

8 pages of shit talking and the money match is going to end up being for $100-$200 between the two guys? lol really? Why is everyone in the FGC so talented and yet so broke?

Si algun Nica lee este tema, apuesto un sixpack de cervezas a favor de damdai!, si gano, me deberian un sixpack pero me bebo la mitad con el perdedor jejeje, so everyone wins!, spanish rules! mofos.

Courtesy of Google translate: “If any Nica read this topic, I bet a sixpack of beer for damdai!, If I win, I should drink a sixpack but I half with the loser”

Wtf is a Nica?

short for nicaragua

short for Nicaragua

Ah man, this will be a treat.

I’m leaning towards Damdai.

Reason: his “custom title” underneath his avatar is “” :rock: