I hope the cab gets there, I really do.
Again why I keep confirming the main points… cabs… setups… filming
Could this be the fate of the KuroCab @ EVO 2012??? See the STR crew on the roof of Cesar’s Place July 7th to find out!!!
Jump to 2.42
Damdai is a cool dude but I’ll take Afro for $200 if anyone wants to bet.
So this means you’re gonna be at EVO? Where you been dude? Long time no see.
Anyone else had to look up escrow?!..my GED strikes again
That image is amazing. If the high score said EVO and score was something like 76812 or 7712, it would be perfect.
Tournament of leg ends, woo! Let’s go!~
I got a low-stakes-ass $20 on Damdai. Catch me at the Skullgirls booth at Evo.
The stakes have been determined. First to 10, $100 per game. Let’s go mofro!
Interesting way to do a money match. I like it!
I could say something like "OH OK I BET ALL MONEY + MY CAR ON AFRO!!!"
But i’m not a gambler really heheeh, neither do i live near vegas…
However i can simply say that i am cheering for afro legends.
Also Blitzfu, really cool picture ! very well made. The first thing i noticed about it was that it says “P00” to the left side. HAHA !
No offense to anyone, whatsoever… It could just be me not being a GGPO-ST player.
I’ll take you up on that! Only after you scrape me on that sg goodness. See you at Evo!
damgo, I don’t get it.
So 10-0 winner will get $1,000 and 10-9 winner will get $100??
“POO” does look strange but it’s actually just the alias for Funamizu Noritaka, lead planner for SSF2, ST, and the SFZ series. Although he only appears as the default high score holder for the Super SF2 games, he’s listed first in the credits of all those games with his alias.
Noritaka took over after Akira Nishitani, lead planner of the CPS1 SF2 games, left Capcom to form Arika. Nishitani is probably more easily memorable as “NIN,” the default high score holder in the games he planned (also referenced by the NIN-NIN HALL in boxer’s stage).
And similarly, for HSF2, lead planner Ryota Suzuki became the default high score holder under his alias “ONI.” If the trend had continued, then either Capcom’s producer Rey Jimenez or Backbone’s lead producer Michael J. Boccieri should have been the default high score holder in HDR but we’ll never know because scores were inexplicably taken out of that game.
ah i see , lol.
Thanks !
not to be a party pooper or ruin the hype, but cmon? this sort of eliminates the huge excitement factor if it happens to go like 7-7 or 8-8 at a certain point the pressure if kind of lessened due to the fact one of you will only lose a small amount of money…
not sure if everyone sees it this way but wouldnt it be a little more strenuous to have a set amount like $500 on the line, and then have $100 or even $50 per game at stake? i dont know, its your guys show, but i just feel the tension is all gone if the score is close all the way through. can others offer feedback? just wanna see both these guys playing under as much pressure as possible and seeing a nice payday for the winner instead of a possible $100 at risk over such a good match…
I like the idea of having a set amount of $500 on the line, and either $100 or $50 per game. That’s ingenious…
Damdai, are you cool with that?
As it is now, our reward is directly proportional to how much we kick the other persons ass, which I think is cool.
And I don’t like the idea of losing $1000 if your boxer beats my hawk 10-9
I also think it makes every match MORE intense because there are no throw away games.
I’ll think more about this hybrid thing, but I tend to err on the side of simplicity.