Afro Legends vs Damdai Money Match at EVO!

Will history repeat itself?


lmao didn’t damdai said he’s done with the whites?

That looks exactly like damdai good observation TMM

nice pic muffin, epic
i think afro gonna win, but be interesting see the match

Yito posting? 0.o

low tier vs high tier… I hope Damdai wins

I would hardly call O.Hawk or O.Ken low tier.

It’s going to end up with O.Ken vs. Balrog/Deej. O.Hawk is going to have a hell of a time dealing with Deejay, so O.Ken is a better pick.

Unless Damdai suddenly busts out a well-trained Dhalsim or O.Sagat, that would be an awesome surprise.

Not really, I’d rather see Damdai’s gief do some rapage. Who HASN’T seen dhalsim and O.gat?

Also entertaining, but also doesn’t have very good odds against Afro’s Deej. Both Hawk and Gief lose to solid zoning by characters who have dominating normals, anti-air options, and high recovery on fireballs.

Not to mention Afro has a lot of experience against talented Hawks and Giefs.

Gief is fair game vs Dee Jay. Once Gief is in, Dee Jay is fucked up. His longer-than-Guile recovery on the projectile and shorter reach give Gief a better chance of getting close. The issue I see with O.Ken is that once Rog has super, he can use it on reaction to hadous, and Jab SRK is not really that great since Rog has long reach, fast rushes and the vulnerable boxes on his headbutt are behind him, so he actually has a chance of beating it cleanly. Which is utmost BS, IMO.

Gief vs Deejay is pretty even, it’s about 5-5, and boxer vs Gief is pretty even also.

Yeah, Zangief is a better option than O.Hawk against Afro’s mains. The only thing i’m wondering is: is Damdai’s Gief good enough ? From the few vids i saw from HDR he was, well, good, but to beat afro you have to be more than just good. The vids were old so he probably plays better nowadays (didnt he dropped gief? if so this discussion is pointless) but without actual footage its hard to tell. I never did an extensive search on youtube tho…

I hate to say it, but I am more hyped for this than the TOL. [Looks at DngrS PaperCut, rubs hands in greed…]

I got 100 for paper over ganelon and 100 for fro over damdai…anyone wanna match the bet?

ANaqvi: Great timing, I’d be happy to accept the $100 bet on the match between DNGR and me. Since that will fill out my $200 requirement for going ahead with Evo, I’ll just need all of our money deposited beforehand. I’m sending you a PM now with details.

I plan on being @ EVO, Ganelon. We can finally meet after all these years :slight_smile:

Done and done. Let’s get this party started.

Hey, undamned. Yeah, I’ll definitely see you there!

Where is this money match going down? On the main stage or elsewhere at evo?

I’ll throw some $$ on Ganelon over PaperCut. Anyone down? 100$?

Sure. I’ll take that bet.