Afro Legends vs Damdai Money Match at EVO!

so much action! i love this shit

Rufus - Big man on campus!!! OK. So just to confirm.

Ganelon wins, you pay me 100$ - but I buy you and the two players a beer (Just for fun/ good will!).
PaperCut wins, I pay you 100$ - but you buy me and the two players a beer. (Just for fun/ good will!)

'Bout 'em beer buying options: You don’t really have to do that if you don’t want to for the record. :slight_smile: PaperCut and I decided to that for the Afro/Damdai match just for the fun it. But, the option is there if you’d like!

LOL damdai got this.

We NEED confirmation on whom is recording all of this goodness

But the difference between them is that Sako actually knows how to Sako tick. TROLLOLOOLOLOL.

I’ll be there, Koop. I can record both MMs as long as they’re not played at the same time (which would be stupid anyway).

We got two American Hawk MMs this coming EVO? There’s no way I could’ve seen that one coming six years ago.

Those are the terms, though I’m not sure I’ve ever seen you drink a beer.

Fatboy can throw down some beers! I wouldn’t want to get into a drinking match with him. :wink:

The streaming stuff isn’t finalized yet so we can’t answer the recording questions yet. It’s definitely great that Fudd and others will be able to record matches on their camcorder though. :slight_smile:

True and you’ve known me for ~14 years…

LOL… I am a light weight… I may be a big guy, built like a line-backer, with a tattoo bigger than most 2-3 year old kids. But really, I drink like a 15 year old suburban white girl - who’s parents left her and BFFs alone for the weekend in 9th grade, wearing a training bra, braces, retainer, and who sleeps in a night guard and an extra large Justin Bieber cotton tee that she bought at his last concert… I get tipsy of off hand sanitizer. Wine coolers, anyone!? Nah, F- that! I am all about berry ciders! LOL - Best part is you probably think I am joking.

EA Megaman has some stories about me and my pathetic attempts to drink beer… If they’re not Corona’s, I’ll be lucky to get two down. I’ll get him in here. He’ll vouch for my sorry ass! XD

I don’t know what I can say to top this honestly. You pretty much summed it up. I mean there was that one time I gave you a beer or something at like 3:00PM and by the time you left around 10PM there was still beer (1/8th or so) in the bottle. It’s at the point now where I don’t even bother offering anymore - because at the rate it’s consumed it has the effect of chewing bubble gum.

I don’t know, maybe you’d do better if we put a nipple on the bottle, but I doubt it. Stick to the drinks that come with an umbrella where he can’t taste the alcohol. :slight_smile:

I thought you were throwing down beers one time at a ST gathering at my place. So you were nursing that beer?

Yes, you ARE a sorry ass! :slight_smile:

I read this out loud to my GF… She she nodded her head and LOL’d… :wink:

Fair warning to anyone attending EVO. DO NOT DRIVE WITH FATBOY!!

He is a horrible driver and he may just kill you. I am not kidding.

All these revelations about fatboy are almost too much to handle. If we meet at evo and fatboy is actually skinny, I think that would be one mind fuck I wouldn’t be able to recover from.

damn i dont think i could make it (i could try) but i got hired for a summer job—maybe i could take my earnings and make a bet!

I’m fatter than he is.

Judging from the last time I saw fatboy (EVO2k9 or '10) I’d say you guys are about the same girth. fatboy is pretty tall, though.

You can’t deny his girth.

cant wait for this shit!

^ Poor Mark Hominick. That hematoba was disgusting, but what a fight that was.