I found Damdai’s theme song. Actually bastard posted it from another thread, but I think this would fit. We could play this for Damdai when he comes outs.
I found Damdai’s theme song. Actually bastard posted it from another thread, but I think this would fit. We could play this for Damdai when he comes outs.
Afro’s intro song. Nothing special about it, I just think it’s a damn good track.
More than suitable
This is right on.
It gets me pumped. It’s awesome to the EC/WC ST scene come together to revive this awesome game. If anything can do it, the TOL tournament and a hype set between these two players can certainly help.
Whomever the victor, and whatever the outcome the ST scene wins. And that’s the point, isn’t it?
I’ll throw some $$ around. Just to add some fun to the mix. 250$ You down?
so check this out.
bernie = $100
bernie’s room mate = $200
fatboy = $250
I’m done. That’s it for me taking on damdai bets. Any one else want to place bets on damdai, AfroLegends is taking bets himself and earlier DJTeddyEddy also mentioned that he was going to bring $500 to take damdai bets as well.
Good luck to everyone, and may the odds ever be in your favor. Bernie, bernie’s roommate, and fatboy, could you guys confirm that you guys are in for sure? Thanks.
My bad, DJ Teddy Eddy confirmed the $200 bet with my roommate before I responded to you. Sorry about that. If you want to bet that amount with someone else, go for it. I’m sure there will be some takers. I’m still good for $100 with you.
OK. So it’s formalized.
Damdai wins, you pay me $250.00. Afro wins, I pay you $250.00.
Also, for the fun of it. Winner buys the loser, and players a beer at the bar for good sportsmanship? (No pressure, if not interested.)
bernie = $100
fatboy = $250
So I still have $150 left if anyone wants to take that bet. It’s 1 to 1. so you bet 100, you win 100.
Fatboy: I was going to buy beers for the losers if I won anyways. Great minds think alike.
Cheers! Game on!
Awesome! I’m finally able to get a wager in. Win or Lose, I’m gonna root for Afro and the Westside Connection lol.
Ok soo im in on the side bets, we all know that Afro rapes me hands down no lube so of course im on his side so if anybody wants side bets im in for 100.00 for Afro winning Expect for my krew to be in full cheering mode with sombreros maracas burros and everyting!!
I’ll take $50 of your dollars.
bernie = $100
fatboy = $250
dsinnie = $50
I have $100 left then I’m done. Come and get it!
cmon now, let me in on this, I got at least 50 on afro.
Afro, All day…everyday.
Don’t worry, It’ll look good.
If it doesn’t, the cat fucking dies…