AEMAKOTO Guide and Q&A: Ask all your questions here!

Vryu are you serious right now? I’m just saying. Do you work for capcom or some shit?? how do you figure this shit out???



How I feel fight now. Yay another U2 use :slight_smile:

yeaaaaa thanks vryu! so helpful as always.

are you coming to evo?

Put the video into the front page. Deleted a meaty setups video also in the video section, it was for SSF4, not AE.

  • Robo.

Remember, his full id is: Vryu SENSEI. He’s just teaching his master class on how to ruin lives with Makoto.

Wondering who else this works on:

s.:mp:, (meaty) s.:lp:, s.:hp:, Hayate…

This video is full of goodies :smiley:

Fellow Mak players I have a question about her hayate fients. Are the all the same speed or are the different depending on the buttons you use to fient with?

From my Hayate Cancels section …

“The only thing that matters when HCing is what normal you use; Hayate strength means absolutely nothing, except for EX, which isn’t cancel-able.”

Didn’t you read it? :frowning:

Agreed this is so dope… i have been in the lab and i was trying to recreate the timing to beat the reversal uppercut …it would have taken me months to do that set up you posted lol …you are one sick fella :slight_smile: thanks

No I missed it. So then the frame advantage stays the same regardless of which button you use…thats good to know.

isnt st.HP xx HC +1 on block?

I’m a newbie. I lose. This thread is great but it’s pretty overwhelming. I watch the tutorials, I read what “looks” like the basics, but for the most part this thread is for the advanced/advancing Makoto player. Eventually, I may get to the point of understanding all of this, but I “don’t see frames” when I play. I may never see frames when I play and don’t know how you guys are able to do so (wish I could).

I just want to play, learn and have fun but all this cr.lp (x3), by many of the people I face online (PS3) is just frustrating to deal with. I know my execution isn’t that great yet since I’m still learning how to use an arcade stick as well, but I really would love tips on how to punish all this jab spam (Balrog, Fei, Ken, etc).

If you mention training mode, can you tell me what kind of practice dummy to create? I’ve created jab spamming characters and used cr. LK xx EX Hayate to try and get through, but there’s got to be other things. I try to Karakusa, but the reach is too far once they get to the second jab. I can’t Kara Karakusa for the life of me. What can I do other than block? What are my options from block? I often get in this predicament after getting back up as well.

I’m asking here since I’m going to be forwarded to this discussion forum if I ask in the Newbie forum. What I’m looking for is someone really explaining some realtime-ish commentary of Makoto mechanics during actual fights against not so good players. What I’m talking about is something like this “I shouldn’t have lost to that …” series I saw with Ryu:

the setup seems character specific? Or is it timing (what isnt with her lol)… im having trouble in the lab using it on Viper, Akuma’s kara throw , Dudley , Fei Long, Vega , if only Kens kara thow wasnt so good!!! I will test more of the cast tomorrow if someone doesnt beat me to it but i really like all of the setups man they gave me even more ideas … thanks again :slight_smile:

Vryu goes on vacation and comes back with TREASURE; that video is priceless. And that last combo… WOW.

Mossad, I don’t think that was a meaty s.MP… vryu just dashes up and does it. Imma check right now…


update: Okay, so the s.MP, s.LP, s.HP link is character and range specific :shake: From mid-range (or a little less that two big training squares) dash x2 into s.MP, s.LP, s.HP works pretty reliably on Yun but not on anyone else. There just has to be a setup where we can use that combo consistently…


Jab spam? You mean hit-confirms? Or do you mean, get within sweep distance and mash c.LP?

Check out post #4, Makoto’s defensive options. There’s a section in there on what to do while getting pressured. Ask any questions if you’re not sure on something in there.

  • Robo.

Nice thread! Being new to SF and fighting games in general, I’ve found much valuable info here. Thanks.
I’m a PC player and I’m having troubles trying to land a tsurugi (using keyboard - I’ve no stick and my gamepad is horrible and uncomfortable). It is adviced to execute tsurugi right after Makoto jumps, but if I try to she either doesn’t do the move at all or she executed it at the peak of her jump (hitting no grounded foes except maybe Gief and T.Hawk). Has anyone experienced the same problem? Is there any advice on the matter? And if not, can Makoto be played sufficiently without using tsurugi?

No that was meaty s.:lp: not :mp:

You have to dash and do a s.:mp: then hit with s:lp: on the last frame. It hits meaty and it should work on several characters. I know it works on bison, too, and it’s crazy… Its actually much easier to do on him than yun. Not sure why…

I know it does not work on Dudley and Ryu. More testing is needed…

Not sure if i qualify as someone new, though this will probably seem like a new person set of questions but here it goes. should you just stick to simple combos online, is it worth it to go for extra damage, whats the most effective way to get in on a zoner, I’ve tried dive kicks and dashing and focusing and using command normals but for the most part those get beaten out by dp’s so i am wondering where to begin

FAs have been and always will be my greatest bane of Makoto play. 50% of intermediates whore it for a lack of footsies, and it kills me sometimes.

I’ve had situations where opponents have FA2 blocked, string, FA2 blocked, string, FA2 before. I’m that bad at stopping it. I need to learn how to deal with them and ingrain it in my head, NOW.

I’m gonna plop down what I know for beating FAs, help me out with some suggestions. Going from applicable at closest range to furthest:

Dealing with Focus Attacks


Counter FA - Good tool for when they’re getting greedy with FAs, but backdash-able on their part into punish.

Backdash - I guess this is good, but Makoto’s backdash is too long and lengthy. FAs have roughly 35 frames of recovery, backdash at best has 22 frames of recovery if canceled into special perfectly. I guess if pre-emptive enough, MP Hayate is a punish?

s.MP buffered LP Hayate - Theoretically at max range this should win every time as long as LP Hayate can hit.

c.LK buffered LP Hayate - With the longer hit-box (and same hurt-box), this should theoretically be even better than s.MP buffered LP Hayate, as long as FAs can be hit low always.

s.LK, s.MK TC - Probably her only consistent way of beating a FA at sweep range, but the damage sucks. I personally don’t like this move except for catching dive kicks, so I’d have to put it in specifically to target FA whores.

s.MK xx LP Hayate - Should be her best option when in s.MK range. A bit risky if blocked, but not the end of the world.

Dash up throw/EX Karakusa - Good players will backdash their FA upon seeing the dash, I think throw is the most consistent, or at most EX Karakusa.

Yamase - Her best answer to FAs as long as they’re not in Makoto’s face. With CH it should be close to 250 damage.

EX Hayate - Good for long range FA baits, but not up close.

Empty jump, Karakusa - This is actually really hard to AA FA. Nigh impossible with most FAs. With Ultra 1, this can lead to a lot of pain.

Low to the ground j.HP, backdash, s.MK xx EX Hayate - This should do 320 damage and a bunch of stun. Ideal.

U2 - Can backdash or forward dash, but it’s a guessing game, I think?

Anything really good I’m missing?

The funny thing is nobody good fighting Haitani or Shiro or whomever will whore FAs, maybe use it defensively at HK Tsurugi range every now and then. I’m going to have to really try to get this down so as to stop getting CH.

One more question. what did the makoto players with good reactions do to train them? Like hit confirming to hayate and general reaction exercises you did?

You can option select xxx Hayate just buffer in the motion and input for the hayate while doing If the whiffs the hayate won’t come out if it hits it will, making you look like you have godlike hit confirms. I personally don’t do any reaction exercises, outside of general combo practice. I say your reactions just get better the more you play. Something I don’t get is how Balrog players can hit confirm his turnaround punch into super. I just have to do it all in one go and hope that the turnaround punch hits. If it doesn’t I just wasted a super.