AE Matchup Discussion: Evil Ryu, Fei Long, Gen, Gouken, Guile

You think vs Guile, it’s a real 5-5, slide make big problem for guile or guile have a little avantage in this match up ? Some Guile players tell me it’s a 6-4 in Guile’s Favor…

I think Blanka beats Guile if you have the reactions to slide sonic boom. Not by a lot, but I think he does win. You outdamage him, his reversal sucks, he can’t punish EX upball most of the time, you can unblockable him, you can actually jump at him with jump mp. Guile is forced to play ridiculously smart, and he has to tech every single throw.

If you can’t reliably slide boom, Guile wins.

I think blanka v guile was either 5-5 or 6-4 against blanka in Super, but in AE things have deffinately shifted and blanka has a slight edge. Blanka does not need to roll to win this match, guile deals a LOT less damage (noticeably so), so a slow, grueling affair, allows blanka to stay very competitive. In super, Guile didnt need to throw sonic booms at all to win, at least when he was in blanka slide distance, he could rely on a lot of back fierces, and low fierce for anti-air. That strategy still works, but the damage reduction gives blanka a lot more time to trade attacks and stay in it. Also, since jab ball still has good pushback, and guile gets a lot less meter, his ability to punish jab ball (after, for ex, a blocked elec), gives blanka more opportunities to safely do tick damage, which is super huge in this match.

In AE, without a doubt, I think blanka is better than super, simply because his more difficult matchups were nerfed.

Blanka will cream Guile in AE, one main reason - his nerfed SB counter hit, I main them both and know this will hurt Guile badly(+25% dmg on many more boom slides), not to mention all G’s other nerfs.

Quick thoughts:
Evil Ryu: 6-4 Blanka, he’s like Ryu with worse footsies and no health. He hits like a truck, but he shouldn’t be hitting you ever. He’s very easy to dizzy. His teleport is hilariously bad, it’s free u2 or slide every time.

Fei: This matchup is worse now than it was in super. I don’t even want to guess at a rating cause it will make me sad.

Gen: This matchup is surely in Gen’s favor now. It’s pretty much the same but Gen does more damage now and Blanka sucks.

Gouken: This matchup is actually the same for the most part. I think Blanka does well vs. Gouken still.

Guile: This matchup is actually better for Blanka now IMO. You lose the ability to ball, but Guile is just so bad now. It’s one of Blanka’s better matchups in AE.

if Guile is letting you slide under his SB easily that guile sucks…
if you have problems fighting guile before you’ll have problems now…

problem is most guiles don’t know how to use SB properly… if they are playing right… you shouldn’t be able to reactively go under SB all the time… and if you are… that means they aren’t doing their fast sonic boom at close-mid range… where it’s pretty much impossible to slide under by reaction… but obviously possible to slide under if you anticipate it…if all they are doing is slow sonic booms…and ex sonic booms which most crappy guiles tends to do… you can slide under it all the time by reaction.

that’s just my 2c…

and in AE… hori ball against guile is even more useless, but not that it really matters because… in this match up balling is more or less useless.


I just try to maintain the positioning I want and am able to slide hp/mp booms. I have above average reactions though. There is a range where Guile can throw booms and you can’t do crap, but why be in that range? Blanka controls the spacing of that match far too well.

The Blanka matchup has become significantly easier for Gen, but even with Gen’s improved damage and normals, I strongly believe that Gen doesn’t have enough to be the more threatening character in this matchup though. In Super, many Gen players felt this matchup was 7/3 in Blanka’s favor, but now in AE it really can go either way now.

Blanka has the advantage when Gen is knocked down or when he applies mixup/offensive pressure on him. Gen is just as fragile as he was in Super, and he still doesn’t have solid answers when Blanka is upclose and personal. Even with the hitbox changes to the Electric Thunder, it’s still a high priority move against Gen which will stuff most of his options completely and puts him in a position where he’s just forced to block.

Gen has the advantage when he plays defensively since Blanka has a harder time getting past his improved pokes now, and with Blanka Ball receiving a wider hurtbox, bouncing back less further then before, and slide being more punishable, Blanka is more vulnerable when trying to close the distance on Gen. Gen is also the biggest threat still with his Mantis Super, which will punish each and every single Blanka Ball on block or on hit.

IMO, a 5.5/4.5 matchup in Blanka’s favor. It’s still in Blanka’s favor since the dynamics of the matchup are basically the same, but now it’s much closer to even since Blanka was weakened and Gen was improved.

Huh, I think players just respect Blanka too much, if Gen knocks Blanka down he just rolls him. I think Gen’s footsies stack up too.

I’m admittedly bad at the matchup though, I just think AE blanka sucks.

I used to have trouble against Gen because I played scared. I tend to neutral jump a lot to discourage wall kicks and do the usual pokes and shenanagins to get the win.

It’s okay. Everybody has different views and different experiences with the matchup. I wouldn’t doubt it for a second if you or any other Blanka Player could give views about Gen having the advantage over Blanka that is as equally adequate as my view, maybe even surpassing it. Matchup(s) knowledge is changing constantly as AE is still very new, and who knows? Maybe Gen does have the advantage over Blanka or vice-versa. Still alot to be discovered.

I think Blanka isn’t a solid character in AE either, it’s unfortunate, but hopefully there’s future balancing planned. Btw, I sent you a friend request on XBL. You seem like a good guy, and I’d like to give you more experience with the Blanka/Gen matchup. No hard feelings if you don’t accept it.

cool cool, I’ll accept it next time I’m on. You’re the only decent gen I’ve played that I do particularly well against though, so maybe we can both improve at things.

Sounds great :slight_smile:

Fei Long

Current Tier List Match Rating: 5/5(yeah right) probably 4/6

Can Punish Horizontal Ball with: dash into rekkaken, Ultra 1

Recommended Ultra to use: Ultra 1

General Strategy: Stay at a distance from Fei Long. He can’t get in with chicken wing because Blanka has too good of antiair moves. Crouching mp and standing hk are good to use. That leaves Rekkaken as his get in move, which Blanka knock him out of with slide or a early poke. Blanka can punish with standing lp into whatever after a blocked Rekkaken. If Fei manages to get close just backdash if your able or just block. Tech obvious throws but dont try past 2 jabs, he can extend a far poke into a rekkaken and juggle you into a ultra if your in the corner.

Useful OS’s:


Player Notes about the match: be patient, build meter with electricity randomly, don’t let him close ever keep away with lp and pokes and scare him with slide at far range. You can try to lp roll into a poke or jump but make sure to mix it up and end the roll outside of his dragon kick range.


i think the problem with staying at a distance vs Fei Long is, that it makes rekka (even the 2. rekka) safe on block, because you cannot reach him with st.LP

when I try to stay away he walks me into the corner, where he can easily kill me.

trying to get close with st.LP doesnt do any damage, cuz you have no charge and elec wiffs to often.

using slide doesnt work either for me, cuz slide only works well at distances where rekka wiffs! so why would a fei do a rekka, or any other poke??
so he will only walk/block you in the corner! and a blocked slide will cuz some pain

I have absolutely no idea how to fight him

i only relay on shenanigans (hope into throw, roll into throw, random FA) and hope for the best…

I think to beat Fei requires excellent spacing more than anything else. I’ll look at my replay and see if I can find some more tips.

Fei is a pain in the ass, he can punish a lot of pokes with his rekka (start up 7 frames), like the 2HP, 2HK etc… you can’t jump, his dp is invincible without ex, the only thing is good is we can safe jump fei, his dp start up is 5 frames but it’s really the only thing good in this match up…

If you’re in the corner, you’re DEAD.

Really really hard match up.

The problem with fighting Fei is that he has better options than you at pretty much any stage of the screen.

In super I loved mp safeballs to bait out rekkas/u1, you could even ultra him for this, but post nerf you have to rely on lp ball which is just too slow a lot of the time, so it’s harder to get into position to safeball.

Poking him is hard because of how good his focus is coupled with how good his pokes are. I think this is one of those matches where playing a riskier higher variance style once you get in might be the way to go just because of how bad the odds are. Fighting him straight up just doesn’t really work. Trying to bait focuses/bad rekkas/bad jumps/bad flame kicks/bad chicken wings is how you are going to get damage in.

The big problem is the corner, one rekka = you’re in the corner, you’re dead.

That Blanka didn’t know the matchup or he’s panicking cause he’s playing Starnab.

His spacing for the matchup is bad and he’s going for a lot of gimmicks.

When you get rekka’d for doing something ridiculously stupid, it’s kinda hard to say, “bloo bloo poor Blanka”

Don’t play like an idiot and give him free corner.