AE Matchup Discussion: Cammy, Chun-Li, Cody, C. Viper, Dan

That’s what I keep messaging them afterwards… But do they listen?

Man I have so much trouble against my friend who plays Cody (his main is Fuerte but he’s been playing Cody a lot more lately) is just waaaaay too good, his pressure is ridiculous…


keep him out of range using, st.lp, cr.lp and st.hp. If you are in that range, block and try to late tech, focus backdash is good too because of the range, generally gets you out of punishment range.

use lp safeballs to force reversal attempts and punish them.

crossposted viper os stuff, safejump, delayed cr.strong os, st.strong

beats lk burnkick, hitting non invincible buttons, not blocking
blocked allowing for punish hp tk, ultra, super
activates os cr.strong but whiffs(can still punish) ex burnkick
activates os cr.strong and hits ex seismo, backdash
does not activate cr.strong os, but far st.strong hits focus backdash
activates cr.strong os, but leads to an even situation ex seismo feint, hp tk feint
blows you up hp tk feint/ex seismo feint followed up with hp tk, ex seismo, or u1

The “blows you up” options are the most executionally difficult of vipers wakeup options, but also pretty risky because she can’t really confirm whats going on and just has to mash those options out.

What string is good for a lp safeball on cody?

if you’re gonna do a block string… you might as well end it with electricity…


Don’t remember whats good for safeballs vs. cody, i don’t really safeball much now because I generally want to keep offensive momentum.

@Lau, safeballs are really good bait. If you can bait a u2 you win the round.

I see… never really thought of using it as a bait before… but then again like you said… i rather keep the offensive momentum… and not ‘lose ground’


Ok cheers, I hate the cody matchup so much.

I’m pretty sure j hk > u/b+mp > cr mk > lp ball is safe. Plus if you mess up the timing on accident or purpose it’s a frame trap.

If j hk > b+mp > lp > lp roll doesn’t whiff it has the farthest pushback.

Was fighting a Cody last night and safe balled then accidentally taunted, then did it again and got ultra. woops

Cody’s anti-air when you’re up close is fairly weak… if you manage to get electricity pressure on him and continue the electricity pressure mixed with jumping in on him it’s fairly hard for him to do much because of his limited anti-air options that hits directly up well. Your footsie’s in general should be better than him as well. LP ball for both safe ball and whiff ball imo is pretty important in this match… his stones aren’t much to be afraid of simply because the startup is slow and it’s easy to slide under but if you get faked he can punish you for it… but… it’s easy to neutral jump it… if you do block his stones beware of his sliding kicks since he’s got a good amount of frame advantage afterwards.

If he’s put you in some block string… in general you should just stay low block… there’s really not much he can do… his overhead is really slow and visible and can be punished on block, his walk speed is fairly slow so after the first initial block or two he’ll be out of range for throws… if he’s too far and you’re crouching he might use his gimmicky jump kick to close space and throw you but it’s not something he can really abuse especially after you’ve seen it a few times…

Also it’s kinda hard for him to link into Ultra if you’re blocking low… because his ruffian kick fadc ultra 1 requires the opponent standing and it can’t be done if he’s doing those ‘hit-confirm’ combos… while the other… ex zonk -> fadc -> ultra the timing is pretty hard not to mention you’re occupying two punch buttons doesn’t really make things easy for him either… … his ultra 2 might not all connect even on hit if the first part of the move lands too far you can block the rest of the hits… or… if the first part hits you in the air… the other parts will whiff leading to heavier damage on him.

what you kinda need to look out for is really his option select to beat your ex rainbow and i believe his ex ruffian kick can beat your ex upball on hit… if i remember right. But like i said if you’re just low blocking and looking out for the slow overhead/throw… he can’t do much… also not to mention backdashing is ok. cody can get a little intimidating with his block strings, fadc cancel, and constant pressure/zone game but if you realize how liimited he is it’s really not that bad…


you can’t jump at cody if the cody player has good reactions. b.strong is 6 frames and the hitbox is humongous. It’s just not a good idea.

Cody’s kara throw is humongous, so low blocking can be bad, he doesn’t rely on the overhead, good cody players should be kara throwing you. Then his mixup becomes kara throw/frame trap to 300 damage.

back strong trades most of the time… I’m ok if it trades, because if he doesn’t manage to trade and i land my jump in the damage is by far much greater than the risk…to me his anti-air when you’re upclose like cross up or near cross up range his options are quite limited to me…

frame trap is pretty much what the thing that cody really have… but i’m just talking based on my experience… and like with any types of theory play there’s always a counter for everything.


If he’s trading he’s doing it wrong tbh. It out hitboxes all of blanka’s jumpins other than j.strong and at the range where you can outhitbox with j.strong he should be using another AA. He also has close fierce.

I’m not theory fightering, I’m basing this off of my own experiences. Cody close strong is ridiculous, and you basically said it didn’t exist.

Ex Zonk is what gets me.

I dont have a problem with cody. In my norcal tournament, I faced their best cody. All i did was walk up jab elec. Rinse and repeat. Never really jumped, never did anything, other than lots of jabs… Push the guy to corner. Was all over.

OH, and ves is fuking brilliant because I can fairly easily link low short to ultra. im shocked, literally

Maybe their best Cody sucks? You are one of the best Blankas in the country, he’s who?

Cody has the normals to deal with jab pressure.

Also of course Josh. I just did low short x 3 ultra 7 times in a row in training mode.

God I hate execution!!! Is it just me, or is 2 low shorts into ultra better bc the third likes to miss a lot? I was practicing against yun, and his box is huge, and the third short was not too consistant. Watching Taku play, he likes the 2 low shorts too, i think anyway.

And I dont know, i think blanka jab should deal with everything cody has pretty well, except for maybe cody low short. I admit, I have only played our local cody a bunch, and on the westcoast just in tournament. Im not saying ive played japan top tier quality cody, I just think footsie ground war should be pretty solid vs cody.

I would never bother safeballing against cody. 1. Too hard to distance the safe ball, and cody can punish relatively easy with that horizontal kick. 2. Electricity pressure allows blanka to keep the offense. I rather be on offense than try to break someones kara throws and block overheads and shit.

And dont say good things about my blanka. Insults and tips only please!!

all my opponents are at least as good as me.

Hence, cali cody > all josh blanka. nobody can deny this.