Current Tier List Match Rating: 3/7
Cammy’s divekicks, option select ability, quick long reaching normals, good reversal and high damage cause a multitude of problems for Blanka. One could argue this is Blanka’s worst matchup(and you’d probably be right)
Can Punish Horizontal Ball with: HK spiral arrow, EX spiral arrow, Super, U1
Recommended Ultra to use: U1
General Strategy:
Blanka does not have a clear strategy vs. Cammy. You can dance around trying to focus, but even a level 2 dash forward puts you in a mixup! Cammy wins in footsies, she does more damage, and she’s difficult to AA so your best bet is to try to force mistakes and capitalize on them.
Useful OS’s:
Useful setups:
safejump -
f.throw whiff mp ball,
u1(hit low), whiff lp ball, backdash,
DP whiff setups -
super, backhop, whiff lp ball,
corner f.throw, whiff hp ball, followed up by j.hp/mk or empty jump low
Punishes -
Player Notes about the match:
Current Tier List Match Rating: 6/4
Chun’s ability to punish balls is offset by her weak wakeup without meter, her terrible fireball recovery, and her bad options for getting in. Blanka has a clear advantage until Chun has super or ultra stocked so press the issue and make her burn ex meters.
Can Punish Horizontal Ball with: dash forward be safeballed), dash forward super, U1
Recommended Ultra to use: U1
General Strategy:
Useful OS’s:
Player Notes about the match: