Advanced A2 Discussion

No they aren’t included in this game. Only in A3 X-ism because it’s supposed to emulate Super Street Fighter 2 X.

But A2 is full of chains anyway, so it doens’t matter if you have the doujioshi cancel or not. Ryu can stuff like near s.Hk link into cr.HK and (and cancel the of course.)
Ryu can do cr.lp link into cr.HP (so this is something like the CPS chain doujioshi cancel, but it’s just a link, but with the same result, having a weak normal comboing with a hard punch.)
And Ryu has link into

A2 is like ST in a lot of aspects. The engine is very familiar to ST. (but without doujioshi cancel, this is a X-ism only feature in the Alpha series.)

Only if you don’t know how to play with Akuma…

KP’s power rankings in A2:
1-Chun (just cause shes a whore)
2-Akuma (because, if used correctly can win all other matchups or come even)
3-Rose (Beats Ryu, Ken and Charlie most of the time)
4-Sodom (Just cause he rapes Chun, and everyone plays Chun)
5-Charlie (Gives shotos, except Akuma, a REALLY bad time)
6-Ryu (better at beating Chun than Ken)
7-Ken (easy to learn and high damaging customs, nice reach, but at high levels, not enough weapons)
8-Sakura (crossup game is mostly all her game)
9-Zangeif (could arguebly be higher than Ryu, but, Gief hurts in retraded matchups, like Sodom or even…GEN!)
10-Rolento (Good v. alot of chars, but gets DEMOLISHED by Akuma and Rose)

what kind of fucked up ass rankings are those?

“just cause shes a whore”

“Just cause he rapes Chun”

Are you serious? Why bother with a ranking list if you’re just basing it off conjecture?

That list makes me want to scrape off my own testicles.

It’s quite possible.

But I don’t see how Akuma can face Rose and have any kind of advantage.

Akuma is pretty underrated, the Japanese think he’s top tier…granted the japanese aren’t as good at a2 compared to the U.S. (allegedly).

Something about being able to start CC combos after hurricane kick combos from mid screen. I dunno, I play E. Ryu and I’d rather have full-screen blowout shenanigans :rofl:

I need help upgrading my rose, this is how I play and I have a hard time vs shotos mostly ryu ( I saw someone post that rose an advantage over the shotos??)

My main problem is that i dont know how to deal with a turtling fireball happy ryu.

If he fireballs il absorb and get meter then try to get close … I cant get close so il do soul illusion (lv 1 2 or 3?) then try to chip with her QCF+rh but ryu will keep me out with fireballs so il either jump or AC if I jump il get DPed or c.fierce.
Il try and poke with or c.rh so il basicly try to get a knockdown and cross over with j.forward or meaty double into QCF+short and anti air with c.fierce or lvl 1 air super.

And is her 2x QCB+p super good?
Also when playing chun-li how do you do her CC lightning legs do you mash rh?
Help Would appreciated!! thanks

You obviously dont play A2, or else you would know a couple of things

#1.) Chun has super advantages over almost all chars, she does not get hit with alot of the moves that connect on chars that have bigger bodies.

#2) Sodom is REALLY good at beating Chun Li, and yes, any Chun Li stopper, IS worth playing.

Please tell me what kind of statistics am i going to use here, all this babel is conjecture anyways (unfortunately, all this talk is played out on the field). But if you must know, Sodom is one of the few chars, that crosses Chun Li up for free…which, if you ever played A2, puts the defender in a serious disadvantage.

I do not expect too many players in this thread to understand how to play A2…JUST CAUSE YOU CANNOT PLAY A CHAR CORRECTLY, OR CANNOT PERCIEVE A MATCHUP CORRECTLY, does not mean that they do not work…

Ourobos, Xenzip: The two of you are welcome to play me and lose repeatedly.
Kyokuji: Please scrape off your testicles because they are not being used for any purpose anyway.

Thumbs_UP: Turtle shoto is best beaten by Rose: get close enough where her low alpha counter reaches him, and he cannot throw any fireballs…You then control the match from there…feel free to do that chip damage super…when he jumps do low fierce + super airgrab and watch his life drain.

BKB: Air fireballs and dive kick make it very difficult for Rose to crouch fierce for anti-air all day (she has lost one big advantage). Akumas low alpha counter knocks her down, so you have the initiative from there, you can try flip grabbing her when she gets up (it works on alot of people)…or you can cross her up (you REALLY dont know how hard it is for her to block that from Akuma, and to a slightly lesser extent, Sakura)…do low sweep into little hurricane kick to get closer, Rose misses the low alpha counter on sweep…if she does the high one, then big deal, she just wasted levels of power to do a simple counter for minimal damage…Hope that helps you out!

Thanks for the tips kitchen! , when you say anti-air c.fierce into super Is it when your in soul illusion? And does anyone have any Rolento strats ?? also when you say blow out CC ,is it when your like right next to them ans you just activate?

No problem!!!..You can do it with soul illusion if you like, just make sure you get all three hits of the fierce in before you do the super air grab…but you don’t need to, you can just do a regular down fierce into a level 1/2 super air grab…lvl 1 works best (always hits when aimed correctly and takes off a nice chunk).

Works like a charm , your the man Kitchen!
…Is there a trick to doing chun-li’s lightning legs CC ?? I do it like this
c.rh then mash s.rh like crazy but its so hard will it work with the piano method ?? my wrist hurts so bad.

Just mash all of the kick buttons and then start mashing Roundhosue by itself, if you’re not getting the RK lighting kick out.

Rose has a lot of options, so it’s hard to say anyone beats her for free.

vs jumping attacks
c.FP xx super
Alpha Counter
Level 1 fireball super
level 1/2/3 Aura Soul Throw super

When she jumps she can activate CC vs someone’s crouching Fierce or DP

Vs any poke she can use the punch alpha counter and combo into Soul Spiral or one of her supers, not to mention that crouching Strong beats many attacks, and also psychic DP with the fireball super, or cancel to it vs predictable alpha counters.

At mid range she can use the fireball super vs regular projectiles- either to use the super’s invincibilty to go through the fireball, or even just do the super early and only get two hits.

Vs fireballs from too close of a range she can also CC through them, depending on the type of fireball/how much meter she has.

Vs projectiles from far away she can use the Reflects (absorb with Jab, send it back with Strong, or block jumps with Fierce), and you can bait people by using the Strong one. You send it back with Strong and walk forward. If they throw another fireball, expecting you to have used a different version of the Reflect (or just out of habit), the first reflected fireball cancels out that one, and you get a free CC.

Akuma isn’t bad vs Rose, but seeing how much damage he takes, being agressive can get him killed pretty easy. I’m pretty sure both level 1 Aura Soul Spark and the level 1 Aura Soul Throw beat the air fireball, though if he’s not jumping toward you the fireball super is better.

I don’t think the match sways too far either way.

I still think Rose pwns him. :wgrin:

Great Info !
What about rolento , I cant seem to get around turtlers il try to throw and anti-air s.strong and poke with c.forward and build meter with qcb+p is that it? does he have anything special aside from his crazy CC.

…Gen and Guy don’t place on this list?:rofl:

People have already said Gen is bottom 2 in the game.

Guy…I dunno, he kinda sucks IMO. Doesn’t have anything that made him good in A1 or in A3

I’m not arguing with you. I’m just bewildered by your reasoning.

There’s a ton of examples I can think of where a low tier character can destroy a top tier character in many different games, but that character is still low tier. Why that character would move up in a list because of one good matchup is beyond me. Yea, a lot of people play Chun, but not every single person on the planet plays Chun.

[Edit]: Let me just clarify – I’m interested in hearing more about why you put those characters where you did, etc.

The truth, he also does so much less damage on normals compared to other incarnations of him. His CC’s are so so and so are his AC’s. I most often use the meter for level 3 supers in combos or after the Flip grab.

The few things I like about A2 Guy are his canelable c.FP, the c.FK being able to cancel after the first hit into a super or special (through only a level 3 kick super connects 100% of the time at max sweep range), the qcf+P,P can lead into the punch super and Guy’s j.FP was better then in A3 for example. It had a bigger hitbox to the ground and was great in air to air compat. You also could get randomly an air throw out of it …:looney:

Terry Nb/Bear Ryoma: Gen in A2 is only as good as the person playing him. Unlike in A3 where he had some priorities (particularly in the anti-air game), A2 Gen relies on some trickery, innovation, and exceptional skill…he has some strenghts
–Anti-air up-kick (on the kickstyle)
–Super combos that are VERY damaging (I have seen, cause I play him too, that thing kill chars from half life)
–Solid chain combos
–A few good cross ups
–he’s got a smaller body making him hard to cross up too.

He fares well in matchups v. Zangeif, Chun, Rolento, and Shotos (though, turtle shoto is hard to beat)…he hurts badly v. Rose, Charlie, and some other chars that don’t come to mind.

I suppose that I am speaking if you were gonna play a trounament with some chars who you would want to pick… MOST players, do pick Chun, so its good to have a counter char up your sleeve.