Advanced A2 Discussion

Bump: does anyone want to share some anti-rose strats for Chun, Ken?

Rose can’t jump on Chun-Li. Everytime Rose jumps, Chun-Li can cr.HK anti-air her consistently from any angle… except for Rose’s jumping LK. If Rose is jumping in with that, Chun can just use any other of her billion reliable AAs: Kikosho/Rising Kick/etc. So if any Rose is jumping on you at all, Chun should be winning.

Similarly, Chun cannot jump on Rose. Rose will just cr.HP or Level 1 Aura Soul Throw her every time. This match is fought on the ground.

Rose’s best ground poke is cr.MP; Chun’s is cr.MK. For the first part of the match, it’s a cr.MP vs. cr.MK fest until someone has meter. You realistically can’t poke “in-between” Rose’s cr.MP because they are so fast and have the best priority in the game. But random cr.MKs from their max distance will not be stuffed quite so easily by Rose because of the range, and you can always cancel into a Kikoken or Axe Kick overhead to build meter. Never throw fireballs from long range because Rose will just absorb them and she’ll be ahead in the meter game.

Once you have 1 level of meter, you can be more aggresive. You can jump in CC to blow through her cr.HP or level 1 AST attemp and hurt her badly. You can block, then Kick AC her ground pokes to knock her down and start a crossup/throw/overhead kick guessing game when she gets up. If you have godtiming, you can CC her cr.MP on recovery so I’ve heard… but I’ve never really seen anyone do that.

If Rose gets meter, she’ll probably start Illusions and look for the chance to do chip damage or a crossup. Always AC the Illusioned Soul Spiral towards the end so you don’t trade with her shadows. Be careful not be be lured by a cornered/metered Rose who will most likely Punch AC you into her corner. A Punch AC happy Rose is just throw-fodder.

Chun’s lightning fast walking speed helps out a lot. You can walk in and out of her cr.HK/slide range, wait for her to turtle, and walk up throw. Once you get close to Rose (and she has no meter), you can pressure her immensely with standing LK xx LK Axe Kick; cr. MK xx Kikoken, or just cr. MP --> walk up throw.

Supposedly the circle goes Chun beats Rose beats Shotos (Ken/Ryu) beats Chun. It’s a pretty even match regardless though. The Chun that isn’t too jump happy and can control the ground by using good-ranged cr.MK pokes and stopping the cr.MPs will win over Rose.

Nice to hear that Chun’ can’t just jump all over people in A2 at least.
They gave her way too much jump-in priority in A3.

I’m aware of the Chun’s strong ground game and it’s kinda what I do when I’m using her, basically I use her c.MK a lot (best ground move) with her speed in order to force the opponent to c.Block and as soon they are c.Blocking to much I go for a trow, as far as anti-air I always use her s.HP and if I trade hits (due the opponent hit early when he jumps on me) I switch to c.HK, so if the opponent jump and hit attack button late I assume it’s better to use s.HP and if he hit attack button early then the c.HK will hit him clean, but from what you are saying the c.HK of Chun Li will counter all the air attacks of Rose (except LK), and doesn’t matter if Rose hit the attack early or late? if so then the c.HK of Chun’s can still counter even if it’s an late hit attack?

The problem that I had against Rose was manly the soul illusions combined with MK slide into c.MP, and also the soul illusions of j.MK, c.MP into (insert other moves here) or soul illusions of j.crossup.MK, c.HP into DP HK, etc…
One of Rose main strengths is her supers of soul illusions that are hard to counter if we don’t have meter to perform an AC, I guess the key is just to wait that the soul illusion ends out because it doesn’t last long at level 1, my problem was that I used Ryu and Ken against Rose and I was not aware of the strenght of Soul Illusion, but there’s nothing like to get kicked in the head to learn from it and try to improve (at least try)
Next time I will not just limit my choice to Ken/Ryu, I’m playing more with Rolento (good range with the c.HK and c.HP, plus the stingers are maybe the best projectile in the game, well: at least that’s what they wrote in the SFA2 strat guide, etc…) and Chun is always a good choice in any A2 tournament.
The main characters that I use are: Ken/Ryu, Chun Li, Akuma, Rolento and Charlie, but I really need to get Rose number in every move that she perform in order to know eaxactly what I need to do and when to do every time she pulls out anything.

So if you are playing with Chun and Rose has his soul illusions on: and if you don’t have meter then the best thing to do with Chun is block and wait that soul illusion ends out? and is Chun AC really usefull if Rose jump with and late MK?
More: how about when you c.Block the Rose’s MK slide of soul illusions? Does Chun or any character has time to perform an crouch AC without trading hits? the reason that I ask it’s because after she perform the slide from the max distance she pretty much recover her defense back due the 4 hit delay of the shadows, right? and by that time Rose just recovered from the slide and she will be ready to hit again with her “bitch” c.MP.

Note: I just realized a few days ago that once Rose activates the soul illusion she has only 2 air moves: MP and MK, all the punch moves on air turn ith MP and all the Kick moves turn into MK, that was something that I never knew about it because I never played to much with her :wonder: (damn I feel stupid) :annoy: :wasted:

Thanks for heads up Strike :tup:

Chun’s cr.HK should counter pretty much all of Rose’s jump ins be it early or late; Rose’s j.LK being the exception I know off hand. cr.HK counters more jump ins than standing HP and will rarely trade, but if standing HP works well, then by all means use it. Just pointing out that cr.HK will probably work better vs. Rose because it counters everything very easily with little timing involved.

If Rose is doing slides when Illusions are active, she is wasting them. Block the Illusion slides, you are not suffering any block damage in this case. If your opponent is doing Illusions --> slide --> cr.MP:

  1. kick AC the cr.MP if you block it
  2. wait for it to whiff and cr.MK xx Kikoken in her (small) recovery
  3. if you’re gutsy walk up and CC to blow her out
  4. throw a Kikoken in her face
  5. do a Sentretsu super in her face

Also, if Rose is doing Illusion slides, the means she started Illusions from far way (as an upclose Rose would not waste the opportunity to make you block a Soul Spiral). If Rose starts Illusions from afar, turtle up and run away so that the Illusions will dissapate before they can do big damage to you.

Chun shouldn’t waste her ACs on jump ins as she has plenty of reliable anti-airs: cr.HK, Kikosho, Rising Kick, standing HP, standing HK, standing MK, jump straight up HK, etc. In fact, Chun’s punch AC is borderline useless. Use the her much better kick AC on ground moves because it has great range and knocks down, leading to crossup/throw/overhead games.

Rose can do all her jump moves during Illusions. It depends on the dipswitches set on the game. In the normal US aracde version, she has access to all her jumping moves. If you’re playing Anthology, you can turn on/off dipswitches so that this is the case.

About the Rose jump moves during illusions: I played the Alpha 2 in default options (hold select and press “O”) when selecting Zero 2 game version of the SFZ Anthology (Jap version) and the Alpha 2 version was released after the Zero 2 version, that is weird… :confused:

About the Chun’s anti air: that is cool, if c.HK counter pretty much all the Rose air attacks then I will start using it more often (when I play with her) because I was using s.HP for late air attacks and c.HK for early air attacks.

About the slides with illusions on:

1- that sounds the best option, as long Rose doesn’t recover her defense already back because when she slides with illusions it’s a 4 hit (like all the illusions hits) and after the first hit rose will still not have her defense open because there is the other 3 hits coming right after, but if we perform kick AC in the 4th blocked hit and if Chun can still knock her down then it’s the best option (I hope this doesn’t sound to much confused)

2- this type of Rose guy that I played will not whiff a slide, once he turns on the illusions: it will be between the max distance slide (or just a litle closer) and he will slide right after the illusions (at least he did many times in the tournament) and then into c.HP or M.P, or to perform a small walk and j. into crossover xx c.HP xx DP HK, or just to wait a few frames in order see what the opponent will do (to mix up game)

3- I don’t think this 3rd option will ever work because: once he activate illusions and slide right after I will not have time to walk and turn CC on because once illusions are activated he can slide in the next frame and I laready saw characters activating CC and getting hited by that damn silde with the illusions on or even the c.MP stoping the CC’s or even the c.HP stoping the CC’s and them xx eating a fat DP HK with illusions on (wich takes hella damage)

4- it will not work because Rose slide takes less frames than the Chun’s Kikoken (remember that this guy activate illusions only when is at the distance of the c.HK or c.MK slide into (insert combo move here)

5- Sentretsu? do you mean the super ground kick? (charge.f-b-f+K) if so: then yes, this is possible and might be usefull as long it doesn’t trade hits (level 1) but Chun needs to be in c.charge some big part of the round and wait for the illusions to come out first.

Yes, you are right about the illusions been activated from the max distance (or just a litle closer) because this guy would not MK slide from close distance because he knows that will open Rose with defense open, so like you say there is 3 options:

1- block (no damage taken unless he performs DP HK right after the c.MP or c.HP) wich he does kinda often because he knows that takes nice damage even when blocked.

2- jump back and if chun is in the corner and when Rose is sliding she can jump back in the wall and then double jump to escape corner traps.

3- counter the slides with c. Alpha Counter Kick (but I wonder if Chun has still time to counter Rose because of the delay of her shadows) do you know what I mean? (I need to test this)

thanks again for the help Strike.


Does anyone wanna exchange/input some knowldge about Chun Li vs Rose match ups/strats?

forget that, I need some PRO Rose strats.

meaty vs chun is good

ok, and about some strats for Ken/Ryu vs Rose?


Are the CPS chains included in this game(or something)? I was messing around with ken doing low short, short~fierce and it would give me the standing strong animation (his close fierce in other games) and it would combo off the short. Really, I know very little about alpha 2 and there’s not a lot of info to be found.

I think ryu vs. rose (5:5) ken vs. rose (4:6)

nash vs. rose(3:7)

Where can I find more matchs of a2?? I like this game.

Chain combos are more from Alpha 1, in Alpha 2 some characters still has them like Guy and Gen.

Does anyone want to share some strats against Rose? By playing with Ryu/Chun/Charlie/Ken/Akuma.

He means the CPS chain,, lk + hp…

If you wanna kill Rose, pick Akuma…as for Ken and Ryu v. Rose: Ryu has a better chance than ken does.

Good to hear ppl talking about A2, its been a long time since I have seen this site, let alone anything SF related.

Wanna share some strats for Akuma to play vs Rose? I know every character should avoid trowing fireballs against Rose because after she start absorving the fireballs she gets crazy damage.
Her c.MP can be a bitch and besides blocking that move at close range what other options are effective?

Demon Dash: my bad, I tought it was the chain combo system.

Master Akuma: The best thing to do to Rose with Akuma is low alpha counter (knocks her down). Then cross her up, making sure u kick about at the point where u reach perpendicular to her head. It is a super difficult block for Rose, and she really cant consistently bock it. other usefull things to do. …Rose has a big body, so she is easy to filp grab, if you see her toss a fireball u can do a flip and grab her (depending on how close u are, it will be overhead, body to body) or just finish with the slide and she cant really hit u back…air-fireballs are good to keep her off balance, just dont get too into tossing them…sweep into hurricane kick is good for her too, cause she misses the low alpha counter…wonder where ppl play this game (other than FF arcade)…anyways, its always fun talking SF.

Rose is cheap in A2.

If I was to tell a new player who to pick, I’d say Rose. Fuck Chun Li. Rose don’t even need CCs.

I think Akuma is half fucked in that matchup. :stuck_out_tongue: