^ I get good distance with his normals. If I’m going in, I know what I need to use to set up for his ground punch super in Mantis Style. Good poking and zoning fun with Gen. Crane style is a good switch from his default movements. Explain trickery?
One good trick is to do the splits on the kick style, when someone gets up, jump over their head and do the splits (jump + fkick) and hit them in the back of the head with it and do it back and forth…makes people very nervous…another cool one is to do what i call an “X” in the corner. when enemy is getting up or close to the corner (close, but not against the corner) do super dive, it will go through them in front (much like a cross up) and when he hits the wall and comes back the other way, the enemy will be totally backward!!!..also you can do a wall kick when they are against the corner and do super air grab (in addition to the level 2 punch super + 1 level super air grab in the corner)…have fun!!!
A bad Rose (or an online Rose :wonder: ) can get beat by shoto fireballs upclose because they knock her down and she gets crossed up easily for being tall. But a competent Rose can really work shotos over.
At far range, any fireball is absorbed for dangerous meter. Once she gets just one level, she can control pretty much everything. Horizontal reflect puts them back on the defense and diagonal reflect can throw them off even if they didn’t jump.
At close range, shotos generally try to throw fireballs because their fireballs in this game are really fast on release and knock down. cr. HK xx fireball in Rose’s face will eat cr.MP spamming plus prevents her from starting Illusion+Soul Sprial because it knocks her down if either attack hits. This is why Rose generally should only get in close when she has meter.
If she has meter, all she has to do is crouch block in range, waiting to block the cr.HK xx fireball, and kick AC the fireball to knock them down, then cross them over (if meterless) or start Illusion (chip/cross), instantly the match is then hugely in her favor as Illusioned crossups are practically risk free. And with 2+ levels, any haphazard fireball can be CCs through and a lot of shotos get predictable with their fireballs fast.
For anti-air, nothing’s simpler the standard cr.HP. It has such incredible priority and horizontal range in this game. Illusion + cr.HP does crazy damage. And of course Level 1 AST is free 30% off pretty much all jumpins in the game at any timing. cr.HP xx Level 2 AST is a waste of 2 meters IMO. She should just Level 1 AST or Level 1 Illusions cr. HP it and have another meter to burn for ACs/supers/CCs. Almost the entire cast cannot jump in on Rose except maybe Gief.
I think an often neglected side of Rose is her CCs. People generally focus on her level 1 supers which are pretty much the best in the game (level 1 throw is perfect anti-air, level fireball is perfect ground reversal, illusions are perfect any situation) and her powerful ACs (punch is free damage + a knockdown and kick has sick range + a knockdown); and people also focus on her godly normals. Her CCs are often overlooked; viewed as decent but not the best. But they shouldn’t be because they are very very good. Level 1 CC cr.HK, HK Soul Sprial x2, HP Soul Throw does like Chun/Ken level 1 CC damage (about 35-40%), and all you have to do is increase the number of Soul Spirals in between for higher levels. Her CC is a step above the rest of the CCs because her sweep range is so long. She can CC from her max distance and the Soul Throw at the end will still connect. Illusions and CCs should be equally big parts of her game where I think most Rose players just focus on Illusions and her cr.MP.
What would be some good CC setups ? I cant seem to get them at all ( just by chance), I already about the one where if the opponent is not too far and standing he cant block the CC but other thant and the opponent making a mistake I dont see how I can CC them.
When jumping, when standing very close (like a throw mixup), vs fast fireballs (the more meter you have when you CC the easier it is), vs whiffed pokes.
When you say jumping you mean when they are really close in the air and vs fireballs do I have to be at point blank near the fireball?
If you jump at them, you can CC right before they dragon punch (or whatever else they do) and you’ll land harmlessly, waiting for them to come down so you can dish out the hurt. (it helps to crouch if they do a big move so you don’t run underneath them).
Anti-air CCs aren’t a bad idea either sometimes.
Against fireballs, you simply activate CC right before it hits you, hold towards, and you’ll walk through it. Then you dish out the hurt while they’re still in fireball recovery.
gen definately isnt bottom two in the game, hes really hard to use, but hes definately better than dan, adon, and birdie.
rubs chin hrmm im not so sure about being better then adon…
there is no way gen is better than adon.
adon has the longest 2nd poke in the game, standing hk.
also, he has easy CCs that does above average damage. a full bar CC does about 80% damage and its easy to do.
his dp is also better than gens and last but not least, he has the jaguar tooth. this move baits ACs, sets up CCs goes over fireballs, has good priority and also safe if blocked.
while jaguar kicks arent safe, they are still good to throw out once in a while (buffered from c.mp or not) and goes over fireballs.
s.hk is super laggy. adon has absolutely no way to damage you outside of custom either.
gen can run away with oga tricks, has a solid (but hard) bnb of a hit confirm: short-short-c.mk-c.fp/lv2/lv3 super. his normals arent bad either.
also gens roll move goes under fireballs, both of them have a good crossup
standing hk may have some recovery but only if you whiff, which is pretty hard considering the range. c.mp has tons of priority, links into itself and bufferable. his throws are also better than most characters in the game.
gen is nowhere as good as he is in A3. the A2 system works against him in almost every way. not only is his c. fierce in ppp stance slower, less priority and shorter reach in A2, he cant even play footsies by walking dancing around and throwing c. fierces unlike in A3. blocking is not instant in A2.
he can’t run nearly as well as rolento or even adon, since he gets to the wall much slower than the other two.
gen fights like an old man in a2. slow, sluggish and stiff.
c.mp links into itself and is bufferable, but you dont get any damage off it at all because adons supers and specials suck for comboing.
i still think gen is better because of comboability. also, gen’s cc does sick damage when done right.
Adon isn’t bottom in A2, and he’s actually a lot better than Gen. His normals are a far better assortment. His cr.MP is very good. It’s incredibly meaty, has annoyingly good priority, and you mentioned its two best attributes: links into itself and into his super. The important super it combos into is his level 1 Jaguar Assault (punch super). Scrubby Adons get very far with just doing meaty cr.MP wake up games, randomly buffering into level 1 Jaguar Assault super. If it hits, good damage plus another knockdown. If it’s blocked, Adon has huge frame advantage and can sweep any retaliation attempt afterward. Since it is so meaty, their reversal must be perfect to stop him, plus that even reverses AC get ups. The priority is damn near Rose/Chun level, so you really shouldn’t fault his cr.MP.
His standing HK should also not faulted either. Criticizing it on its lag is like criticizing CvS2 Cammy’s standing HK. It does have lag, and you will get in trouble if you whiff it haphazardly, but the lag is offset by the huge range and priority, plus the lag is irrelevant if it’s blocked at max range because nothing will reach him in time. Not to mention that his standing HK will cleanly beat tons of low attacks including Rose’s infamous cr.MP because they all go under his leg while his foot hitbox still nails them. Gen doesn’t have any normal that have this much priority, range, or abusability as Adon does.
He has better anti-air options than Gen. Command df.MP is an all-purpose anti-air, he has his Jaguar Tooth which is essentially a DP, and his kick super actually properly juggles for all hits for good damage plus has frame advantage when blocked again. Gen’s air grab super is along the lines of Dhalsim’s and Zangief’s where it’ has to be used on anticipation rather than like Rose’s which can be used on reaction. His Waterfall Kick doesn’t have the invicibility. And none of Gen’s normals anti-air reliably.
Adon also has a much easier time dealing with projectiles than Gen because he can react to them at much farther distances. Adon can MK Jaguar Kick or kick super to go over fireballs from half screen away on reaction, plus the MK Jaguar Tooth is much harder to punish when blocked vs. Gen’s Roll. Adon’s kick super is safe on block. Gen can’t do that. Gen’s Rolling Attack is too slow and a charge motion. The rush super is very vulnerable when blocked, and neither can punish from the range Adon can.
CC-wise, Adon trumps Gen as well. Everyone in the game can do solid damage with CCs in general, but some characters just do obscene amounts with just 1 level of meter and that makes their CCs stand out more. Characters like Chun, Rolento, Adon, Sagat, Ken all have 40%+ level 1 CCs which just get ridiculously more damaging with more meter level. Their CCs are just better than even characters like Sakura who is probably overally better than some of them because Sakura’s CCs aren’t as damaging. That’s probably why Adon’s higher-than-average damage CCs are prasied and makes him a good character vs. someone like Gen/Guy/Dan/etc who really don’t have noteworthy CCs.
Comboability is overrated. Chun-Li and Rose really don’t need to combo to win. Chun and Rose both solidly and safely outpoke and chip their opponent’s energy away when they’re meterless, then they proceed to take huge chucks of life away as soon as they have meter to blow. Adon plays much in the same manner where he doesn’t need to combo you to win. His standing HK, cr.MP xx super chip/lucky hit, Jaguar Tooth/Kick trickerly and poking will also solidly and safely knock away life and then he CCs for huge damage once you leave any opening. Guy and Gen probably both have much better comboability and hit-confirm options than Chun, Rose, and Adon but that doesn’t mean much overall.
i use gen
how do you pull off all the commands of his DP + K move?(second intervals, please)
u make some good points strike. i dont really play gen, so i really shouldntve been arguing.
hes really one of the only characters i dont play haha.
While it is true that A3 Gen is alot stronger, A2 Gen takes much more skill and savvy to play. Actually, Gen runs away pretty good, but running isnt how you should be playing with him…Gen relys alot on being able to do one of the most damaging super combos in the game, everything else you do is just setting that up.
His anti-game is not won by uppercutting, rather by doing crouching rh on kick style. He also has a strong variety of pokes. As far as Adon is concerned, the custom combo thing, i feel is a push, Gen also has one of the highest damaging CC’s in the game (hard to do, well for me anyways)…in the game of poking Gen has some good ones and so does Adon, so i feel that is a push too.
In the end both Gen and Adon are somewhat average chars, concern over which char is better is pretty much limited to the field…for a lesser player, Adon is easier to play…for someone who has alot of experience with Gen and A2, they will find it about an even match. Adon is also very weak to some of the stronger chars in the game, with little in the way of set ups and trickery, Adon is a rather boring char for the inexperienced player.
gen just sucks in a2
hes same tier as adon imo, hes just way harder to play than adon, so it seems like hes worse. but hes not really imo.