Couldnt agree with you more.
no hes not, he is in the same tier as dan and birdie.
reasons why adon is much better has already been explained.
All of that is so true, the damn illusions are a bitch once she start drilling out with c.MK (slide) into c.HP+DP HK or other moves, I guess the best choice is to wait that illusions run out or AC at the last hit?
I know that with illusions on we cant/shouldnt never hit her back after the slide because she will recover her defense back and will be able to smash with c.MP or DP HK, but: even at that long distance were the slide hits in the last frame (without illusions) she will not recover on time to perform c.MP, right? (lets say play with shotos/chun/charlie/rolento)
I have seen a very good Rose player absorving fireballs even at mid-distance (just outside of sweep range) and that is really hard to beat, but the best bet for shotos is: trow rawdom HP fireballs and mix up with overhards + trows, right? but with Chun Li she should not trow many fireballs because its easier for Rose to absorve and get level 1 faster, but the other side Chun c.MK should help to get things on her side by mixing up c.MK into HCB+HK and few times switch with c.MK+fireball. and of course due her speed she should always be looking to a trow.
what you think?
I would like to talk a lot more nut I have been hella busy…
sorry for a late reply
alpha counter her on the first hit of the illusions if shes not in point blank.
if only the tip of the slide connects, then u best be blocking since she can and beat out everything you do, or alpha counter/super you when you try to retaliate
i dont use shotos but the best range to fight rose with a shoto is just outside of rose range. it is extremely hard for her to reflect back your fb and the only thing she can really do is or you. shotos can play footsies with their against hers and buffer into fireball. also, its harder for her to deal with their crossups from that range.
thanks for the tips man, but my main thing is: after the slide I should alaways c.block because she will be able to: 1- block or 2-perform c.MP, right? because a good Rose will slide ONLY at the max distance were the slide will not open the defense. this is the thing that is bitching in my head, and since the match starts without super bar we cant trust on AC because theres no power bar for it.
I will test some more things in the game and I will post more after that.
you can always close the distance by walking forward so when she slides, she wont land on the tip.
even the best rose will botch the slide up once in a while so if you keep out a good eye on it, you should be able to punish it when she messes up.
or just avoid it all together by hitting her out of it before it connects.
straight up jump
If you got akuma or ryu at the start of the match, you can do a hop-kick to hit her, untill you get AC juice. At that point, counter any part of the slide trick (the slide or the strong, block if she supers).
Birdie the worst?
You’re joking…
yo kids.
I like using Sagat. I need some tips.
For block strings I usually do d+lk, d+lk, d+mp x low tiger shot. Anything better?
VC’s? I usually just do d+hk, HP tiger uppercut, HP tiger uppercut, etc…
What’s his best super?
After a tiger raid I’ve been able to connect an HP tiger uppercut, but only once. Does it only work in certain situations or on certain characters?
EDIT: and what would be the best situations for choosing between a high or low tiger shot? which recovers faster?
for VC do this.
c.rh, tiger knee till meter is low, tiger uppercut.
u can connect with a tiger uppercut in the corner against most characters, i know it works on shotos, maybe not characters smaller than that.
choose low tiger shots as actual fireballs, choose high when you predict a jump.
There are some SFA2 movies at Mikado:
The finalists were regular ST players Ojiki [<- Komoda] and Mattsun.
good find, but those matches are sorta bad. they play it like they were playing A3, which is a definite no-no.
cant really blame them since its an American game like marvel.
Hey everyone, I’m getting into Alpha 2 and I’m tryin to find out some strats for Zangief, any advice
Sorry,I do not know what you mean.
Can you tell me how to play A2 is the correct ?
ive never played Street Fighter of any kind (sorry snk player here). How is adon and guy in this game. Can someone help me with general strats wit these 2 characters, especially adon?
Thanks in advance
i want to answer these questions but they are soooo tedious. just read this entire thread.
its really just a recovery roll, and only sodom can actually do it backwards. basically you press qcb+punch and you will recovery roll. Jab goes nowhere, mp will roll forwards some distance, fp rolls forwards max distance. you are vulnerable throughout the duration of the roll.
the command for the ground recovery roll is f,df,d+p, not qcb+p. possible after an air guard. also allows you to escape certain juggles. for sodom’s backwards roll enter f,df,d+p.