Sometimes…the status is rolling far away from opponent. It’s not command for the ground recovery roll. I have no idea what will happening after SuperCombo.
If you mean after Guy’s super or Ryu’s hurricane kick super, you roll backwards automatically.
A2 videos weren’t bad.
I’m pretty sure the recovery roll’s command is the same as for Alpha Counter (b,db,d+p) unless it works both ways because I’ve been doing it the way I mentioned and it worked last night
it works both ways for sodom. otherwise b,db,d+p
uh yeah. i meant to say that b,db,d+p was the command for the universal command roll, not f,df,f+p. sorry for any confusion caused.
sorry to bother, but i kinda wanna know some strats i need to use with ryu/sakura
like what pokes i should use… best CC’s( im figuring hado rave is not a bad choice). any help would be great cuse i want to get in this game
For Ryu the usual c.RH, qcb+HK, dp+FP Shoto lvl 1 CC is really good. With more meter you want to use the c.RH into qcf+FP (so you get the red KD Hadoken damage wise).
In terms of Sakura maybe sweep into her dps? I actually never played her outside of A3. :xeye:
Thanks to that new netplay thingy, I started to play a bit again and can someone explain why you can sometimes finish after a CC with a juggle and other times not? Like for Guy you can sometimes add another hurricane kick after some CC …
For Sakura try, qcb mk and end with dp hp for a level one cc. At higher levels you can sneak in a dp mp before the finish.
How good/bad is the A2 on Alpha Anthology in comparision to the arcade version?
its arcade perfect if you adjust the dipswitches.
Can activation be used to go through anything like A-Groove in CvS2? What buttons do most people press to activate?
doesnt quite work like that. lv3’s have invincibility, but if someone is meatying you, you will most likely still lose.
activate with 2 punches and a kick or 2 kicks and a punch.
jab+strong+lk feels the most natural, but mashing every button isn’t a bad idea.
noob question… where do i got to adjust the dipswitches…?
in the options menu, hold r2 when selecting game options, change it to the oldest version.
ryus best poke is hp hadouken, learn it, love it, (ab)use it
saks best poke is standing hk in pretty much all the games shes in, no exception here.
I would do a short writeup on Sak, but I’m so lazy.
Basically, with Sak, your entire goal is to land her bnb which is c.short x2 (or 3, or even 4 on big characters) xx fp dp. After you land it you want to either punish their recovery roll with a sweep, or just cross them up again with, and do the combo again. If you land the combo twice in a row, they are dizzy. Her punch throw is good, just like in cvs2. S.fp is really good, solid AA (along with c.fp), and has really high priority, buffer s.hp xx hadoken at mid ranges occasionally.
sak v adon, how the hell do you get close to him? seems everything he does leaves him at an advantage, then his sweep/cr.strong stuff anything that isn’t a super. tips?
edit: also, after a punch throw, i couldn’t execute a crossup on sodom. does he get up fast, or what’s the deal?
Just thought I’d drop off something to laugh at:
So, can I get a tier list?
Mine is kinda controversial, but valle (recently) told me, and validated his opinions somewhat. There are alot of good characters in a2.
top 4.
Chun, Ken, Rose, GIEF.
Now you may be asking yourself wtf why gief. Gief’s jumpins in this game are simple unmatched, not only does he create mistakes by simply being near you, his variable hitboxes (j.strong makes him TINY) and extremely high priority moves (j d+mk, splash) makes him incredibly difficult to AA. His d/f rh gives him the longest ranged Valle CC in the game, his own anti air game is very strong, and ticks actually work.
Valle also said that he thinks Akuma, and E.Ryu are better than Ryu.
Just under them would be Ryu I guess. Rolento, Sakura, Charlie, and Sagat are also all pretty good, and have good shit about them. Pretty much everyone else is mid tier, and bottom 3 is generally agreed upon to be Birdie, Gen, Dan.