alpha2gold is a terrible terrible game. only cool thing was the color chemes in the presentation lol…
yeah, i figured as much, i kinda remember it being different in the arcade but it had been so long
is regular sfa2 for ps1 much better? i don’t have that game but i might be willing to look for a used copy if it’s worth it.
eh, ps1 a2 is a pretty bad port IMO, but if its your only choice, im sure itll do. its missing a lot of animations which messes a lot up. more slowdown, long loadtimes compared to saturn and other various crap.
if you have a saturn, i would highly recommend that version, other than a couple of sound effect issues like rose c.strong sound, the game is the best non-naomi capcom port they’ve done yet. load times are bearable, all animations are intact, everything in the arcade works. just gotta beef up the speed to turbo 3 since its slower than arcade.
or just get an emulator or the cps2 board and play the real thing
anyway, hope that helps.
just curious, did they fix the colors fot the CE chars in sfa2gold. cause i remember sfz2a (which sfa2 gold is based off of, no?) had weird CE colors. esepcially for ryu, who was basically just a brown color scheme instead of the off-white, red headband getup we’re so used to. however i saw a screencapture of him with those colors, and i figured it was from sfa2 gold…answers?
This could of already been mentioned, but I’m way too lazy to look, so cut me some slack and just answer the question:
What’s the differences between SFA2 and SFA2 Gold?
I think I know some…
A2G has:
Cammy (whee)
CCs are done with fierce+rh
ACs take a meter and a half to do?
and I think I’ve heard people complain about priorities being messed with. >shrugs<
Might as well play the original if you have it…
I’ve got a question about ACs. Are there any ACs besides Rose’s that allow you to combo afterwards? Sometimes I notice they hit funny and leave the opponent standing… If not, what are some nasty things you can do with Rose’s AC after you connect it? CC perhaps? Something nasty with the shadows?
I’d agree that A2 is probably the only enjoyable SF game left. But it has its problems as well. My biggest gripe is that shotos (except Akuma) are just brain-dead easy to play. Chun and Rose are obviously very good, but you have to know what you’re doing to make them go. The shotos… anybody can just pick up and go with them.
However, probably the best thing about A2, at least for me, is meter management. Other than MvC2 and CvS2, where you have multiple characters or whatever, there really is no other SF game with as much depth just in the super bar. You have 3 weapons from the super bar, all of which are extremely useful. This depth opens up a whole subgame of keeping track of your opponent’s meter as well as yours.
Very late reply but thanks marvelscrub that clears up a few things.
I think I’ve worked out the backwards roll thing. From what I can gather its when you air recovery roll after getting hit out of an attempted crossup. The computer thinks your facing the other way so you roll away from your opponent instead of towards. It doesn’t happen all the time though, its pretty rare.
Im gonna try and work out the damage difference between sweep, anti air and just straight out special today. Its a bit tricky though since the saturn doesn’t give damage levels. I report my results soon.
i disagree. chun-li is probably more brain dead than any you give her credit for…i mean its pretty easy to bait a intermediate shoto player, but chun-li is so low risk high reward…its ridiculous. i am talking about below expert-level play btw. the bufferability of cr. mk just makes her a borderline scrub char
Um its all about Paintball now but i’ll jump in here quick and just state as a former avid chun player of A2 days, chun in early A2 era was great but as months,years past she wasn’t so powerful when anti chun techniques became the standard. She has about 10 things that are more useful then low forward fb and more practical. For one low forward,Fb from anywhere but up close is suicide since u can pretty much Reversal CC through the fb and get big time damage, or reversal super ect will beat a long low forward, fb. Yea if a scrub is playign he’s gonna sit there and keep blocking but we’re talkin expert level play i think? Besides Stand short,Fb is more effective and longer range then low forward. Best thing about Chun is her CC. Always has been always will be. rh,rh,rh,rh, up+rh is a killer weapon to have at yer disposal.BUT that just didn’t cut it after first year of A2. Not many players can really play chun effectively in high level play. You’ll notice more ryu,kens then u will chun.Ok now that i wrote all this i dunno what the hell the post was about anymore and i really don’t care enough to hit the back button so i will close out this random babble. cya
How bout the SNES version
btw, I was looking for some Rolento and Dhalsim tips or combos. Anyone?
Any serious A2 Bison players here. Yeah, quit laughing. He’s my favorite in A2. Well anyway, anyone here have any special Bison strategies or tricks?
How I play Bison?
Poke, poke, poke, turtle, turtle, turtle. Standing MK all day long, with a long distance crouch roundhouse sometimes. Crouching/standing MP sometimes. Fireball is great if you know when to use it! (Spacing, Bison must be the king of space.)
“Why do you turtle so much? Quit turtling!”
My Bison “Rush Down” is:
Jump in LK all day long, land and crouch LK, stand LK (repeat from the jump in LK). Foot stomp sometimes, hand stomp sometimes. Jumping up forward or roundhouse. Air throw sometimes. (always charging.) Fireball sometimes. Pin them. Walk up and throw.
Missed a kneepress nightmare? THROW RIGHT AFTERWARDS.
Coolest thing? Once cancelled a standing roundhouse into a kneepress nightmare!
And don’t play Rose, Chun or Sakura. But everyone else is fair game!
Finding A2 tournaments where I live is almost impossible. IMO, I think A2 is the best SF ever. I hear Texas Showdown is going to have alpha 2. any of the surviving alpha 2 fans going to Texas to play?
I’ve just started to play Chun Li and Im trying to work out a solid anti air system. There seems to be alot of different options but nothing is as solid as the good old DP which im used too. So what do you Chun players use and at what distance?
Try the standing/crouching rounhouse it does wonders, if want something more like a special move anti air use her triple kick (short version is invincible, super is very good). Chunli is actually an anti-air power-house I’m puzzle why you think she doesn’t have solid anti air, personally all her anti-air moves are higher priority than any other character in the game.
I generally use standing roundhouse when the opponent is gonna land right on top of me or if there going for a crossup. That seems to work fine aslong as they are deep enough on me, it has hardly any horizontal range. She is extremely quick and I can often walk under them and use standing roundhouse when there not deep enough on me. But its the normal sort of jump in I cant find the best option. I havn’t tried out crouching roundhouse much I’ll see how it goes from memory it seems to trade a lot when I use it. The special triple kick I really dont like but I’ve never tried it using the short version that may work better.
This is A2… have you tried CC or AC for anti-air?
I think i remember walk under, s.strong might be ok against cross ups.
What about Adon in this game? His specials seem to be CC fodder, but he does have a crazy low strong, and a fat CC (who doesn’t tho i guess). Is he better in this game than A3?
he is stronger in a2 than a3. its kinda hard to say tho cuz a3’s dynamics are totally different than a2. completely different games. but yeah, i think he does better in a2
adon CC = death. that is his whole strategy. he has good normals and should refrain from using a lot of jaguar kicks. low strong, overhead, low roundhouse, standing roundhouse, d/b+forward should be your main weapons. he’s very good at zoning and feels sort of like rolento because adon likes to stick to his normals until his CC is ready. once you get a lv3, try to land low roundhouse into short jaguar kicks and finish with a jaguar knee. the damage is just plain sick.
Ryu, Ken, Chun Li, Rose will just eat up bison. Here’s why I think he has such problems in that game. ALL of his normals like standing forward gets BEAT by low strongs. Those four characters can just beat all his normals. Add fireball to the face while he stalls and AC his headstomps etc. and Bison is pretty much a sitting duck. For real. This also works on Birdie since you can low strong EVERYTHING. Not just Rose has a good crouching MP. Still, Bison’s pretty decent despite this weakness. I think Bison does pretty decent against Sakura since she has a hard time with his pindown but Sak’s got her crossup and better CC. Bison’s CCs are really sad too because they don’t do much damage.