Jump towards forward or fierce, standing fierce, standing forward, low roundhouse.
You automatically roll backwards when hit by Ryu’s hurricane kick super or Guy’s Bushin chain, etc. I think Sodom is the only one who can go backwards on command. And rolling is Ground Recovery.
Good thread.
At least here on Portugal we will have Alpha 2 again on the biggest SF tournament, we had Alpha 2 on the first EFT and we will have it again on 2005 (around summer time) for 2004 results check: www.akumacombos.com/extreme (soon I will add a new layout to that page)
Anyway: do you know if they recorded anything on that Texas tournament?
ramberk: the best Bison Alpha 2 players that I ever saw was from a chinese tournament (both Bison players got into the finals and beat many Ryu, Ken, Rose, Chun Li etc… players) They used a lot of the Down-Up+HK to rush down agaisnt fireball players by staying a litle more far away for midle screen --> at this distance almost every fireball dont have time to reach Bison and give him planny of time to perform his Down-Up+HK, and after hiting the opponent with this move they always had the chance to: 1st --> hit the opponent if he does DP LP (by pressing HP after the hit of Down-Up+HK) because as you know after Bison hit the opponent with this move he will be on air and DP LP doesnt go high enought to hit him and on the way down he can hit again if the DP LP is performed by opponent) or 2nd: Fake this same move into landing out of the DP range (on this case DP HP) and punish then with a regular combo or super, and there was more stuff…
Talking this way looks very easy but it takes a hard Bison player to do this without mistakes like they were doing on that chinese tournament (it was not by accident that they beat all the shotos and chun lis, etc… players there… they were the best Bison players from Alpha 2 that I ever saw)
I dont see Bison from Alpha 2 as a Top Tier but on very good hands he can be a problem.
Wow, this thread was over a year old.
As far as special moves or regular moves Chun Li doesnt has a 100% solid anti air like Ken DP LP but she can manage very well to work on anti-air to make any opponent to think 2 times before jumping on her.
heres how:
On Alpha 2 the most classic/safe regular anti-air move for Chun Li its her standing HP, but theres some situations were you this move its not 100% safe --> you can and should change this move in order to confuse a lot your opponent like: if you opponent jump at you from kinda far/midle distance use always standing HP, if your opponent jumps at you from real close distance use standind HK, and more important: many opponents like to jump on Chun Li from midle distance in order to exchange hits by hiting regular attacks on high: this means that if they jump at you from midle distance and you anti-air them with standing HP they can have the choice to hit you at the same time by pressing (HK for example) a litle high (because as you know Chun Li standing HP works great against opponents that want to hit you with regular/deep attacks coming from air) but if they press their attack on higher (on air) the result will be the exchange of hits and on this case they know that even if they get hit by your HP they will hit you with their HK. Now the key to make them fear you on anti air is: if they start hiting your standing HP by hiting high just use your (down+HK) --> this way if they try again to hit you on high they will get hit by Chun (down + HK) and you will not get any damage.
Now you know that if they try to hit you from the air with regular or deep moves: you can kick their ass with Satnding HP, but if they try to exchange hits or even hiting you by pressing the attack on high just press down + HK and you will hit them without any damage (this is a pain for many opponents that try to jump a lot on Chun Li)
Theres a lot of more ways (and much safer) to beat suckers who try to jump on Chun Li (a good opponent almost dont jump on Chun Li) and heres why:
Try to be always at kinda close distance from your oppoent (but at safe distance from their down + MK/HK), this way when he/they jump you can punish them A LOT!) —> by staying at close distance and after he jumps all you need to do is go to front and when they land you will be behind him :badboy: and on this situation you can damage the sucker by trowing him or activating CC, etc… --> when this happens your opponent will fear you more than ever and he will think 100 times before jumping at you (well… if hes dumb he will keep jumping and you will get an easy win)
So as far as anti air system for Chun Li you can chose from several weapons: from standing HP if they try to hit you on regular/deep attack, or from down+HK if they try to with you or exchange hits on higher attacks that the stand HP doesnt work at 100%, or much more simple: just go under them when they jump and when they land: do a monster combo with CCs or just trow them as soon they land.
If you need any more help from Alpha 2 feel free to post it here.
btw: Chun Li is a great choice :tup: (she has a lot of more weapons/tricks that makes her great on this game)
master akuma, you realize that Kenstar posted those questions back in February of 2003. And that the date is currently October 2004?
Yes, I know that, but since Alpha 2 is my fav fighting game I dont mind to post all that info because other people that enjoy to play Alpha 2 can use that at any compettion level.
btw: do you enjoy Alpha 2?
Yeah, had to find an excuse to bump it so it didn’t get erased.
Does anyone else here plays Alpha 2? or want to ex-change some ideas? strats? techniques?
—> Bump
I played some Gief vs Charlie in A2 this weekend, and frankly I couldn’t buy a win. Jump strong over SB didn’t help much as he’d still jump towards kick me out of the air or do backhand for AA. Staying back and doing lariat thru SBs wasn’t much help either since he was only throwing slow ones, he could walk after them and hit me as I spun thru. And for some reason SPD just doesn’t come out for me well in A2, but it comes out better in ST and A3. Don’t ask. Jump knee wasn’t working too well either…
That matchup is a bitch. Charlie is the ultimate turtler on top of that. I wouldn’t jump with Gief that much in a2 and if I was the knee and fierce body splah would work best.use the spinning green glove to counter sonic booms and to advance you closer. Practice on your SPD (I know the range sucks on A2) but it’s one of his most used tools. Girf also revolves around alot meter as well. I rarely use his supers, I use ihis super bar only for ACs and CCs. Charge it up by using alot by using the Turbo Clothesline (two kicks) because from a distance even if Charlie walks up you can recover fast enough to block. Hope this helps
Zangief is a lot more weaker in Alpha 2 than in ST version (a lot weaker) and the Charlie deep LK flash kick cannot be air blocked like in SFZ2A or SFA3, one of the main reasons that Charlie is a really good defense player (one of the best defense players in A2) is because is LK flask kick cannot be air blocked and that makes most opponents to think at least twice before jumping on him when hes charging back/down.
This is a hard match for Zangief players because since he power from ST version the Charlie players can play on defense a lot by trowing LP sonic booms and LK flask kick Zangief every time that he jumps (even when Zangief jumps with his HP-down)
The smart thing that Zangief can do in this situation is 3K every time that charlie trows LP sonic booms but by doing this he needs to pay attention to the range were he press the 3K so charile downt hit him down with c.HK, and after pass trought his LP sonic boom wait that he stand (if he stand at any time) so you can jump with down HP into 360 trow.
maybe this doesnt help much but at least you have something to manage the LP sonic booms (its a question of doing the 3K on a distance that his c.HK cant reach you) and after that if you see him standing at any moment then you have at least a change to jump on him with down HP or down MK and grab him with 360 or 720.
Someone give me advice on Chun-Li vs. Zangief. The Versus book says it’s way in Chun’s favor, but then again that Versus book was written in 1996 and had Gief last. I hardly think it’s as braindead easy for Chun as the book makes it out to be. So what can Chun do to stop Gief’s jumping, Lairats, etc. And what can she do to apply the pressure back?
lol. Crouching roundhouse beats all of Gief’s attacks. He cannot jump at her unless he CC’s through. Keep the pressure up with low fowards and kikokens. The only way for Gief is to win is by doing a surprise jump while you do a ground move so watch for him to jump or with a CC. He HAS to jump against her because she is just too good on the ground. This match is very hard for zangief to win. Believe it.
Also, if you think Gief isn’t good in A2 then obviously you don’t know the game very well. This along with Hyper Fighting is like the best version of him. And Gief wins against Charlie…
I still think A2 was the best SF. :karate:
Thanks… sort of. Just to make it clear, I didn’t say Gief sucked at all in my post. I said the Versus book (which many people refer to when it comes to A2) ranked him last, which made me question how authoritative the book was about the Chun vs. Gief match in the first place. And I questioned how outdated the book was if it listed Gief last.
Doesn’t Gief jumping fierce beat Chun cr.roundhouse? I know when I was last fighting Gief and relying on cr.roundhouse for AA, he still managed to beat it somehow and get in. So I guess the standard, cr.foward xx Kikoken stuff, anti-air as normal. Sounds simpler than when I actually play the match, but I’ll retry it next time.
I’m pretty sure the ‘Gief doesn’t suck’ portion of ShinRyu’s post was directed to the post before yours, didi, not your book comments.
Good stuff in this thread.
I still think A2 was the best SF. :karate:
That and HF. Didn’t care for A3 that much
didimau: The Chun Li vs Zangief fight is one of the most hardest fights for Zangief in Alpha 2, like I said: in this game Zangief is a LOT weaker than on his ST version.
Heres a few examples about how Chun Li can smoke Zangief very easy: On ground mind games Chun Li only needs her c.MK that has great range and great speed (with more speed and range than Zangief ground game Chun Li can make him crazy on ground), when Zangief jumps on Chun Li she got a lot of choices and heres 2 main ones: if Zangief try to hit high she can (c.HK), if Zangief try to hit medium or deep she can (stand HP), and on ground when Chun Li hits with her c.MK theres always the options to connect with hcf+P because even if Zangief block the c-MK he need to block her fireball or press 3K (by pressing 3K on ground games with Chun Li is a mistake due her c.MK range and speed)
With that huge size, smaller range and much smaller speed Zangief will find on Chun Li his hardest match when playing agaisnt a good Chun Li player)
Even on the famous Alpha 2 strat book the Alpha 2 champions wrote that this is one of the hardest fights ever for Zangief in Alpha 2 (and everyone who really play this game can understand that even if the Zangief character is been played by a great player)
And on the other way: everything is possible and all depends in how the players will play the game, from what I know in this game its very hard for Zangief to beat a good Chun Li player in this game, the bad thing about Zangief in Alpha 2 is that he lost many power from SSF2T/X (maybe hes not the worst Alpha 2 character but hes far away to be the best)
ShinRyuX: SF Alpha 2 (is) the best SF game (IMO) :karate: :bgrin:
I would have to disagree that gief is weaker in a2 than st. I just don’t see how you can say that because gief’s CC is so good. You get to do huge damage off the cc and then get a free cross up. What more can you ask for? He has like crazy options when he jumps too; knee drop into spd, splash into spd, jump in nothing spd, jump in CC. He has a lot of good normals too like crouching jab, standing forward, jump up fierce, splash, knee drop, and has a huge low roundhouse range. If gief plays smart, he can beat characters like chun but you have to be patient and block. Like always, the CC is the key to winning with gief.