Advanced A2 Discussion

I’ll have to take your word for it Gunter :wink:

Do any of the moves you mentioned beat out Charlie’s short somersault shell? Cause if so, then I see what you’re talking about. Hopefully I can make it to Cali in the summer so I can see what high-level Gief is all about :slight_smile:

and about Charlie vs. Gief at low-levels, I completely agree :smiley: I perfected some guy’s Gief at MWC with my Charlie :slight_smile:

ShinRyuX: Thanks for the anti-chun advice :slight_smile:

ok, I have another question now: how good is Evil Ryu? Last time I checked, he was allowed in tournaments. How does he compare to the other shotos? I tried using him in a tourney before with limited success, but I prefer using him over the other shotos.

Why would Gief ever jump on a Charlie that is charged for a flash kick? I mean, I can understand doing it just to CC through, but during the course of a match, the only times Gief is jumping is when it’s over a FB or after hypnotizing his opponent into thinking “only ground game”. At that range, Gief will either trade or beat a flash kick. Gief should always be in his opponent’s face, with s.short, s.forward, s.strong, c.fierce, etc. If he gets pushed back by FBs, he jumps over with j.strong and restarts the ground game. When his opponent starts to poke back, he jumps in for surprise knees and ticks into SPD. By this time there’s absolutely no way Gief is without meter and he has the added bonus of “CC fear factor”. Gief destroys Charlie in A2.

Yeah i forgot about that jumping strong. It has a very long reach. Gief’s best ground move is probably the s. forward and c. fierce. I know that Gief’s s. strong can magically hit certain sweeps like ryu’s low forward. With Gief, you should whiff a lot of normals. Not to poke but to charge up and as Gunter said to get in their face to annoy them and to distract them.

Gief can jump on Charlie when he’s charged when he’s too busy thinking about the ground or when he tosses a SB. I see now that Gief would totally own him. I just haven’t seen this match up too often. I don’t regard Charlie as a real threat since he has several mad matchups.

E. Ryu has few stuff that makes him really good. He has the dragon punch super like akuma’s which does crazy damage and he can do juggle combos with his hurrican kick like Akuma. All his fireballs do knockdown no matter what strength. Normal Ryu can only score a knockdown after a fierce hadoken. No big deal since you’re gonna use fierce fireballs at close range anyway. The biggest thing E. Ryu has to offer is his CC. It has this ability to blow someone out at anywhere on the screen. So landing CC with E. Ryu is a must. I would play E. Ryu if his strong dp wasn’t multihit. I use that to counter CC or footsies with normal Ryu but E. Ryu’s doesn’t hit clean. To me, normal Ryu feels more solid although E. Ryu can do more damage. Normal Ryu has everything he needs to win so I choose him over E. Ryu. Omar would probably argue against this but I choose characters that I feel comfortable with. I pick different shotos for different matchups. For instance, against Chuns, Rose, I pick Ryu is probably best. Or characters like Rolento, Gief, I like to pick Ken or Sakura for various reasons. I think as in terms of fun factor, Ken is best hands down. Just watch people cry when he starts rolling after crossups or ticks for some wicked confusion tactics. :evil:

I think that with E. ryu, you have to be slightly more careful than with regular Ryu. If I remember correctly, the damage that E. Ryu takes is comparable to the damage Akuma takes, so there is slightly less room for error because you’ll take more damage than if you play with regular Ryu. The comboability of E. Ryu’s hurricane kick is still not as good as Akuma’s or Ken’s though, I’m pretty sure that it will wiff on crouching opponents if you land a combo (eg. j. Rh, cr. Forward, hurricane kick), so A3 strategy applies a bit here: standing opponents finish with the hurricane kick, crouching, use fireball.

Can’t download the vid!!!

ShinRyuX: It’s not that Gief’s j.strong has long reach, (I don’t think it compares to his superman punch anyhow), it’s the fact that Gief magically shrinks to the size of a peanut when you do it. It allows Gief to jump over projectiles much MUCH easier.

Forgive me if I’m wrong, but can’t charlie just anti-air CC Gief when he jumps on reaction? Prolly needs a high level, but I remember jumping booms, then eating fat CC. :frowning:

Yea Gief does win that match vs charlie imo. gief jump strong is a definite key to that matchup but also another one not mentioned i don’t think is that far jumping fierce(not the splash) that move has great priority and reaches alot further then most people think. but yea like gunter was saying i believe. Giefs meter is 95% used for his CC and that other 5% is for kick Ac. The throw AC isn’t really to great imo. only real real close and against moves with long hit stun is it reliable. Standing forwards,crouching fierce and standing shorts all part of the ground game i agree.

As far as E.ryu I think he’s really good when you use his CC to its full advantage. Being really good at reaction CC to whiffed moves and or anticipating moves is key. Yes one big disadvantage is Strong uppercut doesn’t knock down. from certain ranges, we used to think that wasn’t SUCH a big deal but it really is. most times jab dp is a better use for knockdown attempts. As far as damage handicap yea he does have one but its not as bad as akumas for sure. Uppercut super really isn’t to be used to much unless its in a combo at level 2 or 3 cuz combo into CC at level 1 can give u much more then combo into level 1 uppercut super.
Eryus ability to Combo into CC is also another big advantage. Meaty into CC is cake with him even meaty crouching fierce can be linked into CC, outside of meaty he can combo CC off of crouching strong jabs or shorts, u can do things such as crossup,jab,short,crouch strong, link CC as a standard combo. Teleport is a plus at times.But also remember Player 2 E.ryu is> then p1 e.ryu cuz of the ability to go into corner combos and swith directions for additional juggling.
Someone also mentioned something on the Rose/Gief fight and how it was mostly giefs advantage. I’d like to point u to the A2 discussion thread on Fighting games forum (prolly have to go few pages back) i posted quite a long response there to that fight. maybe i’ll just cut/paste if i can find it. MAX-OUT kRIS g.

what is Evil Ryu’s CC?

isnt it just, c.rh, fp fireballs over and over…???

im outi



Somes alpha 2 questions

  1. How do you roll backwards when doing the air recovery thing? I’ve done it a couple of times but cant work out how.

  2. How does the invincibilty work on CC’s. Are the invicibility frames immediately after you activate? Because a lot of the time I see a sweep coming out, activate and get hit out of the CC instantly. But If I activate earlier and there just in the first few frames of the sweep it goes straight through me and they eat a combo.

  3. How does the damage work in a CC? Its seems that if you start with a sweep it does alot more damge then if you just start with a special. Why is this?

  4. From talk in here it seems that Chun-Li is No. 1 but I have the videos from B3 and only a few people use her. Why is it so?

Thanks for any help.

nice thread

Not too much discussion about A2 anymore but nice to see. Although only a few of you guys seem to know what your talking about, I would love to get in some matches (for money or without) in the California area. I normally go to Family Fun Arcade in the Los Angeles area but I would travel to play someone who is exceptionally good. My arcade is the only one in the nation that still plays A2 competitively and holds tournaments so anyone interested can contact me on AIM (MrCali818) or just check the tournament and events regularly for the dates. We also are having a tournament the first week of next year for CvS2, MvC2, and ST. Peace.

Long live A2!:smiley:

nice thread

Come to NorCal. Sirlin and I believe that A2 is the best SF ever. I’ll play it over any other SF, anyday of the week. Only problem is, we can’t find a quality board of it… his is broken, and I sold mine to Thao years ago. Berkeley is the closest place with it that I know of…

hey i’m game when i come to cali next year for Quals for japan. A2 is my favorite game also. I’m not too shaby at the game for someone who doesn’t get to play as much as i’d like. Chun,Sak,E.ryu and Sim are my best i’d say. Wilson tells me all the time how much people play A2 at family fun. sounds like a god send to me. Must be nice. Maybe you guys can organize a tourney for the fri night 24th(my birthday i might plug too) or on 26th . 25th i’ll prolly be at quals at camelot all day. Maybe we can get a A2 machine there too! I’ll bring the board.

I used to be so bomb in Alpha 2 back in the day. I used akuma and fucked up all these good players at my arcade, i usualy got like 30 wins or so. Brings back some funny memorys and shits. With akuma his air fireball usualy catches peeps off gaurd and then u and come in with his down hard kick or a ground fireball. His raging demon is hella tite too. Try this ud be suprised by how good it works~!

eyes gunter um yea what he said… hehe

Yeh, no help there help there Maxtah

  1. Air recovery= b,db,d in air after being hit. Sometimes I roll backwards when landing how?

  2. A3 blows out moves easily there is a big invinsibility chunk of frames at the start. A2 just seems different Im not sure how it works which is my question.

  3. I get huge damage on my CC’s but it seems you do more damage when you sweep first then special x n . Slighty less when anti air special x n and less again when just straight out special x n. Is this right??

Is there any James Chen sorta in depth guide anywhere on A2?

I’ll try to help you Kenstar, someone else can probably elaborate a bit better though…

  1. were you using Sodom? AFAIK He is the only one that can roll backwards.

  2. I can remmber complaining about this a while back. I don’t really understand it myself. One thing to remember is that the more level = more invincibility. EX: It’s hard to go walk thru FB’s at lvl1, insanely easy at lvl3. Another thing is that you kinda lose it when you hit a button (i think?) Try waiting for the attack to pass through you (by ducking) or walk through it, then attack.

When you activate, it advances frames. So sometimes you see the attack (let’s say a sweep) totally animate when you actiavte (whiffing), so you’re in the clear. It’s the times when their attack is fully extended that it gets iffy.

EX: you activate, and during the “SHWING!” you see your opponent’s d.forward fully extended inside your character. This usually means you’ll get hit. But sometimes you can just sweep away anyhow and still hit them. Probably has something to do with the amount of super meter you have. But maybe it also has to do with timing? anyhow, this is why you poke with high priority attacks (rose low strong argh) that stay out a bit to defend against CCs.

But if you catch them when ytheir attack is just starting to come out, you got em… hehe.

  1. I dunno, basic rule is that you want to be juggling them somehow. I don’t see anti-air CCs being that much less damaging though. Any examples you can give?

hope that helps.

huh, I thought Rolento would be among top tiers in a2? he has a good AA, hard to AC his low strong, damaging CC and best (and only) run away game.

Also, I think his Kick AC into CC is dangerous.

And Rolento can charge the fastest in a2. qcb + p, his back roll, is too good for meter building.


a little off-topic, but i was wondering how sfa2 gold from sf collection 2 on ps1 stands up to the arcade original

also as fans of sfa2 you may or may not care but capcom just started selling posters for sfa2 again at their website