Advanced A2 Discussion

mk hurricane and both supers depending on character and distance.

Can rolento make his slide unblockable? If not his slide isn’t better than Master Bison’s slide. You just can’t spam bisons slide like rolento but if you use it as a meaty when they wake up it is safe.

We will have an unofficial A2 tournament at FR15 next year in Atlanta ga. I know Alex valle is already confirmed to come next year. If you play and love A2 you don’t want to miss this event. March 2-4 2012 for Final Round 15.

what’s up shinblanka? i remember playing your bison a couple years back. what version of A2 is the tournament being run on? i seem to remember final round arcade having an a2 cabinet, is that correct?

I guess I’ll go!

I’m going on leave for this next year, so ill be there.

General rule of thumb for AC-reversals: if the AC is a sweep or a crouching kick type of move, you can beat it with the MK Hurricane Kick. Since not all ACs fall into that category, you’re forced to used something else. Luckily Level 2 and Level 3 QCFx2+P will beat nearly every AC. Though I like to use Level 2 and save the other Level for something else. The punch super will, however, miss against Chun Li’s punch AC, so instead use the Level 2 kick super.

Random Guy notes:

Zangief’s kick AC will beat all versions of the ACR Hurricane kick, but will lose to the (Level 2 and above) punch super. Zangief’s kick AC will also whiff against Guy if Guy uses any crouching attack to trigger the move. Zangief’s punch AC is fairly easy to reverse with any strength Hurricane Kick from a mid-to-far distance, but will consistently beat Guy’s Roundhouse Hurricane Kick when very close.

Backwards jumping Strong is an instead overhead against Zangief and possibly Sagat. You need to hit Strong the instant you leave the ground, but is completely safe if blocked, beats any wake-up 360 attempt, and can occasionally tag the wake-up Lariat. Entice your opponent into this anticipating the overhead, and then start throwing Zangief when he wakes up.

Speaking of ACRs. I initially thought an ACR was just an option select, and I think for certain characters you’ll be definitely be going for the OS. However, there are times when I am able to simply react to the AC and enter the motion with fairly slow timing. It might be the PS2’s slower speed setting or being my too used to online play to be so surprised about this, but I think in most situations you can simply watch for the AC and quickly input your reversal move. Any thoughts? I read something like this literally a decade ago on A.G.S.F.2 - reacting to the AC rather than buffering/using an OS.

Everybody knows that Guy can combo his punch super after a Bushin Chain against a cornered M.Bison - but how well-known is the fact that he can do this against regular characters like Ken? The timing is really severe and I’ve only actually done this a handful of times, but it could be worth looking into. I think the idea is to delay the Roundhouse input as late as you can, allowing a slightly higher bounce, then do the super as fast as possible. I was only able to connect the Level 2 punch super on the left side corner, if that helps.

His running slide (QCF+Forward,Forward), although laggy and slow and hard to combo, does a lot of stun (I forget the numbers, but standing Strong-> standing Fierce-> Forward slide x 2 will stun most of the cast). I think it’s well worth learning the timing, i.e when to press kick a second time so that the slide will combo after the Fierce. I’m almost certain there is a little more technique required than simply mashing kick as fast as possible.

Punch throw versus kick throw when not in the corner: punch throw does more damage than the kick throw when teched; kick throw allows you to follow-up with a cross-up (and possibly into a tick attempt etc.).

Cross-up loop: combo into his [Forward Hurricane Kick-> walk backwards till they land/bounce-> cross-up Forward-> crouching Short->] x N. The cross-up can be difficult to judge/block, which makes whoever is familiar with this loop more likely to recovery roll after being hit with a Hurricane Kick, which you can punish with crouching Forward-> Forward Hurricane Kick-> loop; crouching Forward-> punch super, or a CC. You can use his jumping D+Strong in similar ways, and that move can be even more ambiguous as a cross-up. For Zangief, the loop is cross-up Forward-> standing Jab x 2-> standing Strong-> Roundhouse Hurricane Kick x N. I think his wake-up Lariat can be safe-jumped by Guy’s cross-up, which you can then punish with a walk-in CC.

So that combo we talked about a while back, where Chun techs Guy’s kick throw and Guy is able to juggle with his punch super, and the fact that it was only possible in SFA2G. Well, I did it today on AA SFA2. However! I was only able to do this once and could not repeat the sequence even after trying for pretty long time. Give it a try. It might just be me. Hint: Chun Li was just about to hit the corner but not quite.

Looks like the scans of the AAZ2 are down. Any chance of a re-upload?

Just hit me up on my aim bro

Did you try with a person, or yourself blocking back the entire time with Chun? I just made my gf, or remapped an unused button on my stick for 2p backwards to emulate block. When I attempted to do it several times, they were all able to block the instant the super came out. I admit I just gave it a try again, but I totally forget if the original video showed it was corner only, midscreen, or whatever. I tried vs chun and then I tried vs ken, and with both characters my super kept whiffing on their tech so I forget all the variables here.

Hey guys.

I got zero 2 on my arcade here. i’ve been having people over and it’s lots of fun. Wondering any rose tips?

I’m trying to learn combo’s but it doesn’t seem that she has the same combos as ssf4

Well I was going to be all bitter and just yell at you, while linking to the Teach A2 Thread, but then I realized NONE of the links work in that thread now so that’s kinda crazy…I guess they were lost in the recent update or something :frowning:

She doesn’t have a lot of combo’s in this, but she doesn’t need them either. Jump in, xx lk drill. If you hit confirm the jump in do c.fp xx rh drill. xx lk drill can combo but its a little tougher. I guess off a crossover mk you can go for c.lp c.lp xx lk drill. Corner you can do jumpin, xx fierce scarf, level 1 air grab super. CC: c.rh xx rh drill xN, end with air grab as meter ends. If you have a level 1, you can do c.fp xx level 1 air grab super for antiair for a nice chunk of damage. Not a whole lot to work with, but again, she doesn’t need it with her ridiculous priority and soul illusion damage/harassment.

I guess I could’ve cleaned that up a bit better, but thats the jist of it.

yes it will be on arcade cab with sanwa joysticks. This will be held on friday to not get in the way of the major tournament games at FR15. So count on it being on march 2, 2012. I’m trying to debate if i’m going to make it a high rollers event or not. What do you guys think? I don’t want to scare people away and I would like as many entry’s as possible for a2 at FR15.

I hope all of you A2 players will attend FR15. We will be streaming this event so the rest of the community can see the greatness that is A2!

Hm, no supergun a la Kajoq? Rdps won’t be there if he can’t use his ps2 controller!

I would try to see who would be up for a A2 high rollers before making it a high rollers event. We want as many people as possible to play.

hello every one, I’ll like some people thoughts on birdie. Personally I’ve been having fun with him. Though he does need to be played in some non traditional way, i find that his tools has some perks and can even nullify a few strategies. I found success in pacing birdie to the match up and building meter to punish.

I’m aware of birdies touch of death but I hope I don’t have to rely on it because I find it extremely difficult to use.

Pretty much all he has really going for him is his c.fp and and crazy CC. Most your damage vs smart player is going to come from that cc. Luckily his lvl 1 cc variation does more than his finals. At lvl 2/3 you need to be doing the final headbutts or you lose tremendous damage.

high roller or not, i would be fine with whichever.

Not all true, and are super good as well, most of his pokes all around are really good…he can keep gief at bay almost entirely with and + neutral jump mk. I still don’t see how you think that level 1 cc does more than 2 finals, I even use turbo LK for the sole purpose of testing and it still isn’t anything noticeable. It’d be easier to just do your 2 finals and be done with it.

He ain’t coming out his cave son! I’m sure kajoq will bring his supergun to f15.