Advanced A2 Discussion

after a few more sessions, I can see why CC is dire for birdie. But this is going off online experience which I find very difficult for me to play.

But i notice some very difficult match up with Adon/Bison. Besides CC punishing situation, I’m finding little punishable scenario against them. So far I just try to get HP lead and try to turtle them out, how ever its hard to do this consistently.

What do you mean difficult? Are you used to offline play in this? Adon shouldn’t be too much of a problem, everything he does is punishable. Any blocked jaguar kick (besides a perfectly spaced one when the moons align) is a free CC, or xx headbutt. Any strength jaguar tooth he does, is a free CC before he lands as well. Just run typical Birdie game with those in mind. As for Bison, I don’t really know I havn’t ran that matchup a lot.

yeah, I have no execution problem offline, but supercade and ggpo is another story. I normally read block spark animation for reversal, in online play I have trouble reading. (not to mention input delay)

bump for the GOAT dead game

Does anyone on the net upload new Japanese A2 matches?

I upload some good matches from japan and from other countries…check my channel and you will see good A2 matches for sure :wink:
heres the link:
I Hope more good players showed up, in the sfa2 room

Just a little something…
Anyone have any starts for keeping the pressure on with ken vs gief?

I’ve watched mattsun, but extra info would be nice. I do sweeps into rolls and such and try to stay in max footsie range, going in when I feel it is safe. I learned i can blatantly srk or even cc grab attempts, which is good.

Well the best characters to face gief (imo) is ken,chunli and dhalsim…so to keep the pressure on gief with ken you have many options.
You can be agressive using the style rushdown, and pressure him with constant + c.rh + roll into grab or intead do the blowout CC( be aware that larilat can cut the blowout CC if donne fast, so if you suspect he´s going to do that, wait and activate the CC after and start it with C.rh for Valle CC); point blank + c.rh into hadoken / roll into another set up…and so on (ken as ALOT of set ups).
You can zone him too with foot games, and force him to jump at you, so that you can activate your anti air CC ( watch out if he does not have any meter, cuz if he as he can counter your anti air CC with another CC and pass by it…be careful on that).
You have alot of options and as you said, you can use CCs to escape gief SPD and his super “atomic buster”…its a good way to escape his magic grab strategy, or if youre good in reversals, you can SRK him (but dont get too predictable on that, or he´ll empty jump you to make you think hes going for the “magic grab” and when you do the reversal SRK, he´ll guard and punish you badly for your mistake.

Here some links of 2 good matches of ken against gief:



There’s something very strange I discovered when playing A2 Guy the other day… this may be known already but I’ve never seen it before (if it matters, I was on SF Alpha Anthology A2 regular, not NFBA/GGPO)

I was just practicing corner kick throw in the corner, when, right in the middle of kicking, he thew in the other direction (the animation for the HP throw.) I don’t think it does any damage which might make it useless, but does anyone know anything about this?

Background Object removal
I know this will fix most stages. The only one i’m not sure about is Rolento’s stage.

I’d rather just hold start on Ryu and pick his stage lol.

how did you do that? does it work online?

It will cause desyncs online if your opponent doesn’t have the patch.

I found in the ram where the background objects were located. Then set a watch point to figure which command activated them then set a break point and trace log to look at the code. Go to that place in the Rom. I turned all the zero’s to a -1 so when the game adds 1 to activate. The objects are off since -1+1=0.

i captured a few interesting matches from some GGPO/Supercade online sets

SFA2 - clorets (Guy, Dan) vs model (Zangief, Birdie)
SFA2 - model (Birdie) vs clorets (Akuma)
SFA2 - Roffles (Zangief) vs WOLFwatcher (Akuma)

This isn’t all that advanced but I’d like to know how to fight some gimmicks.

Akuma tatsu spam.
I want to punish this move HARD. I was playing against a Brazilian and he was just BELLIGERENTLY abusing this move.
It’s really safe on block, gains meter, and on hit it juggles. I’ve tried shoto c hp and it doesn’t work, which is lame.

I can jab it with most of the characters I’ve tried but that isn’t all that great. No dmg.
That being said I can probably just start a cc with jabs and go into something more damaging.
I can Shoryu it with good timing. That said it could be supered/ shoryu cc’d.
Dunno about Choonri upkick cc.

Dunno about AC. Scared to try it, might act like it’s own AC reversal tbh because of how much it hits.
Would chun sweep beat it like an air move?

Ken clk, chk sting to ambiguous roll setups.Will a properly Ac’d hk beat even an ambiguous roll? If I guess wrong and the other player has meter stocked I eat a huge damage CC.
Mattsun even uses these setups. But are they safe enough to be legit? They seem really hard to guess unless there’s a clear pattern set by the opponent.
and… rolling.
214 input?A bit too basic, yes. I’m not used to rolling in this. I know it’s punishable if done incorrectly though as I’ve hit a recent opponent out of them.**

I’ve got nothing else to do.

Chun Tier

Does Your Character Have To Play Footsies? He Doesn’t Tier
Evil Ryu

“Fair” Top Tier

Black Ops 2: Sticks and Stones Tier

Manliest Tier

Girliest Tier

For Try-Hards Tier

No Custom Combo = No Bueno Tier
Old Dhalsim
Old Zangief

can anyone recommend some good Charlie player to watch in this game? I’d like to learn this shit.

I’m one if the few Charlie’s on there you can add me on Skype for matches same as srk name

Air tatsu spam is beat by sweeps and such. As for roll set ups they are hard to see online a bit easier off but true ambiguous set ups work fine.

posted some random GGPO matches on my channel: