Adon is garbage? Jaguar Kick is free CC for opponent?
Damn. I guess me & my friends (scrubs that we are) didn’t realise this.
I was playing him like SF4 Adon with 100% iaJK
Back to Ryu I go…
Adon is garbage? Jaguar Kick is free CC for opponent?
Damn. I guess me & my friends (scrubs that we are) didn’t realise this.
I was playing him like SF4 Adon with 100% iaJK
Back to Ryu I go…
It isn’t just a free CC…it’s a free BnB for most chars on hit or block, and also a free CC on hit or block. Only just barely, with ungodly super ultra inconsistent spacing is it ever safe. Jaguar tooth is also a free CC before he hits the ground, any strength.
Glad to see nothing’s changed over the years!
my life has been forever changed.
So, I haven’t played in forever (about a year) I usually main Guy, I like Sodom but I had to drop him because I suck at doing 360’s. No other character in the game appeals to me except for Rolento. But I played online and I was reminded of why I never quite adapted to A2, though I think it’s the best game of the Alpha series easily.
This is a common tactic on GGPO, I don’t know if this works just as well offline though:
You jump at them, they crouch, you don’t hit 'em but you’re directly behind them when you land. I try to throw or do crLK or crMK into whatever, and they immediately start mashing crLP/Lk. The hits don’t combo at all, but my normals can’t get in, I certainly can’t throw them, and they push me out.
Happens the other way around too: They jump in HK/HP, I block, they don’t do anything else that combos, just crLP/crLK and basically just that, the occasional Special.
I’m just not getting this strategy. Keep in mind I come from 3S where that strategy really doesn’t work and can be punished in many ways. So I’m either a massive scrub at this game and can’t realize that crLP/crLK mashing without going into a combo beats most normals, or Guy just sucks that bad in A2 and I should just pick up Rolento?
You are likely jumping past them where Guy is too far away to throw. Additionally at this distance, Guy is landing so is most likely trying to counter normals that are probably already in their full hitting frames. As a general rule with Guy, you should not jump over them unless you’re trying to cross-up with his jumping MK or D+MP. I think as Guy you should focus less on jumping in to start your offence but rely more on his poking with his ground attacks: standing MK (great reach), standing MP (reach and speed, can be cancelled into a run or the flying elbow drop), crouching MK and the occasional QCB+LP. Use his CC (standing MK-> QCB x n-> HK Hurricane Kick) to punish whiffs, and use higher Levels of his CC to go through projectiles on reaction.
Use his anti-air moves: early standing LK; d+MP cancelled into a HK Hurricane Kick; level 2 and above QCFx2 Super; walk-under and throw, or use his anti-air CC which starts with a standing LP followed by HK Hurricane Kicks. I think you should have a look the Guy guide in the RSX teaches A2 thread.
Hey, thanks for the advice dude.
if they mash crouching normals… you could do MK tatsu to blow them up or activate custom combo
i never had trouble against such a tactic… what you descibed reminds me of my early problems in SF4
Quick question, since I don’t play A2 much- can you tech throws while crouching (d/b+normals)? I was trying it the last time I played, and it didn’t seem to be working. Was my timing just off?
yes, the timing is really tight though. u can crouch tech in every sf where u can tech throws.
A few more in general questions here, apologies for scrubby-ness:
Any advice on landing the 360 with Sodom? It doesn’t look like Sodom relies a lot on the 360, but mostly on his slashes and CC’ing with Slashes. Unless I’m totally wrong. Because I can do the short cut (HCB/HCF plus UP) for a 360 but whenever I get online it never comes out.
I need advice on how to beat Akuma with Guy/Rolento/Sodom. Basically all of the Final Fight characters. Akuma is a bitch and most people seem to use him. His SRK’s are relatively safe at midscreen if whiffed, and they like to do that roll when close.
Key to landing Sodoms grabs is to get them used to your up close game. Also in the corner you can cancel from a max range Just mix up your pokes when close and change it up with a cancel to 360. For example,, go for counter hit c.fp. Next time just do, xx 360 etc. Get creative.
Any advice on beating Akuma?
Don’t miss any opportunities to punish with a CC. His bleeds pretty bad. Try to limit your mistakes because he can do a lot of damage also. If he jumps in and fireballs you can cc thru it. He jab dp has no lower invincibility, low meaties from a distance limit his wake up options to teleport or super. His hp and mp dp wont knock you down or away if he does it leaving him open for a free combo.
Thanks. A few more dumb questions and I’m done, promise.
What is the best AA for Sodom? Aside from LP Slash. It looks like his jumping HP can keep them out but I’m curious if anything else is really good.
Any major changes between A2 and A2 Gold? Whenever I visited the A2 Gold section of GGPo it would be dead, but there’d be a few people in original A2. I really enjoy A2, but the only thing I don’t like is that Guy is fairly bad.
major changes were made from a2 to a2g. check this thread to see system and character changes:
a2g is widely considered a worse version of a2. almost every character gets a fatty nerf. the only person you’ll ever see playing it on ggpo is this dude blazeu25 because, “guy has a raging demon!”
BTW: I played Clorets on Supercade. And aside from the fact that it was skipping frames (nothing can replace GGPO I guess, sorry Damdai) I got the shit kicked out of me by his Guy. I did manage to win one round with my shitty Gen though. How? I have no idea. But I’m honored in playing against and getting utterly destroyed by probably the greatest A2 Guy player out there.
Guy isn’t terrible in the slightest. He has maybe a bad match or two, but that’s nothing to get discouraged over. Seh probably doesn’t touch a2 anymore, but he easily has the best Guy I’ve ever played.
Never really had a problem when I played clorets. I think BBH and B-IzM had annoying to fight guys. ACs hurt guy a lot, especially ones he cant ac reversal.
what is guy’s AC reversal? i’m assuming it’s hurricane kick, but what strength?