Advanced A2 Discussion

Check ggpo. I found it out and then test it out on ggpo. :mad: It work on or offline.

Bison’s kick ac is so good lol I wish my job didn’t prevent from going to fr13 :frowning:

I was actually referring to FR13 matches. Also can i have an idiots guide to running GGPO offline. Like step by step. Or how to get a PC offline version of A2. I used to have it but not anymore. I really need an excuse to practice my chains and hit confirms with Gen.

run GGPOFBA.**EXE **from GGPO Client directory, then select Game - Load Game in the menu

Come to FR14 :slight_smile:

Just how bad is Birdie in this game? I recently picked it up, and I like his playstyle alot, but he’s rather difficult to use, and I always hear bad things about him :frowning:

Tiers don’t mean much in this game, it comes down to your person skill. With that said Birdie is playable just like everyone else. He has an annoyingly low jump arc that only the people with the sharpest reflexes can really antiair consistently, has several good pokes (,,, c.fp to an extent,) and of course a CC that does like 95% at lvl 3. He’s one of the few characters that can totally keep Gief at bay to top it all off.

Somethings that make him as great though: He’s very linear. Almost as bad as Adon, but atleast he has an okay 360. His ACs are pretty terrible. No real good antiair CC unless you master the awkward way to do his normal CC. If you’re fighting a good chun or a really good shoto that actually waits you out, it’s as frustrating as ST gief vs sim/guile. And most people don’t know it, but he can be CC’d after he does c.fp…hit or block.

ah thanks. What’s the best ways to land his command grabs BTW?

They aren’t as good as gief grabs, a little slower…they are easier to DP out of or whatever, but they can still be alright. Do it off stuff like late jump into the grab, into it, into it, turn around punch into it if they eventually start to block after it. Basically when they start getting fidgety is when you attempt a CC instead, and go for the kill.

Although that’s what I meant by linear, he comes down to some basic pokes, jump shenanigans, and basically random CCs. Still, it ends up being effective because the CC does so much.

Birdie also has the most simple lvls 1 cc. Mash like a mad man and end with hk 360. Does more than sweep to two finals.

Even with turbo lk on my TE it only does like a jabs worth more damage than 2 finals, but the 2 finals has a lot more range to actually valleCC. But yeah definitely easy as fuck if you can’t do finals.

What are rolento’s weaknesses? He’s got the projectile, the pokes, a freaking super jump, wtf!! After playing for months, Today I barely learned his trip wire(lvl3?) super can punish projectiles. I am completely oblivious to what flaws are.

No reversal and big hitbox. No good universal ac reversal.

Don’t forget shit supers which can’t be comboed into.

Tripwire is hardly shit. Level 1 instantly hits low if you’re right next to them, and level 3 is perfect full screen anti fireball.

Yeah tripwire is actually pretty good and pretty damn hard to punish. It also sets up a perfect safe jump high/low/throw mixup right after. Now his grenade super is pretty worthless. Even if you can time a lvl 3 for anti air its a waste of meter, a cc does twice as much. It’s worthless on the ground also.

his grenade super is fun imo
the thing about rolento is his fail health, but then again he has the epic super jump which is imo better then akumas teleport knee thing. Patriot circle also puts great pressure on someone on the ground getting up.
Does anyone else find rolentos slide pretty lame against charlie? He always counter attacks me when i try to slide at him

Rolento’s silde is the best slide in the game.

Not really sure how to reply to all of this…so I’ll just say broccoli tits.

his slide is the best in the game true, a lot better then say sim and a whole lot better then bisons imo. The thing about rolento is you gotta be fast and annoying, thats my gamestyle anyway with rolento.
Super jump + midair m.punch = win