Advanced A2 Discussion

You can just CC it before the first hit connects, actually. DP’s also beat it clean. Chun Li’s st.lp beats it clean. Etc. You can also just walk under it.

CC it with a anti air cc, if you start low it beats it.

ya still play this on ggpo. Had some ggs with an american before the girl busted in and took the laptop from me.

so… a lot of bad shoto players discovered and abuse c.HP and my scrubby guy is afraid to jump/bushin flip at them. i guess i need to learn how to jump in CC… but i can’t really test it without training mode

what is the frame data on the invincibility frames? are they at the very beginning? or a little bit after? how should i time my CC during jump?

also whenever i feel like blowing through a fireball with CC… sometimes i notice that super deep fireballs hit me out of the CC startup so that’s why i’m pretty confused on the subject

The invincibility is at the beginning of the CC. So you’d want to time the jump in CC just literally as the antiair would’ve hit you, basically really deep. That should help with the CC through fireball too, just has to be done as late as possible. It shouldn’t be a problem really at level 3, but it can be tricky sometimes with level 2, and fairly impossible at level 1.

Also, you can just learn the ranges of bushinflip or jump then d+mp elbow and land outside of their c.fp range. You’ll get a free combo, CC, whatever, once you get it down and make them whiff. Seh’s Guy is pretty notorious for doing that, so watch him whenever you see him playing.

Can anyone give me Baby’s First Pokes guide to Rolento? I just got into A2 again and I’d like to try Rolento this time around. A quick rundown on his normals would be great, thanks.

In the RSX and Co teach A2 sticky:

Rolento’s most important normal is his standing fierce. It’s pretty fast and does a nice chunk of damage, great when punishing whiffs. I use this more than anything else. His standing jab is pretty good, and just doing repeated jabs can push an opponent into the corner quickly. His main anti air is standing strong. My Rolento is pretty scrubby, I just c.Fierce a whole lot, runaway trying to build meter, and toss stingers here and there, but it works pretty well. You can tag Chun Li with a lot of stingers when she tries to get in close with c.Forward, you just can’t be sloppy about it.

This move is primarily used as anti-air. On the ground, it has a lengthy recovery time where Rolento can be easily punished when the move is blocked and when it connects.

Yep, it’s a free CC for any character on hit or block pretty much. NEVER use that crap unless they just don’t have the reflexes or the meter. Even then there are better pokes to use.

c.fp is rolentos most important normal.

He’s tired of the soup de jour.

Meant to say crouching fierce. I think it’s guaranteed anytime you block Adon’s Jaguar kick. Or my friend is just sloppy. His low strong, low forward, and low roundhouse are also pretty decent ground moves.

Standing Fierce is a pretty good anti air, and so is jumping straight up and jabbing. For cross-ups his strong, forward and rod are the best.

His Punch alpha counter is his most useful one, good against ground moves at close range. When it’s not close enough to get all the hits, it leaves him pretty vulnerable on hit. It works well against a lot of aerial moves.

His kick ac is mostly for flash, although it’s really good against Shotos. Against certain close range moves like an Ac’d fireball, Rolento can get into a good position for a CC, although it’s easier to just combo into circles.

My favorite Rolento CC is low roundhouse, high jump, roundhouse x3, fierce circle x3.

Fighting against Rose kind of sucks. She can low strong Rolento to death. My scrubby Rolento can’t get past a decent Rose.

Almost anything is guaranteed after any of Adon’s moves. Nothing he has is safe. You can bnb or CC after a jaguar kick on hit or block, and you can CC a jaguar tooth before he reaches the ground.

Definitely disagree here. Kick AC is by far better and more flexible. Punch AC is extremely inconsistent and I’m always against ACing for antiair in the first place as it is. He also has probably the easiest CC in the game, it’s never easier to go for a bnb when the CC will do like 700% more damage without any extra effort.

Rose shouldn’t be a problem. Stay mobile and toss plenty of knives. antiairs her cleanly. If she does soul illusion you can run away easily. If she catches you in a block string you can kick ac and run away more to keep her annoyed. Make her jump into a CC and kill her. will beat all your pokes, so don’t play the poking game much.

Just don’t AC her soul illusion drill. You can eat alot of damage still and normals might hit you. AC the end of her drills.

  • RagingStormX

In this context that doesn’t hold true. Rolento vs Rose, he can kick AC her drill if he wanted to. He flies right past it. Most characters can just CC her after a SI drill though so there’s no point. Although Rolento might even have to kick AC first and then CC just to reach.

Even shotos can link a jab fireball after a poke and hit Rolento out of his Kick AC. It’s great for getting out of corners, but a lot of characters can just 2 in 1 through it. I’ve gotten screw over a lot using the kick AC. The Punch AC works fine as long as you do it from Close Range. I’ve never had any problems with it. I find it easier to use Punch AC against Sim’s drills than to use his normal AA.

I get killed anytime I try to use stingers against Rose. My friend

A) Reflects Them
B) Jumps straight at me
C) Hits me with an Aura Soul Spark right when I come down. Sucks.

Sometimes I can whiff punish her with C.Fierce, or hit her with the Mekong Delta Attack under a Soul Spark, but when I’m in close, I get pounded by crouching strongs.

I do pretty good using standing strong against her when she jumps, but Rose really doesn’t need to jump against Rolento. I definitely do a lot of running away against Rose, but it doesn’t seem to help, because my life tends to be lower as the match goes on.

After my friend loses with against Rolento with Guy, he picks Rose. I lose, then I pick Sodom. He’s not really a counter character to Rose or anything, but he can fight her pretty well. Or maybe I’m just really good with him. Either way as long as I can avoid getting Soul Illusioned, Sodom can beat Rose. But Rolento? Eh…my wins are purely luck against Rose.

That’s why you don’t AC until the fireball, lol. Leads straight to a free CC. It’s the same case with Rose’s drill as well. Every AC in the game can lose out if you do it vs a random (cancellable) poke. AC Reversal is easy and completely beats any attempted ACs. With that said, as long as you stick to kick ACing stuff like fireballs, or most special moves really…you can punish way better than a simple punch AC, which is a huge waste of meter imo. And sim’s drill is a free antiair CC anyway.

As for Rose:
Dunno what to really tell you other than maybe you’re just not throwing a knife at good times. If he soul sparks on reaction to you jumping up to do a knife just keep your knives low to the ground. If he reflects them, well, that really isn’t a big deal. It’d be just like another shoto fireball’d your fireball. It doesn’t exactly ruin your gameplan. As for him jumping up at you, just vary your knife strength and adjust accordingly. Mainly I don’t use mk knife much, but adjusting between Lk and Rh knife is required.

If he’s jumping, that’s exactly what you want him to do, maybe throw less knives and bait him and there’s your chance to land the CC

bISON PLAYERS SHOULD use the kick AC against rose illusion super. I thought about this AFTER I lost to justin wong in the GF of A2 at FR13. Oh yea I would like to be known as the person who created/found the unblockable with bison! Give me my props damnit! It should be called the shinblanka unblockable. :stuck_out_tongue:

Is there any footage online?