Advanced A2 Discussion

Yes. It’s easy.

Here’s most of my custom A2 colors.

Pictures by CheeseTit_ChainGang - Photobucket


i agree the damage is a bit too high for a tool that should only get you out of pressure… still they can be countered with buffered specials/supers

That video has a lot of pretty things in it, just know that that (mostly) wasn’t based on tactics that have any practical immediacy. In a real match, you’re going to want to buffer multiple AC reversals during an attack series without breaking stride. You can’t just do a string and hope they AC the last hit. And, yes, Ken’s AC does too much dmg (Ken player here. Then again, I play everyone).

probably, but not in english. were there any characters in particular you wanted matchup analysis for?

  • “man, it’s work. you ain’t trying to look good.” - doujinshi

I thought he said “Nigga, it’s work”.

The Rolento match ups would be great.

I like those versus colors you showed. I think ill have to try that program.

That’s too wide open of a question. We need to start somewhere specific. Before you start learning match-ups in depth, you need fundamentals. Footsie, a little punishment, some damaging combos, anti-air reaction, spacing, wake-ups, etc. Those are some of the things that change from match-up to match-up as well. Pick a few characters to fight, preferably some who you find difficult for Rolento to fight. (should be none, because Rolento is a douche to pretty much everyone).

What matches are you losing? And what’s happening in them? What are you having trouble stopping? Etc. Match-up breakdowns are pretty freaking ridiculous. Can’t just lay it all out like a pre-made game plan. Sure, there are basic things you’ll want to take notice of, but nobody can account for how you play Rolento and how your opponents are playing their characters. It always comes down to yomi.

I know the fundamentals very well. Still working on CCs thou. I’m a footsies master which is one of the reasons Rol is to interesting. He is only really weak in regards to wake-ups and limited combos, but spacing, poking, punishing and of course being rdy to use all his anti-air options are his forte. Do you think he has any 4/6 match ups? It seems Ken is easier to handle than Ryu yes?

In regards to Sagat… one of his weaknesses is if you do a fireball to close and they AC it. I was curious that if you are put in that situation and they AC your FB, should be be rdy for that and be buffering an AC yourself after every close interval FB? Can you AC their AC, if you are hit during the recovery stages of your projectile?

This may seem condescending, but I’m not trying to be a dick

1.) What exactly do you think the fundamentals are?

2.) Do you think that memorizing a match-up chart/ratio will benefit you in a match in real-time?

3.) You’ve mastered footsie? I don’t understand. Footsie is largely about adaptation and contingent on that particular moment/opponent.

4.) No, of course you cannot AC on hit. You may be asking, however, if you can throw the fireball with a timing that allows you the time to recover and AC the AC; to which the answer is both yes and no. Yes, because it is possible, but no, because it is obvious to the opponent that an AC is a stupid idea there.

5.) What is your name on GGPO?

1-Fundaments? You named a good many of them and I don’t really care to discuss basics on here. Some of the more intermediate aspects of Alpha I need more work on.

2-I don’t care to memorize a match up chart, but most many fighters have them and since I can’t spend hours and hours a day playing, this will give me a slight heads up on what high level play finally boils down to. I just want to read them lol.

3-How do you not understand, or you are saying that you do not believe that I understand? Footies (a dicussion of which I’d rather not want this thread to turn into) is something that has been around (maybe not in name) since fighting game inception; Knowing the prime distance to keep between you and certain characters (as it changes from char to char and player to player). Moving back and forth and being ‘seemingly’ random and not sticking to a pattern. This sets you up to allow you to use your primary pokes (Rol has a good many) outside of their attack range and punish their jump ins with the appropriate anti air (in Rolento’s case s.strong, s and j jab and of course c/s fierce. His footsies game allows for the throwing of air knives as chip damage and/or to keep the space open between him and his enemy. Thats some of the basic ways this term has been understood by me and there are many reasons more. If you look, as I’m sure every Rol player has, at BBC you can look at his movements and how they set up his attacks and fakes. He confuses his opponents and they become timid in how to approach him do to his footsies and what they set up. Rol has some of the best in the game IMO. I just took what he did and try to learn and develop my own style.

4-How do the counter ACs work as in the video published above? I don’t think I understand that aspect.

5-I am in the Army atm and depolyed to Iraq we can’t access GGPO. I would love to learn from skilled opponents on a daily basis. That will have to wait until next year!

Thank for your replys. I’m learning alot.

Fair enough. And yes, I was indeed asking out of incredulity as, from my perspective, it’s a bold claim to have “mastered footsie” coming from someone I have never seen, fought or heard of. You could either be really good, or quite awful.

As for match-ups: there’s not a lot to be said, here. He has both brutal and annoying answers to everything, including a normal that beats SPD. If a player with full health jumps at Rolento (especially without meter) while the Rolento player has a level 3: GG.

While I cannot comment on exactly how the video was done, my guess is that it was intended to demonstrate the delayed AC reversal. I’m sure there’s probably a billion posts about this on SRK, but here’s my explanation:

Input a special/super during the dead space of a cancel-able normal’s input window such that the move does not come out if the opponent does not AC, and it does come out if they do. The dead space is in proportion to the AC start-up freeze such that the freeze compensates for the delayed input, rendering the normal still cancel-able in “game time”. So it’s just an option select. Rolento doesn’t really rely on this method for countering AC’s, though. His answer to AC’s is usually spacing/spaced meaties. He can also use qcb+p or PPP to roll/flip out of many of them (for instance, versus Ken’s Kick AC: cr.lpxxqcb+lp, AC whiffs, Rol thwaps with cr.frc. The cr.lp or or has to be done from pretty much max distance for this to work, as a plus, poking from that distance is typically the smart way to engage an opponent who has meter. Win/Win, unless they’re scrubby enough to throw out a random Reppa or something). For Rose’s punch AC, buffer a delayed level 1 kick super. Another honorable mention for his anti-AC game= and (they’re just not easy to AC for obvious reasons).

There are less technical ways of countering AC’s, of course. You can just yomi that shit down, or do it on reaction. The former being unnecessarily risky and the latter being pretty much specific to Zangief: “OMGZ SCREEN FREEZE PRESS ALL THREE PUNCHES!”.

Were you ever on GGPO?

Yeah he been on ggpo. I played him before. I WAS doing a match up chart, but my PC crashed :frowning:

Is he any good? And what was his nick?

I was playin ST when i was online (and I consider myself pretty good). Mainly 2dfighter thou. I got GGPO later. Hope to play you when I get back, but thats a while from now!

I’ve been playing a big of Rose and Gat. Rose feels really strong. Even her c.fp is just a nasty anti air and you can buffer it into super (which I can’t do yet lol). Her weaknesses are almost non-existent. It seems as if Rolento and maybe Guy can give her a lil trouble. VS Rolento gives him some trouble if he is spamming low attacks. Guy’s standing mk is good against her and his overhead is great to mix in.

Gat is fun, but def limited by his normals. Seems c.short is good when people get close and you basically want to back them off you. I guess his kick AC is nice to knock them back to the other side. His tiger knee has pretty good recovery, when they block both hits (+ frames?). Standing MK is a good mid range poke. His s.strong is almost worthless cept as an anti air in certain situations. Which of his kick supers are better?

I don’t understand why Rol isn’t top tier. I mean he has almost no bad match ups 3/7 (IMO). Does he have any 4/6? He has the 90% custom. Like you said earlier, nobody can really zone him. Great normals, anti airs and AC Not so great supers, limited combos and no real wake up. I think his damage potential is low outside of CC also, but not much lower than others. I mean he has to be #5 on the list, beating Gief and Sak.

Just my thoughts ;-p

Can someone enlighten me on how to “properly” use Adon? I just got told off by smartpatrol/MrDNA on GGPO about how I don’t use him properly and I “poke like an idiot”.

Now…maybe I am just thinking about this wrong, but I thought that using pokes at max distance was a GOOD thing. He did bring up a good point about me throwing out pokes when he wasn’t moving at all. Solid advice, because I can get CC’d for that. But, I don’t understand what exactly Adon can do. He’s not gonna rush down like other characters and afaik, his specials are pretty much worthless.

I assume you’re talking about s.rh? If you’re whiffing c.rh infront of him, yeah it’s unsafe…probably even on hit. If you’re whiffing s.rh he’d have to have pretty good reflexes to CC that, and you could probably whiff infront of him forever and he wouldn’t really be able to CC that. You understand him perfectly, Adon is garbage :>

Adon’s best quality lies in his ability to preemptively stuff CC activations. His footsie is perfectly built. His punch super has an enormous wall of a hitbox (tends to trade, though). His CC’s do pretty serious damage. His throw is all around amazing. He makes funny sounds, and he’s always smiling.

His punch AC is hard to safe jump–> dp, and it’s also difficult to AC reversal.

With no meter and his giant hitbox he gets rushed the fuck down. Otherwise he is fucking great. He also is one of the few who get fucked by Gief with no meter.

Adon is so godlike and he builds meter like a beast. Oh and QCF*2 K chips nicely.

Adon kick super is a free ac at the end.

Oh you can view hitboxes for alpha 2, just download the right emulator, load up a2 in it and go to file>run lua script whatever you name the hitboxes

Vampire Savior: advanced link combos & important notes Some of them are pretty interesting to see, like all gief db cr kicks have the same hitbox