Advanced A2 Discussion

Am I just imagining things, or is the PS1 port of Alpha 2 way way way way different than the Alpha Anthology port?

They all different.

Saturn had the best arcade-to-home port if I’m correct.

Okay, dumb question time:

I’m trying to get into this game. The characters I’m using are Guy and Sodom. I know they’re mid so and they appeal to my play style. I played this guy who used Charlie and I could not get in there. I mostly used Guy though. Nothing Guy has can beat Sonic Boom spam aside from Airgrab which isn’t that reliable. Everytime I jumped at him I couldn’t crossup (I assume MK is a crossup, right?) so I’d be a little past him and he would just hit LP or MK into Sonic Boom and I’d get pushed in and can’t get in again. Rinse and repeat.

Any advice?

Guy’s MK crossup works only against wide/big characters: Rolento, Sodom, Zangief, Birdie.
he has a dropping elbow (d+MP) crossup… but is very hard to do as well.

vs Charlie:

  • try to play footsies with standing MK
  • surprise him with random short jumps (D+MP in air) to bait flash kicks
  • use Bushin Flip + elbow drop (QCF+P,P) to land near him or grab him
  • jump in and activate Custom Combo midair (it has some startup invulnerability and you can catch him on counter)
  • walljump near the wall

FYI SFA2 Hitbox Viewer: Chun-Li and Rose
The emulators and lua script listed on this page work for SFA2 hitbox display (and sfa3 and vsav): Hitbox

I’ll keep it in mind dude. Thanks. I’m starting to get into Guy more. He’s got great normals, and some interesting tick throw setups. What sucks is that most of his specials leave him extremely vulnerable (excluding Hurricane Kick).

Any advice with Sodom? It’s really hard to get grabs in with him, especially against shotos. I like his normals, and his Slashes are really good. But grabbing people is really fucking difficult. It seems like if I try to jump in, or tick into the unblockable grab, they always mash out. It seems like it’s best to use the grab to punish whiffed specials. But, why do the grab when you can activate V-ism (or CC whatever it’s called in A2) and slash them to death for easy 25% dmg?

You just have to train them to stop mashing. Go for counterhit setups if they keep trying to do something. Simple stuff like, wait a second, c.fp xx scrape will counterhit and then leave you with some advantage to try another counterhit, sweep, or 360. Once they get the hint, then you go for 360s.

thank you, thank you!

If this game was to be rebalanced, what would be some general and character specific changes you A2 masters think should be considered?

#1 - Take out Valle CC
#2 - Nerf CC damage in general. A level 1 shouldn’t kill 40-60% damage in any situation

Everything else is pretty minor.

Ryu - no changes
Ken - lessen Kick AC hitbox/damage? Maybe nerf his stand Forward hitbox so it’s not god-mode AA
Chun - no changes
Rose - lessen Soul Illusion damage, maybe a hitbox change to c.Strong (it’s way too good)
Charlie - make c.Fierce usable AA, fix FK hitboxes (inexplicably whiffs at times), increase damage on normals maybe?
Sagat - higher damage/more invinciblity on Tiger Blow, slightly less recovery on Shots to make him a more viable zoning character
Rolento - Good god lessen his CC damage. Way too easy to kill 50-80% health with no effort.
Guy - Make run cancel faster, better hitbox on crossups
Dhalsim - no changes
Gen - don’t really know Gen well enough to say
Sakura - fix her crossup so it’s blockable in any situation
Zangief - nerfing CC auto-nerfs him IMO
Adon - give him mid-air Jaguar Kicks with frame adv. on hit, maybe a slight hitbox nerf to c.Strong?
Birdie - Don’t really know where to start on him, he needs a lot
Sodom - Give c.Fierce a decent hitbox for AA, give him his A1 slide properties
Akuma - Change Demon Flip to DP+K, make Raging Demon a 0-frame grab
Bison - Speed him the fuck up in general
Evil Ryu - NO FULLSCREEN CC BLOWOUT. Shit is just stupid

As for Shin Akuma, just remove him.

Everyone is already broken and as such, is already balanced imo. A lot of other players would agree as well. This is one of the few fighting games were tiers really don’t matter, if you have the knowledge on punishes and footsies you can win with anyone.

I always wondered why Chun’s fireball goes full screen. I don’t think it should nor should it be HCF.

What is the purpose of Rolento’s S.RH? It should be a better poke than it turns out to be? Too much recovery on it imo, not that Rol needs more stuff, but that is a place that I see improvement to be had.

Nerf this bitch son! Also can Rolento for the love of god have usable supers if you are gonna nerf his CC. None of his supers combo for shit.

Is Rolento’s bomb dropping super good as an anti air? I really see neither super used in tourny play.

It can, but antiair CC is 5000x better. Tripwire can’t be combo’d into on this, but lvl 1 hits low instantly when used point blank (like wakeup), and level 3 can catch a fireball fullscreen so it’s actually a pretty useful super unlike the other one.

i’m by no means a master, but these are a few changes i would like to see:

character specifics
e.ryu: get rid of his full-screen blowout cc but give him more reliable dragon punches similar to normal ryu.

general changes
reducing the amount of damage certain characters do in custom combos would probably be okay, but making them weaker across the roster wouldn’t. birdie, for example, needs his high cc damage like darian harman needs good beer and death metal. characters like chun-li and rolento don’t need high damaging customs since they already have enough tools to work with.

i’m on the fence about valle customs. i typically only use CCs for anti-air and punishing, so getting rid of VCs wouldn’t be a tremendous blow for me. honestly, i don’t think they hurt the game as much as people seem to believe.

1-Is there a match up chart for this game anywhere? I’ve seen tier lists, but where is the hard data to back it all up?

2-If there was a rebalancing (probably never) and the A3 engine is similar enough that they could import a few of the A3 chars, who would fit well into A2? I was thinking Karin/Cody/Boxer/Claw/Honda and Blanka, so that we have the best 2 new chars from A3 and finish up the original cast from SF2. I know they could just put them all in, but 6 shouldn’t be that much work and is a nice number. I think a few of the new moves from the A3 incarnations would really help in giving more options to the A2 cast. Again, this is all wishful thinking…

3-I really hate ACs. They either do too much damage or are too easy to do. Maybe it should be a smaller window to do them.

Thinking that AC’s, across the board, are too good in A2 is the equivalent of wanting to soft-ban the King’s Indian from chess.

As for Valle CC’s, there are a few possibilities for dealing with this. Removing it completely would neuter the fear dynamic of footsie; i.e. the driving force behind wanting to play as sharply as possible. When you take away that in-your-face incentive to both stay alive and represent an immediate threat to your opponent you fundamentally suck the fun out of playing competitively.

The current ways to counter the Unblockable Low CC are as follows:

1.) High priority and/or invincible move on the first-to-second frame after the flash: Dragon Punch, Super, Teleport or a move that profiles over a low on the first frame. Not every character has this option without meter.

2.) Reversal CC - Fairly self-explanatory. What happens, typically, is that your activation is timed such that, if they did perform their sweep on the first (or first few) frames, your CC activation invincibility will cause their sweep to whiff, giving you the free combo. If they mistime their attack, a lot of the time you will activate directly into the hitbox of their move and you are left only with the option to do a reversal type of move on the first frame on reaction to what’s on-screen during the CC flash.

3.) Don’t be a jackass.

Possible solutions/tweaks???: (and let it be known that I do not have any qualms with Valle CC’s, period)

1.) Re-work a few frames here and there to force the Valle CC to be performed with greater precision. So whether it’s by making crouch-guard 1 frame faster or making CC normals one or two frames slower, you may lessen the ease of use of the unblockable. This also makes it a bit less “impossible” to hit them with an invincible type move. (on reaction to them activating within your sweep range while you are standing and have no meter, d’uh)

2.) And in keeping with that thought: Should every character have some sort of Reversal type of move to escape it without meter?

Some examples…

Shotos DP it

Sagat DP’s it

Akuma, Sim, Dictator teleport out of it

Some suggestions for changes…

Rolento’s qcb+k should leave the ground on the first frame?

Jaguar Tooth should leave the ground on the first frame? Nooo, fuck that. Just tweak his DP hitboxes/invincibility. Although, it’s still a thought.

Give Sodom his A3 move? (the one that beats lows)

Make Charlie’s f+mk profile over lows and hit earlier?

Give Dan’s DP invincibility whenever you execute it within a certain amount of frames? (In this case it would always have invincibility given how quickly you need to respond). Either that, or make his qcb+lk leave the ground on the first frame. I think even his can beat Valle CC’s, though.

Etc etc etc…that’s another line of reasoning.


Final edit: It’s also worth noting that there is already a mindgame taking place in which the person who activates to perform a Valle CC can do so simply to bait an ill-timed counter-attack and punish. For instance, activating within sweep range to bait them into dp’ing or counter CC’ing…etc.

Is there a color hack for alpha 2?