i’d like to see this happen, just to be sure that i shouldnt play him.
i mean cmon, who wouldnt want to play him? hes evil AND hes ryu.
i’d like to see this happen, just to be sure that i shouldnt play him.
i mean cmon, who wouldnt want to play him? hes evil AND hes ryu.
sure on saturday i’ll play u if you’re free. not in a cocky way at all, just genuinely curious, don’t clame to be god at this game, but i know my stuff and im smart,i think you would have a very hard time beating my chun/rose that many times in a row.
E.Ryu pretty much controls the pace of the match when he has meter. Not to mentioned easy links to cc and a incredibly strong one at lvl 1. Teleport is a plus and his damage output is real good, Raging Demon is real good in Sodom/Gief matches. Shit, I sometimes just whore lvl 1s and build emter all match, through some fbs and teleport into them. Either you randomly blowout cc and custom them or do the fb/teleport shit. He still has great shoto normlas and gameplay, but with that cc get out of jail free card. FS blowout is just retarded since if you was doing ANYTHING other than blocking low you get fucked. He can even travel slighty and still cc if its a blowout vs a valle cc which must be instant low. And dont forget that ALL his fireballs knock down, not just fp version. 1 right guess equal cc + alot of free meter cause the double dp follow up, then kara a dp or 2.
post vids, plz?
Saturday should be fine. That gives me some time to learn a combo or something. What is it, level 1 CC: st.mp, finish with fierce dp, jab dp, jab dp?
Yea, or the normal Ryu CCs. Or our hopkick madness is always fun too.
Yeah, after playing a bit, I noticed that, for 1.5-character spaces: “Activate, cr.rhxxfrc.fireball, hopkick cancel hurricane, dp” does a fucking CHUNK. Which, combined with the blowout, gives him a massive damage CC from Zangief-ish Valle CC range. Pretty strong.
meh ill play both of u and u both can pik e ryu one me
so…? what happened? is evil ryu brokeN?
Yeah it takes getting used to. I personally am still having toruble getting it down pat and i only get up to about 80 damage wise. Tis is what you do:
Tap down back,to upforword and mash
bump for evil ryu.
aka metsu bump.
His fullscreen blowout makes him super gay, pretty much can’t blindly rush him once he has meter. He is in control. Unlike regular ccs you cannot counter his cc with a normal, anything that isnt a special moves loses. It’s safe and you can mix up if blocked and if it hits at lvl 1 you get about 50% damage and meter back.
but is he broken…?
Lol old ass vids, at least he caught the Gief rapage lol. Ken is his main I main Gief/Sim.
Hi, i didn’t know where to post these, but i uploaded some Zero 2 videos from Mikado that i bought some time ago. They were DVDs and the level is great, so i’ll let you be the judge.
These are for Zero2, the 2nd mikado battle:
Size is about 3gb, but there are 2 videos there, download at your own risk.
Is it these videos?
this guy has an extended collection of Custom Combos for most A2 characters: http://www.youtube.com/user/KeikoMars#g/u
very nice stuff
Indeed Aqua,I like to use the first one (Guy vs Akuma),fast and nice