Advanced A2 Discussion

he also has the best grab in the game

Hey, I recently got back into A2. How many of you guys are active on GGPO/2DF? I don’t want to play random dudes just yet. I want to level up with some SRK members first. I can host on 2DF and I have a great connection.

In general there are at least 2-3 good people on.

Now a’days if I’m online it’s super early morning, unless I’m off from work.

Hey, I’m trying to get down doing reversal’s in A2. How big is the reversal window? Is it even worth it getting it down or is it just a pipe dream?

it’s 1 frame just practice it.

That’s what I thought. No wonder I couldn’t hit it consistently. I’m used to 2-5 frames for reversals.

Also for reversals make sure you are doing the right move, lp dps always lose to lows if you are a shoto for example (rare cases it trades).

reversals are deff worth gettin it down

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p.s. what tier is evil ryu?

He’s pretty much top, since he’s exactly like normal Ryu except better.

Pros: Full screen blowout on CC, multi-hit juggling hurricane kick, teleport.

Con: Multi-hit DP now. (Upside to this is during his CC his DP is still a single hit.) Takes more damage than normal Ryu.

Everything else is the same about him, but he’s technically not tournament legal.

and he has akuma teleport. i sitll dont no y ppl ban him since hes not broken. if anything ban chunli lol

since when is evil ryu banned? hes not even 3rd best.

On paper he’s the most broken character. Full screen CC blow out is really really retarded.

uhh? so is he broken or not? because i would like to play with him. (no homo)

Go ahead and play with him. In my opinion (and several other top players) he’s fairly broken. That doesn’t stop us from playing him though, but come time for a tournament or something…you can see RSX’s latest tournament he initially banned him until a couple people weren’t sure why and wanted to play him. The rule came down to you can play him if the opponent doesn’t care.

He isn’t an instant win or anything like that, but he’s better than normal Ryu by a good bit, who is already in top 4.

the e.ryu mirror match is tight, when they both have meter nobody throws out a poke because they don’t want to get blown out.

full screen blowout is crazy, yes

but i still dont think he is as good as chun-li rose or ken.

Hahahaha, SFA2 was the point where my SF game started getting serious. Definitely one of the most balanced SFs ever. I usually main Sodom, Sakura, Charlie, and Sagat, and pick Ken when I need to win hehe. Speaking of, anyone know where I can cop the old VSBooks guide or find scans of it somewhere? Best strategy guide ever made IMO

Hmmm, I’m thinking maybe you don’t really know what “full screen blowout” actually means, in terms of its practical implementations. E.Ryu is not as good as Chun/Rose? O’kay, let’s break it down as simply as possible. What makes Chun and Rose so good in open play? High priority normals. You can’t just CC them whenever you want, because, odds are, Chun’s is going to stuff you, and Rose’s is going to stuff you. What makes E.Ryu so good? The fact that by his nature he negates the usefulness of normals almost entirely. I mean, it’s really that simple. You have to bust your ass to outplay E.Ryu, but he doesn’t have to respond in kind. E.Ryu can outplay you, AND he can bullshit you all day, or both. I have no problems beating Chun with Ken/Ryu/Akuma. I have even less to worry about when I’m E.Ryu, because I don’t have to outspace her at all.

I’ll play E.Ryu against your Chun/Rose for 50 matches if you’d like. I’ll even make sure to get liquored up first. What exactly would your game plan be? I’m curious. You have it even easier still, though, since I suck at SF nowadays and I can barely throw a fireball. I think I would win 50 matches straight, to be honest, and I’ve never played E.Ryu in a real match even once, period. That’s how confident I am that E.Ryu is easily top.