Advanced A2 Discussion

Probably cause you start his cc with CROUCHING ROUNDHOUSE :rofl:

so what exactly do i start it with? I use crouching medium.kick

Use Crouching roundhouse.


whats wrong with the jaguar tooth? its a pretty good move, just not abusable.

you can bait a lot of shit with that move and it sail over fireballs.

Does Chun have a way to escape Gief ticks? Super, maybe?

And Iā€™m sorry for my general suckiness at this game, I play it like once every two months it seems.

Once anyone gets a lvl 1 you can activate vs any version of the move and punish so once your opponent has meter it no long is ā€œHi Iā€™m Adon where am I gonna land?ā€, but becomes ā€œHi, Iā€™m Adon and I wanna die CC me please!ā€.

Her overhead and upkicks as well as cc and super.

i dont get it.

so lets say you do a lk jaguar tooth against an opponent from more than half screen away, you can still get CCed?

Yep. Any version. You just walk forward a bit from the CC and do your furthest reaching move, I think MAYBE or or two people might not be able to hit his lk tooth.

Iā€™ve used them allā€¦ lightkick, mediumkick and hardkick. Still aint working, probably because iā€™m using a pad (who knows).

you have to do the c.rh close enough so it knocks down.

its not like cvs2 where it knocks down at any range

really? does this also apply to similar moves like the jaguar tooth?

ex: bisons devil reverse and headstomp. gens oga, rolentos wall jump

Uh huh, you can CC any of those. Youā€™d antiair CC Genā€™s, Rolentoā€™s, and Headstomp. While you do ground CC for devil reverse and Jag tooth. The only ones that are really a free CC like jag tooth is Genā€™s and devil reverse though, although devil reverse can be a little tricky.

Rolento and Bison can mix it up to be sorta safe, but yeah all that shit can be ccā€™d.

1-What are the main differences of Alpha 2 and Gold the arcade versions? Gold doesnā€™t seem as popular and DETAILED information on this subject is scant at best.

2-Is Bison worth a damn in this game? He is just soo different from ST that I am put off from playing him. No Psycho Crusher :frowning:

3-So Rolento, Guy, Sagat and Akuma(for instance) are not really tops, but it seems people win consistently with them. The tiers are very close together on this game yes? Maybe one of the most balanced of the SF games?

4-Iā€™ve always liked alpha, but it seems it is not popular at all, so putting serious time into it is not really worth it (which is subjective). Besides SF2 and 3S, SFA2 has a really great atmosphere and alot of VERY interesting characters.

My thoughts anywaysā€¦

  1. Gold is rebalanced through nerfing, gameplay just seems stale in comparison to me. Alot of shit they did was dumb imo. Like changing Gen jump arc and speed a stupid amount in stance changes, giving sim a worthless super. Sagat has a super taunt that increases his damage which really isnā€™t worth the meter at all. Gief lost his magic grab, Chun lost her godliness and CC with LL etc.

  2. Bison is really dope and fun to play. Not fun to play against though lol. He has 2 really really good alpha counters and his lvl 3 super rapes as anti air. CC is pretty decent also and he is really fast.

  3. Yeah, tiers are really close in this game, you can even find videos of low tier characters winning online. Top 4 are without a doubt top four, but everyone can compete. It is definitely one of the best SF games to date with the only real problem being the huge damage ccs do, so it takes awhile to learn to bait them and punish with counter ccs etc. Acs can be a problem for some characters also.

  4. The first Alpha is pretty much dead, A2 is still played daily with a great amount of people on GGPO and in Japan they play at Mikado. The game is just extrememly fun, whether you play seriously of just to bs, it definitely worth learning. A2 personally has made me a much better player in all games along with ST pre-ggpo.

Thanks for the info! So gold isnā€™t really played in Japan eh? The reason I wouldnā€™t personally play A3, besides the music really sucking, is the CCā€™s. I donā€™t want to put in the time to learn to juggle people in the cornerā€¦ just not my style. Likewise: I donā€™t really like CCā€™s in this game either. Those are the only thing I donā€™t really like in A2. A combination of A2ā€™s gameplay and A3ā€™s characters and expanded moveset, without CCā€™s would be my perfect Alpha game (from what little I know).

Bison just feels soo much slower in this game and his fireball/teleport just really throw me off. I guess itā€™s just a different kind of strat. I am trying Gen alittle more and it seems he is like Sim in ST as far as having really tight execution to excel. Speaking of Simā€¦ he has alot of trouble in this game with controlling the space? Sakura seems like she is just after her short links into dragon punch, which is fun, but seems limiting. I really like how Alpha gave Ken a forward roll.

A2 Bison is a very unique beast. Heā€™s a real interesting combination of baiting tactics with pokes and a little bit of rush down. Thatā€™s how I play him anyway. Like RagingStormX said, heā€™s a lot of fun to play as but a complete headache when playing against (if the Bison player is good). He does not play at all like ST, A3 or even CvS2 Bison. Heā€™s actually my favorite Bison because of his fireball.

Sim is very good at controlling space, his main concern is alpha counters. As for Gen, you need good execution and reactions cause truthfully you have to be on point with Gen. Alpha series Bison you might as well brain dump everything you know about non-alpha bison, he is a completely different character.