Is it really that easy to do 40+ on Chun’s CC? I activate it, spam the hell outta lightning kicks and end with a uprise kick and get 45, doing an unholy amount of damage. What’s wrong with this chick man.
Just just chun for ya.
that bitch is crazy…
Rather than make a new thread for a simple question I was wondering how much people would pay for the VS Books A2 Guide. Im might have to sell it, its in immaculate condition.
Well, going waaaaaaay back to the initial subject…
Chun is surely god in this game, and in almost every game she appears [except, now, for sf4, maybe]. I particularly like Sodom a lot, as I like most grapplers, and I have to admit it’s hard match for him [and anybody else]. I still believe, tough, that playing zang against chun is hell more crappy than doing it as mr. “katana”. Like some bud of ours said before, Sodom’s got a great jump rh, etc… Plus, timing your attacks may help a lot. of course, we’re not daigo to time attacks like a machine, and your timing MUST be machine-like to beat chun priority-wise, unless you’re playing against an amateur. so, after all, this coment was nearly useless. oh, well, forgive my inferiority ._.
Now, 'bout Mr. bald-one-eyed-ego-hurt-meatly-shoryuken-scarred-seven-and-a-half-feet-tall-thai-guy aka Sagat, it’s complicated. I mean, he was GOD in SF1, WW, CE, HF and ST, he IS god in SF4, he was god in CVS2, he’s the god of muay thai and… well, he’s god, period. Since SFA2 was released short after ST, it was natural that they would lower his potential significantly, or players would complain seriously about it. just like chun was weakened at sf4, because I, particularly, would complain HARD if chun was broken AGAIN. I used to be a long-term sagat player, btw, and I have heard MILLIONS of complaints over almost 20 years of sf2 playing. shit like “do you only know how to play as the crappy half-screen flying kick, half screen sweep, half life gauge uppercut, kill-by-farting guy?” back to sf4, capcom realised that it was time to bring that old dreadful sagat back, as sf4 is the long-awaited sequel to sf2, luckily to capcom’s old fans [and to capcom’s treasury, of course]. and they did it, maybe TOO well. I have recently won a local SF4 championship [here’s the final match vid: [media=youtube]gPGbMm6SYUw[/media] and I’m known as Banzai outta here, btw], and, of course, heard many complaints about picking sagat.
Even with all that stuff, I can still beat anyone with skills near as mine easily as sagat, beacause he’s an extreme character, and that’s why I like him. by extreme, I mean, he’s not balanced, he has GREAT flaws and GREAT strenghts, plus some almost cheap tactics. It’s hard, but once you learn to deal with his weaknesses and AVOID the risks that would f*** you hard, he’s an awesome character. This time, tough, you can’t rely much on his fireballs like old ST times. But he’s got that no-recovery-time tiger raid super, and you can fool the opponent heavily with it, by waiting a split-second, enough for the enemy to believe you’re gonna eat a dp and do it, and then uppercut/tiger genocide him for easy meat. this works better on corners, of course. and, ok, if the opponent times REEEEEALY precisely, he can get you before you fool him, but it’s rare. just don’t get predictable, like in any kind of mind game in any competition whatsoever. just on a final note, I have won over Level 3 Shoryu Reppas and even CCs by timing the Uppercut correctly, as it’s invincible iin its first frames. Plus, after you get used, is as easy as escaping an out of nowhere shun goku satsu from a begginner.
Alright Ill ask this here like Xenozip suggested, On the Alpha Anthology what dip switch settings do I want on A2 to have it be arcade perfect and also can A2G possibly be set to be anything close to being A2 arcade perfect through its dip switches too?
It should be able to, but the game feels alot diffferent to me on console, best bet is ggpo. But I am supposed to try to get perfect settings for console with s-e-h.
i dont get it. i see so many ppl in here talking bout a2 yet i see no1 but brazilins and the ogs. in the ggpo a2 room. step ya game up and join the fun!!
I’d love to get in on the fun because I just got legit into the alpha series maybe 3 months ago. Sadly I have linux so no 2dfighter, no GGPO, and MAME has been acting extra retarded for me. I plan on getting AA soon enough on ebay but I got no way to get any comp going really. If you guys have any ideas I guess post them here or PM me.
Btw, maybe it’s because of my extra scrubbyness but as much as I enjoy adon he feels so… lacking. Sure, crouching strong is damn good but I play against a friend that uses rose and chun exclusivly. I’m gonna look through the thread for info but anything extra you guys could post would be awesome.
One last thing, how would you rate his AC’s? I’ve had my friends chun throw out standing medium, I use my punch AC and he still manages to block it =/
That’s because he is lacking. He’s super linear in that he has no real mixup and all you can do is rely on footies with him. Jaguar Kick can be punished on block or hit, and Jaguar Tooth (any strength) can be CCed before he lands.
His ACs are alright, lacking a bit of range but they won’t really trade often at all. I’d use kick upclose usually I suppose.
If they are point blank it’s usually always best to do punch ac, and it’s safe while doing shit ton of damage when all hit connect.
I haven’t seen Blaze in A2 in like 3 months lol
Ok I stand corrected! Adon is hot doodoo anyway. :arazz:
More like warm doo doo, just cause his CC is so good
he has some good normals too, just his specials are pretty bad except for dp.
and his non custom combos are really limited.
and he’s not tricky at all.
Pretty much, it’s all footsies with that fucker.
I’m been trying to execute rolento high jump CC (whatever they call it) the one that takes %80-100. Only problem is I can seem to knock my opponent in the air after I activate the CC.
can some please give me a detailed step by step on how to this? I’ve only just started to use rolento.
Cancel his sweep to his scouter jump
I see a lot of people miss the cancel completely so maybe this could help:
The way I always did it when I was first learning it was starting the sweep from down-forward then as soon is it hits you flick the stick to up-forward and begin the kicks. Just seemed a bit easier to me, but probably awkward since you’re used to sweeping while holding down-back.
RagingStormX, dreamfire… so it… CC - Medium Kick/DownForward - Medium kick/UpForward
or CC - Medium Kick/DownForward - scouter jump (forward,MK)
its the launching the opponent into the air part thats not quite working for me.