Fuck Tyler Perry. I’m just here to agree with your sig.
Which fireball do I use for zoning with Ryu? (lp, mp, hp?)
All three.
So what’s the difference between A2 and A2 Gold? Besides Cammy, and 1/2-bar alpha counters? It seems like custom combos are toned down. I have it on PS1 and started playing it again.
Is there anyway to beat guy with sakura? Everyone one of his normals stop everything I do, I can’t get in but he can easily back me up into a corner and pummel me. Can’t even cross him up like everyone else.
Somebody should add to the 101’s on the characters worst matchups. And probably their best matchups.
You pretty much just have to out play him. It’s not too horrible though because she’s real small so she can duck his s.fp and even his hurricane most of the time. So you’re both missing chunks of your offense. If you wanna beat him air to air use j.lk or j.mp, should work fine. Jump in with mainly j.fp or j.rh since you can’t really cross him up so no need for j.mk, except deep corner.
Just play basic mindgames:
c.lk, throw
c.lk, wait half a second, c.lk, s.lk xx DP
overhead, s.lk xx DP
Cross over empty jump, duck hurricane, combo.
s.fp help alot in that match also cause it beast hurricane.
Why is Akuma and Sagat so low in this game? What does Ken and Ryu have over them?
Akuma isn’t terribly low, just not top-tier. I’d assume his low health is the cause for that, but I don’t play him so someone else will have to elaborate.
Sagat is low for a few reasons. His normals are mostly very slow, which hurts his poking game–his standing forward, which would be one of his best pokes, can be CC’d on block and on hit, I think. His fireball animation extends his vulnerable hitbox way out in front of him, so he can be hit by folks jumping over his projectiles fairly easily. His Uppercuts are the multi-hit variety, which means they’re a little less versatile than most Shoryuken-type moves in the game.
All that said, he is still very workable, and one of my favorite characters in the game (even if I am lousy with him). His CC’s are among the best, and can be used as Anti-Air for big damage, from just about any distance.
akuma is high mid he’s got some pretty good stuff, his health keeps him a bit lower, but everything else he has is pretty good. ken has one of the best alpha counters in the game and takes less damage. ryu also takes less damage and has fierce fireball haha.
Thanks for the info, this game is the bomb!
Sagats normals are pretty bad and akuma just has low life and stun, with a crappy dp. Sagat’s dp is actually really good in A2, fp does huge damage and knocksdown even if one hit connects, unlike
Akuma’s and E.ryus or ken’s fp dp.
Is Akuma’s red fireball rated? Yeah Sagat’s fierce DP is huge damage. Seems that Akuma can juggle much easier in A3, which makes him better?
Akuma’s red fireball is pretty shitty outside cc or to chip kill. Also, EVERYONE can juggle easier in A3. Akum’s is top in A3 cause other reasons such as great normals, and godly vc.
I’ve been trying to get into Sodom, but to no avil. He seems really… stiff?
Is Rolento’s QCF+P move better in A2? It really seems so as it has less disadvantage on block.
Compared to alpha3? I’d say it’s worse because you can setup counterhits in alpha3 and combo to patriot circles on reaction. In alpha2 you just have to either confirm that your combo is hitting, (easiest way is off a crossup) or just guess that it’ll hit. If you stop at his 2nd rep he’s sorta safe if they aren’t ready for it, but anyone can really CC it I’d imagine. I’ve just never been punished big for it yet so I still do it hehe. You also have to be pretty much point blank in alpha2 for them to combo really.
It’s safer when blocked, but overall, being able to do c.mk from any distance into patriot circles (like whiff punish) is way better.
Yeah the crouching MK into patriot is good in A3