Gen is fucking complicated lol there is some stuff on him in the A2 teaching thread and I can answer any questions in particular.
I play Guy a bit less and started Gen as well again, his CC is crazy good damage but I wonder if I should rather got for AC and supers after chains??? Really it seems even though A2 is meter happy I never have enough with him.
Sides how useful is his second stance, except for that nice c.SK …
It was not until I watched these Mikado videos that I knew Gen and Guy could combo supers off of throws. I didn’t even know you could combo two supers together. Are Gen and Guy the only ones capable of this?
Yeah, those 2 can, but Dan and Sodom can also. Guy can actually hurricane kick after a throw. As for Gen you want to always chian inot lvl 2 super, unless a lvl 3 will kill (damage between lvl 2 and 3 is very little). In the corner you do lvl 2 rush, switch stance, then lvl 1 grab juggle. Gen builds meter extremely quickly with whiffed dps. You have to make use of both stances while playing him, constantly switching. KKK stance can land a lvl 3 grab super as easy as PPP stance can land rush super.
Well, any chance you can introduce me to some kick stance stuff. I have not the most time and yeah usually play Guy, but Gen, Charlie and Akuma are my usual switch if I get bored lol. I hope some things will translate to SF4 as well in case of Gen.
Offtopic, but since a lot of people read this thread i figured i’d ask.
Someone have this DVD?
Or someone in Japan willing to get it for me? I’ll pay good $.
If you have it, lemme know on PM, we’ll work something out.
I constantly switch stances, I try not to stay in one stance too much unless it is better to do so (like vs Gief). KKK has nice normals, c.rh is AA, goes under fbs, c.fp on counter hit does x3 damage, knocks them up for juggle. J.fp and rh are great air to air, crosses up any one. Rolling special goes under fireballs and off the wall kicks can lead to lvl 3 air grab juggle. Alot of stuff Gen can do =).
Ah yeah that anti air kick is nice and that you can duck fireballs there seems very nice. I will try some things out you mentioned here when I play today.
Lol so i got hit by a flashy ass Gen CC today…
Ki-ryuu - Activate => Ouga Kicks back and forth off the wall…that shit fucking combos in the air like its Maximum Spider. Did like 60% damage off a level 3, probably not as damaging as the normal CC, but still rofl…
Yeah Ive done that a couple times, dps are better though.
If that combo starts with you can probably “air tech” out of it.
Not necessarily, depends on how fast the move hits after the if he goes to a far wall, more than likely though.
Wait theres Air Tech in Alpha 2?
When you tech roll in the air early you can avoid certain juggles, cause it makes you invincible to them. Sim is the best with this, though its with his yoga escape, he can avoid alot of ccs, or alot of the hits from them.
I see, never knew about this, thanks Good stuff.
I was messing with SFII Chun just a moment ago and notice that she’s lost her c.foward cancel. Her kikoken has also become a charge move. Does she gain anything in return for the two nerfs?
Crouching Forward can still be cancelled with SF2 Chun.
In return she can cancel her crouching Roundhouse when close and, IIRC, her standing Roundhouse.
How do you defend with Chun?
you don’t. you attack instead since she’s the best character in the game
Didn’t see an Akuma matchup thread for A2 Akuma.
Right now my main problem is Charlie. To me it seems like he simply outclasses Akuma in every way.
I tried various approaches.
-Air FB
-ground FB.
-command roll
His SB recovers damn fast. His pokes are damn good especially with that much range he has. I can’t do a FB war since A)SB recovers so good and B)If he jumps my FB I get punished.
I’m constantly trying to get in to avail. Charlie seems to have every base covered.
Can someone post up some strats?
I’m on GGPO as HadesHatredEdge if anyone wants to show me some tips in a match. Just PM/post a visitor message/add me to AIM or MSN.
Some tips vs Chun Li would be nice as well. All I remember was to use cr.MK vs her. I also play Ken/Guy/Sagat.