Advanced A2 Discussion

No prob man.

Peeps who are really good at A2, what are some dirty cheap Ryu tactics? I mostly just go with basic stuff: use his godly fireballs to zone them, c.MK xx Red Fireball, AC or shroyuken as anti-air, tick throw them and meaty fireball traps in the corner, oki tricks, HK hurry kick over fireballs, and land his cheap ass CC when I can get away with it. Just doing that my Ryu feels pretty solid, but I know I can be cheaper than that, this is basic SF2 stuff I’m doing.

yo can someone please give me some recommended dip switch settings for alpha 2(in alpha anthology)so I can make the game close as possible to the arcade version

I’m not really great but here’s little things i picked up from ryu:
If you’re zoning with fireballs you got him mostly covered lol. HP (red) fireball is godlike when used as a sorta “poke”, right outside their poke range. Zoning is good and works mostly as in SF2 stuff. Things to remember:
His overhead is hard to react to and goes reeealy far. You can have stuff like 2 c.MP connect and still be in range to do it. Talking about c.MP, while not on rose level of dirty, it’s still among the best in the game, you gotta love it, it also links into itself, among other things. As with all shotos you can start antiair CCs with standing strong into dragonpunches. If you activate for nothing you should spam a shitload of jab fireballs then get in (either with air tatsus or doing a jab to cancel the fireball then advance). You get decent chip + a free mixup. Not that you should activate for nothing but it will eventually happen i guess. c.HP is a better antiair than in your average SF game and you can cancel it into a jab fireball and have them block it. Shinkuu hadou is pretty good, as are most fireballs supers in A2. If you need to get them off your face kick alpha counter knocks them far away and puts away all the hard time they worked to get in.

Yeah there’s really isn’t much “advanced” stuff with ryu besides the obvious, good ryus just zone really well and use his meter wisely. He’s just really good at that and one of the best chars in the game.

could someone explain the “if you get knocked down from a cc …you have to block the other way” thing… and certain scenarios were this might occur …exept for when rose does an ac

After a xx fireball knockdown, hold uf, at the last second. Its a safe jump in and if it hits go into x2 fireball. Alot of times they try to throw which leads to x2 xx fireball another knockdown into the same situation. Repeat til and is blocked. From the blocked, go for throw, or xx fireball if you think they expected your throw attempt. If they jump at you when you have meter, cc them with xx lk hurricanes xN, end with hp dp. If they jump from afar, actiavte, s.fp xx hk hurricane into lk hurricanes, end with dp. C.fp is one of the best meaties and if it hits you can link a or sweep, if blocked walk forward and throw, or go for a counter hit. is a really good anti cross up, hitting instantly above his head. Hope this helps.

I’m was just having the hardest time against Ryu earlier with Chun. I dunno what the fuck went wrong, I just could not pull off anything. Being the corner is a bitch.

Question: whats up with reversals in this game? I can’t seem to pull one off to save my life. He was really predictable with his walk up sweep or xx fireball on wakeup, but I just could not reversal the son of a bitch.

Jab dps have no lower invincibility. They will at BEST trade with a low hit. Best bet is mp or fp dragon punch, also note the timing for wake up dp isnt as easy as say, CvS2, but easier than ST. Also Akuma and E. Ryu’s mp and hp dps dont knock down with the first hit, so they usually just have to block sweeps and such from a distance.


After Bison’s cc ending in Headstomp, his meaty sweep in unblockable.

I believe after Sim’s Air grab super his sweep is unblockable. Also you can do 3 lvl 1 air grabs in a row, after landing 1, immeadiately do another, this will grab them on the ground as long as they dont hit any buttons.

After a sweep with Rose, Activate lvl 1 shadow super and do a meaty df+mk. If done right only the shadows hit which are unblockable and you can tag on a xx mk drill.
Same set-up can be done after a xx lk drill in the corner I believe.

How do you time Chun’s Axe Kick, Birdie’s Steam Roller, and Ken’s Shoryuken to pass through projectiles?

do it when it is very close to the characters hitbox

not to be off topic, but it seems that SFA2 is more popular than SFA3 here in SRK.

btw thats true, so it wouldnt have the chance of hitting you up so close.

Can I get some beastly ass Ryu CC’s plz?

Also does he have any unblockables?

And …why doesn’t SFA2 have a motherfuckin scene???

I forgot about this thread and didn’t check back. I check again months later and find that RagingStorm and TVG gave me some awesome advice. Thanks a lot guys, especially you Raging Storm for the mixup loop.

This thread has good info, but dead compared to this one

Idk about that, but I do see more people on A2 in ggpo than A3 now. But overall I think A3 is more popular, just not the better game. Please no A3 vs A2 discussion cause my last comment, just my opinion.

I’m trying to learn to Magic Grab with Gief and have a bunch of trouble. So it’s just a tick throw right? AFAIK, an SPD is active for one frame, and if doesn’t connect on that frame, it whiffs. So am I supposed to just try to time it so that I do a 360 and hit Up + Punch on the exact frame that get out of hit/block stun? Or is there some sort of timing trick? Is it open for move than one frame?

You can do it the moment they are getting up or out of block stun, I usually do it asap ater a lk with no problems, doing it on their wake up takes some timing. 2 was to practice, sweep then taunt or sweep then whiff SPD, you should be able to spd rigth after.

Which of the three variants is a more safer move to use? or is it character dependent?

ken use lp dp, chun hk overhead, birdie is all the same

I would like some Zero 2 Gen gameplay stats plz (Yes cuz of SF4).