it’s a fight to get in with sakura, then crossups. mad dizzy potential, like 2 bnbs will dizzy your opponent (2x cr. short, st. short, fierce shoohken). her cc’s are alright, but her supers are pretty decent as well. the 2xqcb kick super hits low, safe on block, and does quite good damage. her fireball is good for mid screen mind games as well; throw a few out, have them blocked, then expand it to 3rd size to catch jump-ins.
typical pokes are standing roundhouse and crouch forward iirc. essentially look to punish with a sweep, then move in and destroy your opponent with crossups and tick throws.
Yep, that’s pretty much what she does. The trick with the cross-up is to pressure them really hard into paying attention to which side you’re going to hit on. You can control it in a subtle way to make it seem as though you’re going to cross up, but you end up hitting normally (head-on). Can really fuck with someone’s head. Also, be mindful of tech rolls in cross-up situations. If you think they’ll tech to get out of the cross-up, you get the b&b combos. Up close, she can land 3’s into, fp DP. On crossup and in corners she can land 4’s into a fp DP.
Also, in the corner on wake-up, you can land f+fwd,, fp DP. I’m pretty sure you have to meaty the overhead in order for it to work. Which is good, because if they do anything, or fuck up a reversal, they’re getting it. (unless it’s a cc or reversal cc. then again, she might be able to space it such that she is out of the cc’s blow-out range. not sure about that though, as i don’t play Sak, and I don’t fuck with that situation most of the time). I’m pretty sure this doesn’t work in open play, as I’ve only been hit by it in the corner, but I could be wrong.
Thanks for the info. You guys were a lot of help.
Just one more question: what is her best option when knocked down?
Anybody? This is a Chun-Li question.
why would you ever want to combo into super upkicks? you can juggle a rh up kicks after lv1 senretsu kyaku. up kicks super is practically always a waste of meter.
I read earlier in the thread that Sodom is a good matchup against Chun. I really can’t figure how. Anyone have Sodom anti-Chun stuff? I mean on occasion I can j.RH on reaction but it isn’t too reliable. I still can’t regularly cross her up with Lastly, I seem to have nothing on the ground as I can’t pin her down with Scrapes. Any clues on this one?
Edit: I realize that some of this is covered at the beginning of the thread, but outside of reaction jumping and the fierce scrape that only seems to get me in position and not pin her, I’m still not getting far in this matchup
Any sagat strategies? Also combos? If it has been covered already i’ll go dig deeper in the thread.
with sagat you want to make them jump, but his anti airs arent as good in this game, and his normals are weak. to make up for this he has a really good custom. isnt special cancelable, s.fp is slow, is slow, he has no close s.fp, s.lp is terrrible, fireballs are pretty slow too.
lv1 tiger raid is safe, and in the corner you can juggle fp dp on some chars. is pretty much your go to move into tiger raid (you can do short short too, but the timing is awkward)
because is so slow if you do get a clean j.rh and dont have meter i just do xx fp dp.
if you have meter you can combo into custom from j.rh.
his kick alpha counter is pretty good. is a crossup, but all of his close normals are so slow you can only really combo or after it.
for “anti mash” end strings with xx low tiger.
btw if you didnt know his custom is activate, c.rh (to put them at a good height) rh tiger knees, fierce dp.
Thanks eps
Dont forget sagat can far AA cc starting with s,mk for full damage.
Would this be near the wall or anywhere from that?
You can do it anywhere for the most part, probably not against another Chun though…you know how her hitbox is blessed in this game…
Some questions about the match-up against Sakura:
How do you block cross-up attempts (with j.short or foward or whichever kick it is)? If you manage to block the jump in, is it even possible to switch to crouching block to stop the ensuing c.short/jab --> s. short …etc, etc.
How do I stop tick attempts? She comes in with one ore two c. shorts up close then quickly goes for the throw.
What do you do to get out of corner traps. She’ll generally jump straight up and do a j.foward/j.short, then land and do two c.shorts. Or she’ll wait for you to get up and start with two c. shorts and the do a fwd+foward and it seems like cancel into a standing roundhouse or something.
I use ryu and sakura and my matches against good sakuras basically always end up exactly the same. getting tripped, crossup, crossup, etc. And then finish with a Crouching Fierce xx qcb,qcb k.
Oh and on a random note, how do you sacrifice throw? Whenever I try to throw after getting hit, I either do an attack or get kicked in the legs.
Any help would be appreciated.
You block cross ups the opposite way. As far as countering throws, mash light attacks into combo, dp, or cc. As for sac throwing, Im pretty sure in A2 its pointless. If you can throw after getting hit, you could have thrown after blocking also. Also use your alpha counters to get her off you, thats what they are there for.
and dont forget to learn how to safe fall away from her:rofl:
or it’s cross-ups for you all night long.
yeah but dont be predictable with it, especially after a sho’ouken combo from her. Otherwise she can combo you again
This is totally unrelated, but I never noticed that Dhalsim is still jabbering away about yoga when he’s dizzied. That is fucking hilarious.
I looked through the entire thread and couldnt find Rolento’s CC. All i do at the moment is activate => to or skip this and go straight to, sweep xx Knives juggle in air.
Is that the right one or…i dunno lol, its ghetto as hell though xD.
Rolento’s CC: D+ HK, UP, mash the LP button, land, down + up again and mash LP button, repeat for as much as you can
in other words: sweep, super jump, j.LP x N, land and super jump again, repeat as much as you can
this does just a notch short of 100% of their health, you land it and you WIN
Thank you Appreciate the help