you cant choose which level you want, it uses up all your meter at the time.
thank you
did that Framedata ever get posted, btw?
Here are some videos that should give you an impression of how and when to use Custom Combos properly, e.g. as anti-airs or other ways to get to your opponent on a safer (but still risky!!) way.
The first three videos are the best ones concerning the usage of Custom Combos.
Use CC to beat out throws and little pokes. Use CC to blow through anti-airs and air-to-grounds—creates fun situations. Use CC to punish people for walking/standing (fucked up aka awesome) in your sweep range (they have a few frames to counter-activate if they have meter). Mix up CC with throws. Use CC for no reason at all. Use CC against AC-happy opponents to make them waste meter whilst you cancel the sweep into an invincible move and combo. Use CC to blow through fireballs. Use CC to punish. Use CC.
Has there been any talk of delayed AC reversals on here? I hope there has. This is the advanced A2 discussion thread. There’s still shit about this game I don’t know…so post up if you’ve got good shit…or…be a dick.
But anyway…you can cancel into invincible/evasive moves from pokes without committing by timing the cancel such that the (typically unsafe) move does not come out if they do not AC your normal. The skill therein lies in your ability to ascertain whether or not they are AC-happy, and to determine which pokes (and in which situations) they are fond of AC’ing. The problem, however, is that ducking is very hard after a delayed AC reversal (when you’re in the moment against a good player, that is) and with such an emphasis on lows in A2, standing/walking opponents look very, very tasty when you/they have meter.
Any tips for properly using Gief in this game? For some crazy reason I can’t get revesals to come out after I get knocked down.
rolento strats plz
if its already posted then just give a page number
Vids of me using Gief are at mikado’s website. I took 3rd there last month with basically four moves - j.strong, knees, SPD, and CC. :wgrin:
Kickass I haven’t DLed Z2 matches from Mikado in a while, but mind directing me to the page that has the matches plz?
… Gouki was too close to Rose. She should have taken him out quicker as punishment. And what’s with all that tripping?:looney:
The first three videos were pretty horrible. They show how you CAN use CCs, but not how to use them properly. First of all, the Rose player looks like an A2 player that decided to use Rose, not an A2 Rose player. Rose is different from other characters in that her CC is actually the THIRD best way to use her meter. She should be using it for Friends super and ACs most of the time. CC only through FBs if necessary or to counter (throws, drop-through, etc.).
In all the matches, there are characters with fireballs, yet not one CC through a fireball. Most of the CC activations were random. There was one instance where Ryu was at almost full life against Rose and burned his meter in the corner. That in itself wasn’t bad, but he should have used his hurricane kick super to try and get Rose to burn an AC. Myself, I would have just empty jumped in and thrown.:rolleyes:
In general, entirely not enough meter building on anyone’s part. Against fireball characters, if you’re skinny enough to go through them, you should make the game more footsie-based and meter-building so you can go through fireballs when you get past level 2.
The last two matches are much better quality in terms of gameplay, but not for CC usage. Kumazan is the best Zangief in Tokyo. I lost to him like 17 games straight and had the time of my life. He’s who you should look at for proper Zangief play. He should have won that first match against Ken, but I think he used fierce DPs instead of jab ones. It may have just been the bad cabinet at Mikado.
They’re G3E. That’s why they suck.
To the guy asking for Rolento strateejery:
Get on GGPO, everyone and their mother can at least half-ass a Rolento game on there. That’s certainly an overstatement, of course, but it goes to say that there are quite a few who can proficiently play Rolento.
I doubt you’ll find anything worth running in any match videos, though, outside of games on the GGPO dojo (I could be wrong, though). Most match vids (even recent) are behind the times, as far as I’ve seen. Most match videos are too clean and pretty. A2 is some dirty ass fighting.
Or, if you have Kawaks and P2P, we can set up a time to play. Rolento is pretty easy once you know all of your options and have committed knife cancels and CC’s to memory.
I actually used to use him when ggpo first came, all you need to know is his lp. and faking his QCB+k
PS- you can just go to the dojo on the ggpo website to find rolento matches…
yeah thats what i have been doing, im still pretty bad with him but i guess im getting better
knife pressure, dood, those knives are probably the strongest projectile in the game, and master his CC, one of the tops in the game as well, right behind chun li
canceling his QCB+k with down mk, pressure with launcher jump in+mp. mix up pokes and knife pressure along with throws+CCs and random supering, you’re PRO
Any easier way to cancel into Super Upkicks?!
How is Sakura played in this game? What are her choice pokes, specials, combos ect…?
her usual Bnb=cross short,jab,st.short,hp.SRK… her cross up is very good, you have to commit to standing blocking if you don’t want to be crossed. her standing roundhouse seems pretty slow. but her standing fierce is real fast and a good anti air. doesnt have that extra kick after her hurricane kick, and no air stomp, or whatever it was in cvs2, sorry if this doesn’t help >.<