Advanced A2 Discussion

c.hp when they jump in

s.rh when they want to jump

or =)

Does Chun still own Charlie for free? I was playing Charlie vs Chun on GGPO the other day, and I was getting kicked silly.

I just want to know how much can be attributed to my sucking.

yes, its pretty free. chun does more damage than charlie, beats him on the ground, is generally very difficult to anti air for charlie without a charge, and generally harasses him with tick throws.

also sonic booms are basically useless unless shes knocked down because of her jump speed/priority.

Does Chun still own _______ for free? I was playing ________ vs Chun on GGPO the other day, and I was getting kicked silly.

Fill in the blanks. :stuck_out_tongue:

His best normals are standing strong, low strong, low forward, standing forward is a good poke for but watch out for ACs from the big 4. My strats r alot of pressure with standing forward, psycho shot, and head stomps. I use jumping forward alot and fierce mixups with the airthrow at time. I save my meter
for either level 3 psycho crusher or punch AC. CCs i do are are low roundhouse, hadorave. I try 2 go for simple 2 in 1s also like a jump in low strong, low forward, standing roundhouse (!st hit) into the psycho shot or knee press. If any1 would like 2 add more to this be my guess, even old dogs could learn new tricks :slight_smile:

Any tips with Charlie against Rolento? I’m kinda clueless in this matchup.

Any adon combos?

Adon isn’t really a combo character

He can link 2 crouching strongs together.
HE can cancel low jab, short, strong into his DP, or his rushing super.
For his custom do sweep, Jaguar kicks and end with a RH DP.


Rolento isn’t a favorable matchup for Charlie. Try not to get hit by his custom as it does 40% to 50% at level 1. He can combo his normals, or custom if a knife hits deep. He’s got great range on his custom with his slide. His low strong is hard to AC. Rolento’s low strong low, forward doesn’t combo on Charlie. His jumping strong trades with a lot of anti airs including most of Charlie’s. He can anti air custom any of your jumping attacks. He can kick AC you and custom you from behind. Rolento can cross you up pretty easy. If you get hit by the patriot circle it gives you a lot of meter and doesn’t do very much damage. The grenade throw does no damage if you tech it. I don’t have a whole lot of advice but I do play Rolento as my main character. I never ran into a Charlie that really gave me any problems.


His fireball is hard to custom through. His best custom is slide, scissor kicks, and end with a head stomp. None of his customs are really damaging.

Dictator: Knee Press Knightmare (kick super) goes through fireballs and is one of those supers that’s unblockable from a pretty decent range if you weren’t blocking before the freeze frame. Pretty good priority at level 1 also.

He also has good footspeed, which gives him nice throw range to catch people who are looking to AC (you have to watch out for Valle CC, of course). As was just stated, his CCs aren’t too strong, and his fireballs are slow, but good.

You can juggle with a tiger knee after kick super with adon. You can also combo to tiger knee to tiger knee. But I think thats ones rollable. Been awhile.

Hmph, I’m having some trouble handling Dictator with Rose. Any tips?
Thanks in advance.

I just switched from 3s and turbo to A2 and I am learning gen, sodom, birdie and gief. For some reason every time i face a ken i get owned by cc’s. Anyone know how to keep him from getting into cc range?

Also i am having a hard time adjusting to this version of gief since he was one of my mains in turbo, any tips? :sweat:

If Ken get’s in, the war begins.

But first I’m a A2 noob today. But iirc you can counter activate CC activation with you own CC activation.

playing Gief out of those three character you mentioned is totally the right decision! The Alpha Gief’s are legendary. :wink: (half srceen Valle unblockable ftw)

Playing with those activation mind games is enjoying like chess and even better if you win. ^^

So is Dictator the god of throwing in this game or what?

Every time somebody picks him against me, I get thrown at least five million times. I swear I’m not exaggerating.

Lomo said it. There are generally two ways to avoid getting hit by a Custom Combo.

The first one is to activate your own CC as soon as you take notice of your opponent’s CC activation. With this, you can somehow make your opponent’s one useless.

The second one, which is quite difficult to avoid, is the Valle Unblockable he has mentioned. There is already a small window of time during which you can switch to block when your opponent is activating CC mode in a normal way. This window is being reduced even more when activating it Valle-style. The Valle Unblockable always starts with a low attack, usually c.Roundhouse in most of the cast’s case. When starting a CC with a low attack, then there is only one way for you to get out of this situation safe, namely if you were already blocking low BEFORE the opponent’s CC activation had started.

Is there any good A2 faq out there that explains the combo system and game engine details to someone new to the game like me? I’ve seen jchensor write some combo system faqs for a couple other games, but I haven’t found any for A2 yet.

Also, I’ve activated my CC right after the opponent before, and still got hit by their cc. Anyone know what happened there?

ok, i’ve played a2 since it came out but never really tried distinguishing between the levels of cc’s. when i played at the arcades, i would just hit all the button knowing that a cc would activate as everyone else did the same thing.

now my question, what determines what level the cc will be? also, does a level 1 cc have less time than a higher level cc? finally, how do you activate different cc levels? i went to gfaqs to check but all they said about cc activation is 2 punches + 1 kick and that’s it.

cc uses up all your current meter.

what level the cc is determines how much invincibility the activation will have and (obviously) how long the cc will be.

i dont see how you can be playing a2 since 1996 and not notice these, things…

maybe it’s because i never took a2 seriously, or that after a3 came out i moved on to that instead of focusing on a2, or that alpha anthology rekindled my love for a2 to the point of me wanting to learn a lot of the intricacies of the game.

anyways, so then different levels of course have different amounts of time for cc’s and invincibilities. since cc’s use up all your current meter, how do you determine the level of the cc? because when i used to play a lot when a2 was in the arcades, i just thought it would be better to save up all 3 meters for a cc. but when readin different threads, i keep seeing people emphasizing using a level 1 cc.