Advanced A2 Discussion

this is a good point out because I didn’t realize it till a few weeks into the game. When you lp dp, you give the opponent time to roll underneath and through you if you don’t hit them out of the roll and alomst give them a free cc.

since mp dp knocks them so far away, even if they fp roll, they’ll never be able to roll through you and get you.

yep, also gives you a lot more time to see this roll and punish accordingly

its option tree.

When you mp dp, you prevent the roll entirely but you let them do lp roll and get away from your options. A good plus to this is that you send them across the screen and gain the screen advantage and force an error.

If someone is roll happy, basically every time you knock them down, they’ll roll when they can. This is where the LP DP comes into play. LP DP, sweep them all day when they roll. Free life.

Eventually against roll happy oponents, they’ll stop being sweeped out of the LP DP and just take the KD and deal with the wake up. Then you start noticing it and attempt the MP DP to gain screen advantage and then they roll.

you have to decide what options you want to play since both lp\mp dp are guaranteed as AA and they don’t have a bar to CC through it.

Is there any place I can find frame data for SFA2? Like characters specific stuff, CC invincibility frames, tech roll stats, etc?

Also, is it possible to link into a CC like in CvS2?

Yeah you can link CC after jabs with a lot of them. You can link CC after most moves that allow a normal to link after too.

Frame data? No idea. I’d love to have it too… especially pre-jump data. Refine my ghetto 360 setup lol.

Do katobbi cancels do anything in this game?

hmmm, i wasn’t aware that you could link cc’s in this game. Looks like my cc game just got deeper.

for frame data, theres a program called wrectangles. You can’t find it on the net anywhere but theres a guy on the boards who will send it to you if you ask for it. He developed the program himself. The actual purpose is to be able to create your own hitboxes for further study of the game assuming the they’re correct but the great thing about this is that its actually a frame capturing tool so you can frame by frame shit. Very simple lay out too.

I’m sure if you did a search for the program on srk, you would come up with a few hits. The man himself plays ST as his main game. You can search that section of srk and expect a hit. I forgot his name though but I remember reading a few posts saying that he created a program blah blah. Look for something like that.

I have my All About Zero2 book somewhere which I believe has the frame data. I need to find it. Are people seriously interested in this information?

Yes, I’m very interested in it. If you could scan and upload it somewhere I’d be very grateful.

Originally Posted by: Mastermind
Any Rolento tips vs. Chun? Priority is a bitch, and her name is Chun. I can’t get near her at all. It’s insane.

CC break alpha3, stop playing this game it sucks. Rolento vs D-Hore good luck with that dude!

I am also. Please put this information onto the Upload site.

does anyone know what causes high knock downs? i’ve seen it probably 50 times now and I can’t figure out whats causing it. I assume HKD’s only happen during CC’s.

it happens if they dont go to a neutral state after being hit by a knockdown move during cc. after landing a cc, do a meaty knockdown move or combo that knocks down and they will pop up higher, putting them in a special juggle state.

Any Dictator strats?

Anyone got anyone advice for Sakura’s cross-ups?

Wrectangles XSPR mrdhalsim

Yes, that’s me- if anyone is interested in taking a look at my Wrectangles program just drop me an email (I might forget to check PMs so my email is fawnix at mark on a gmail account).

David Boudreau
XSPR on xbox live

With regards to the Sakura crossups question, if you are feeling confident you can try to wake up dp, however that is fairly risky, since you may have to use a turn around dp or a normal one depending on her positioning, furthermore I have no idea whether you are using a character with some form of dp or not. It is possible to avoid further crossup attempts after a Sak bnb combo by using a quick fall, however if your opponent is expecting this they can cr. short the fall’s recovery and you end up in the same situation, so only go for the quick fall, if they immediately commit to another crossup.
Perhaps the best advice I can give you is try to avoid situations that Sakura would use to set up her crossups. For example, pay close attention to your spacing during footsies, so she can’t whiff punish with footsweeps into crossups or worse yet customs. As always be wary of tick throw attempts since all Sak users utilise her punch throw to setup crossups and throws are instant in this game unlike A3. If you have already been knocked down and I know you probably don’t want to hear this, but your absolute safest option is to simply block the crossup. Even though you don’t gain any initiative and there is still the possiblity of tick attempts, it is far better imho to eat a throw or two, rather than the damage and stun from a bnb that will reset the whole guessing game. My apologies for the somewhat lengthy post, I hope my advise will prove helpful Marble.

can anyone post rose tactics besides

thx :slight_smile:

^ crouch fierce when they jump over :stuck_out_tongue:

What is a good jump in CC combo with Sakura? I find my self just mashing and trying to get into sweep than my CC combo, after i power through an anti-air. Do i do j. FP or or what?

Low Roundhouse, QCB+HK, DP+FP works best for a LV 1 custom. Don’t remember her having any really killer LV 3 customs.