Advanced A2 Discussion

I have no experience with your strat, so I believe you are the developing expert in it. I am only questioning what happens when the opponent plays a more aggressive style, and fight you on your ground control. I have no idea what it is like playing against it, so when do you do your fireball ground control, where are the characters positioned? Let’s say you face Evil Ryu or Akuma, they see you throw 5-6 fireballs, and think to teleport behind you if the positioning is bad.

I am not trying to put you down, as doing new things is always interesting to see. Just wondering how the situation will arise where you use this strat, and what happens if this x situation happens. Maybe I am just indirectly trying to figure out how to counter you if we should have a match =)

I know shoto footsies so my ground game is pretty good. I try not to jump and mainly stay on the ground. I’m comfortable not doing the gimmick and playing street fighter.

since its only 1 bar, I don’t care if those characters would teleport behind me. I’ll try to set it up as best as I can like after a dp hit, sweep ch, throw in the corner. My goal with this strat is just to force you to do something to get away from what i’m doing. Thats all I care about. As long as your not doing what you want, you have to play w\ what i’m doing and that can only force errors on the opponents part. Depending on how I set it up too, decided your input speed on the teleport unless it has a 0 frame startup. If you fuck up the timing, you just ate multiple fireballs which will do decent damage. Right back into shoto zoning until I get another bar to dump.

I’m still safe if those characters decide to teleport, I can just throw a 2 fireballs wait for the teleport then CC walk away from you till its over or bait your teleport somehow. I don’t care if I fuck it up because i’ll have anothe bar eventually and I’ll try to make it counter more than the last one. Remember this is just a 1 bar CC gimmick. I’m sure this has easy counters but what ever you counter me with, im going to be able to counter it back some how. The gimmick is kinda flexible in this case I suppose.

too actually pull this off and make it looks like its worth a damn, which it probably isn’t, is going to take a developed footsie game and being able to readjust to your opponent so you can properly set him up for some chip and or damage.

and we’ve pleyed before.

it is safe… you do it after a corner knock down, i dont think you understood what i was saying. also, ryus overhead sucks, if they got hit by that they must be asleep. in other news, dont listen to atobe, he is a noob.

Do you play ggpo? I would like to test your theory.


Thank you for explaining it to me. If you want I am willing to help by doing situations that come up in your mind. But don’t be surprised if I try to incorporate your strat =)

yeah i do, but im on vacation right now, when i get back we can play.

Hey just started playing this game when GGPO came out. Having a lot of fun with it and it is easily shaping up to be one of my favorite SF games. My only question is why did the game die out? Is there something game breaking or some lameness like crouch cancels in A3 or did it just get old and stale and everybody jumped on A3 when that was released. Sorry if this question has already been asked. Thanks in advance.

alpha 3 came out, basically.

j.d+mk beats everything she does except alpha counter (which gets owned by empty jump in spd)

lariats vs fireball

punch alpha counter against her soul spiral chip during her soul illusion mode

j.d+mk is too good. it beats everything outside of invincible anti airs. it ticks perfectly into spd, and if you think they’re going to hit you out of it, cc activation into paint the fence for 75% life.

whats up with chun dominating ken when she plays right? I thought I had this fight figured out but after playing maxstahs chun serveral times, I just can’t find a solid answer.


Do not use projectiles against Rose unless you are at point-blank range.

I am not sure if people realize that she temporarily gets a damage boost with her own projectile from doing this. This sets you up for the rarely seen 100% Custom Combo or consecutive Soul Illusions.

She gets nearly half of a Level 1 meter, too, so absorbing two fireballs consecutively will most likely give her a whole Level 1 meter.

If you’re hanging way on the other side of the battlefield, don’t send projectiles over! A good Rose player will be able to absorb most of the projectiles even if you vary the speed if there is enough distance. Only Rolento has the advantage over this theory since Rose cannot absorb or reflect his knives.

Sounds interesting. You’re talking about using CC right? Was hard to follow at first.

There are a couple of character-specific problems where you get stopped mid-way: Bison/Akuma/E.Ryu teleports, Dhalsim’s super slow jump and air teleport, etc.

Sounds intersting though. I don’t really play A2; doesn’t Jab DP build more meter than the whifed hurricane kick? So maybe whiff DP and then whiff Short hurricanex2 would work better?

The whole thing seems sorta contingent on you actually getting it started to set up further reps. If they stay too close to you so the blockstun isn’t as big a problem/they can AC etc… It’s sorta like Sakura’s crossup loops- good to have, but there are ways out of it during, and more importantly, before ending up in that situation.

Would be interesting to see in use, though.

It is not worth rose trying to absorb ryu’s fireballs if hes throwing them at about her sweep range, the fireball knocks down at this range, and is also virtually impossible to block on reaction at that range (it takes 1/5 of a second for block to register in a2)

I should of said it was a CC trap, that probably would of made things much easier for everyone.

Against those characters that can teleport, i’d probably pick a nice spot to set it up first but if I fucked up and those characters, its only a 1 bar cc gimmick. By the time there teleport animation ends, i’m guessing that I can cc walk away from them to be on the opposite side of the screen then go back to playing footsie. 1 bar CC time doesn’t last long.

you have to set it up right for the most part. You don’t want to be too close because you can be ACed. To far and they can get out. Become predictable and they can anticipate it.

depending on how many fireballs I executed properly, yea the DP is the better choice. Its really all about the layer of the fireballs though. The only advantage tatsu has it that it can make someone jump. If you do 2 on the ground going fwd, 1 jumping back, then one more fwd, on the 4th one most people will try to jump and I just tatsued into my dp range. 3 of those are guaranteed and the 4th one is bonus because i’m full screen.

As with anything thats has trap as premise of offense, your inclined to fuck it up occasionally. As long as you can dodge trouble if you fucked up and make it count next time, its ok imo. s\d tactics from marvel basically.

That is one of the exceptions, yes, but if the Ryu player is too dependant on that strategy, the Rose player might do a quick preventative reflect, but you’re right - that is a safe range to use the projectile. Like I said, though, if you’re on the other side of the field and the projectile won’t knock her down, don’t bother.

i’m still confused on what the engine is doing. With sakura, if you do her throw that bashes them, she gets a free xup. The thing is though, its not an xup. Its an original side attack but its hitting as if it were an xup. Just wondering why thats happening because its going against the rules of the engine right?

how about some solid strats againt chun. Some of these chuns, I can handle but when I step up to a guru chun, like maxstah’s, its 10-0 all day every day. Can’t out footsie her because her moves have longer range, her fireball rivals mine, her walk speed is stupid and it might as well be a dash and her damn CC eats me up. The damage output on that CC is stupid. Air to air, she has moves that wipe me out and even air tatsu can be beaten @ the right angle by chuns normals.

The only thing i’ve tried doing is playing smart and trying to work footsie as best as I can then ACing her or CCing her when I get a chance then go back to playing smart. In the end though, its not enough. Smart solid chun will wiff very few normals to give me a chance to CC or block low to avoid the valle CC. When I start ACing her, she can break up AC timing to throw me off then i’m really stuck. If I try the overhead, theres enough time to CC me back before it hits and yea, i’m missing life.

i play ken when I have to go top vs top.


doesn’t sakura’s crossup hit depending on what point during the jump you hit attack? early forward = hits front, late forward = hits back. i always thought that was why it was so useful, its’ ambiguity.

ahh yes, you’re right. I just tested this today against some sakuras online. I guess those few people I played only knew how to the original side one but why does it hit original side and flies through as if it were an xup?

also, can you block that shit consistently? It looks like the spot where you hit mk to crossup or not xup is a very small window but can you visually eye it out then block accordingly? I don’t like guessing games and sak is a bitch when she comes to that.

not really, its like a 50/50 basically.

also 2 of them dizzies most of the cast.

sakura is good. her custom isn’t great, but her normals are good and her supers are useful.

Any Rolento tips vs. Chun? Priority is a bitch, and her name is Chun. I can’t get near her at all. It’s insane.