Absolute Question and Answer Thread v.3 (ASK YOUR QUESTIONS HERE!)

I forgot the part number but I think spark fun has a dc to dc converter

battery would be the next step after.

So this? https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9370 and basically set it for constant 5v draw?

This also looks promising with a LiPo Battery https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14411

Yep, I think that is the one. It was Recommended for the Toodles Spark to be used with the PS1/PS2 before the Spark SE Revision.

Cool, so I’ll grab that, a resistor, and 9v battery connector and a rechargeable 9v and I should be good to go with psx. Thank you for the information. I’ll make another post later with my whole setup later once everything is ready with a step by step if anyone else wants to do this.

https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00J03PBW0/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00J03PBW0&linkCode=as2&tag=arieltechyoutube-20&linkId=345M2KHV525KUU4A&th=1&psc=1 this looks very tempting as well

Hey, I was wondering what is the correct Mounting Plate to use with my Madcatz SE Fightstick?
Right now I am using a Seimitsu LS-32 with a SS-Plate whichs seems to fit correctly into it but I am planning on getting a Sanwa JLF-TP-8YT which comes with a flat plate. Wouldnt the stick be too short when I use a flat plate or does that not matter? What would be the correct mounting plate for the Madcatz SE? I read different things about it now and am kind of confused.
Here they say u would need a SS plate: Forum-Link
Here he just installs the flat plate into the SE: Youtube-Timestamp

JLFs are intended to be mounted a little below the panel, that flat plate should work out just fine


Are you used to Sanwa joysticks? Going from playing on a square gate (default with japanese sticks) to a circle gate that most (all?) american style sticks use is a jarring experience as far as finding diagonals. As someone who spends a lot of time at down-back I found myself at neutral-down wayyy too often playing on an american ST cab a year or so ago.

I play on a square gate at home, at the arcade I’ve been going to its american parts with circle gate. I had real problems finding the corners. I don’t think I’ll go back to the arcade again, no one wanted to play against me. Playing against the cpu is boring.

  • edit added that I play on a square gate and not used to circle.

My tip, stop thinking of your quarter circles in circular motions.
Conceptualize your movements in “L” Shapes

I can pull of moves fine on a square gate, circle gate is what gives me problems. The arcade is all american cabs with circle gate.There is only one japanese cab and it’s marvel vs capcom 2, a game I don’t play.

  • I do feel as if I rely too much on touching the gate, but that’s probably because my lever is optical. I’m thinking of swapping it out for a jlf.

anyone know if these pdp stealth controllers are common ground? they were $20 at my local sams club, and i haven’t been able to find any info on them.


I think you were trying to do THIS, @Triston

Honestly though, what does that linked thread even have as far as an answer (or even a question) as it relates to @thatfoocrispy’s question?

What causes a spring to get stiff? I installed a JLF and LS-32 spring in my hayabusa and played with both for about 30 minutes, then installed my hayabusa stock spring again and played for 30 minutes. The hayabusa spring felt stiff and sluggish compared to the jlf and ls-32. Thanks.

*edit: added that hayabusa spring feels very sluggish/stiff compared to the jlf, even stiffer than the ls-32.

you have to get a stiffer spring than you need, as all springs have to be broken in.

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Yo, are these controllers any good?
Like, quality and how much do they last

The line most people will tell you is if you really want to know,
then take one for the team, buy one and report your results.

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Never mind, I saw that B15 did a gold stick in a video. Maybe one day I’ll get one done with House of Kolor paint