About the offline delay!

Ok I had my ps3 hooked up to a lcd samsung tv via hdmi and I could notice some offline input delay. Then I switched to my CRT tv and the game was Arcade perfect in that regard, I have an arcade cabinet with the game so I’m sure of it. On the 360 when I was using HDMI I could still feel some lag then I switched to VGA and it disappeared so the lag could be due to a lot of things.

Edit: Tech test from Robokrikit 3S:OE Input Lag Testing

The only thing I see in the psn store when I use the search is the trailer for the game

So the question is: is there a setting on the Samsung TV that can simulate the proper speed for the game to run on?

Maybe someone can try with a vga cable on a lcd tv on ps3 that’s the only way I can think of.

Can we sticky this and reserve this thread for actual testing.

Would also like to know more about this, I have an samsung lcd hdtv as well

Selecting “game mode” on Samung LCDs certainly helps. I haven’t noticed any offline input delay, certainly no more than with mame.

Most of us don’t have the equipment to create a completely lagless environment, even in the best of circumstances; my point is maybe this thread will become too specific and personalized to be of much help, and it’s discussing a problem that is never going to go away, ie. “if I stand my XBOX up on its end, and hook it up with VGA, and put an penny on my controller converter, and only play after 6 p.m…I only get a little lag.” Complaining about lag in an online console game is like complaining about being sun burned after a day at the beach; sometimes, you have to take the good with the bad. Let’s be real here as well; even if there is some lag on the PS3 version, it’s not going to be enough to make the game unplayable, or the reason you are dropping all of your bnb’s. Take some responsibility to your play, and don’t lean on this information as a crutch; practice, adapt, and get better – you can and will overcome.

General information is of course going to be very helpful, I’m just trying to raise a red flag about this thread getting too arcane.

On some some Samsungs game mode actually doesn’t help with the lag, but it’s worth enabling it. Also, go to the “Edit name” setting of the HDMI connection and change it to “PC”. On some models it disables post-processing which means less lag.

I have a Sony LCD TV. I have not noticed any lag whatsoever but I did turn off the Sony “Emotion Engine” and “Bravia Upscaler” (Names are wrong, but basically the 120 hz feature and the smoothing feature).

I have a custom Sanwa PS2 stick that I have hooked up to a PS2-USB SmartJoy converter. From what I “feel,” there is no difference than the GGPO from my PC. However, I will submit that I do not have any actual hard testing facts to back it up. I plan on putting some serious game time tonight so I’ll report back when I can. As of now, I’m satisfied with the latency.

The simple truth of the matter is that all modern HDTVs have some lag of some sort (even the much vaunted EVO monitors). With a game that was designed to be played in old school lagless SD CRTs, there is always going to be some lag - especially if you run it via HDMI.

On top of that, Samsungs are especially notorious for being laggy as hell. I don’t know how we’re in 2011 and people are still mystified that their Samsungs are laggy.

Regardless, until we can get someone with a 60 fps camera setup, a 360, a PS3, a CRT, and an evo monitor, we really won’t have the data we need.

I have a samsung hd ready tv. (720p or 1080i). When I turn on gaming mode the sfx are softer (sounds like there is a wall between the the tv and myself) and the screen gamma is a bit darker. Does this mean that it decreases lag?

I’m on a 6 year old Dynex and things are going rather well.

Just chiming in with a different TV in an attempt to add a bit more diversity to the thread.



Via his twitter.

I don’t know enough about 3S to chime in (I will say my hour of PSN 3SOE play last night was a mixed bag, connection wise), but as others have said and as I wrote on eventhubs, if you aren’t playing on a CRT, then in my opinion you don’t really care about lag.

Enough of this “feels worse” bullshit. Unless they are running concrete tests that proves it is a problem with the game and not their setup, their opinion is shit. This happens everytime a fighting game gets ported. You get one or two loud voices screaming that it “feels” wrong without any proof and then everyone blindly dickrides and joines the bandwagon. This was just posted a moment ago and until someone can provide contrary facts that state otherwise, people need to stop spreading unconfirmed information:

If this is true, I really hope it’s possible to rectify the situation via patch. It’s silly as it is to be putting up with this stuff in SFIV. There’s no real reason for having a difference between the two versions in this day and age.

That being said, I hope it’s just typically unfounded complaining.

ps3 is shitty for fighting games.

No, it’s perfectly fine for fighting games, it’s just that Capcom has a bad track record with porting from XBox to PS3, which is the reason for the bit of extra lag. The PS3 version of Tekken 6 is just as good, maybe even a touch better, than the 360 version.