Abel Combo Thread: the Emo Mercenary's Arsenal!

Hey guys. I just spent some time working on my execution and reading some frame data… so I tested every Abel combo I could think of, including some retarded shit.

I also tested a bunch of counter hit combos which I think could be pretty damn useful for Abel… a counter hit crouching jab links into c.mp. You can also go from a counter hit jab to F+MK but I think the difficulty of that combo is just a little bit too much and it does a minimal amount of extra damage.

Sorry but I did not test stun on these, only damage.

[[Bread and Butters]]
c.mp xx strong CoD - 207 damage
c.mp xx strong CoD FADC c.fp xx falling sky - 305 damage
c.mp xx strong CoD FADC c.fp, ultra - 525 damage
s.fp xx fierce CoD - 222 damage
s.fp xx fierce CoD FADC c.fp xx falling sky - 320 damage
s.fp xx fierce CoD FADC c.fp, ultra - 540 damage
f+mk, s.fp xx fierce CoD - 280 damage
f+mk, s.fp xx fierce CoD FADC c.fp xx falling sky - 365 damage
f+mk, s.fp xx fierce CoD FADC c.fp, ultra - 545 damage
c.fp xx falling sky - 270 damage
level 3 focus, c.fp xx falling sky - 340 damage

[[Jump Ins]]
j.fp, f+mk, s.fp, fierce CoD - 346 damage
j.fp, f+mk, s.fp, fierce CoD FADC c.fp xx falling sky - 418 damage
j.fp, f+mk, s.fp, fierce CoD FADC c.fp, ultra - 557 damage
j.fp, c.mp, strong CoD - 286 damage
j.fp, c.mp, strong CoD FADC c.fp xx falling sky - 371 damage
j.fp, c.mp, strong CoD FADC c.fp, ultra - 551 damage
j.fp, s.fp, fierce CoD - 300 damage
j.fp, s.fp, fierce CoD FADC c.fp xx falling sky - 375 damage
j.fp, s.fp, fierce CoD FADC c.fp, ultra - 552 damage
j.fp, s.mp, strong CoD - 266 damage
j.fp, s.mp, strong CoD FADC c.fp xx falling sky - 351 damage
j.fp, s.mp, strong CoD FADC c.fp, ultra - 531 damage
j.fp, c.fp xx falling sky - 338 damage
j.fp, c.fp, ultra - 598 damage
j.fp, c.rh - 200 damage

Add 10 damage if you jump in with roundhouse

[[Cross Ups]]
j.mk, s.fp, fierce CoD - 270 damage
j.mk, s.fp, fierce CoD FADC c.fp xx falling sky - 355 damage
j.mk, s.fp, fierce CoD FADC c.fp, ultra - 535 damage
j.mk, c.mp, strong CoD - 256 damage
j.mk, c.mp, strong CoD FADC c.fp xx falling sky - 341 damage
j.mk, c.mp, strong CoD FADC c.fp, ultra - 521 damage
j.mk, s.mp, jab CoD - 232 damage
j.mk, s.mp, strong CoD - 236 damage (doesn’t always work)
j.mk, s.mp, jab CoD FADC c.fp xx falling sky - 321 damage

[[Hit Confirms]]
c.lp, s.fp xx fierce CoD - 230 damage
c.lp, s.fp xx fierce CoD FADC c.fp xx falling sky - 315 damage
c.lp, s.fp xx fierce CoD FADC c.fp, ultra - 495 damage
c.lk, s.fp xx fierce CoD - 220 damage
c.lk, s.fp xx fierce CoD FADC c.fp xx falling sky - 305 damage
c.lk, s.fp xx fierce CoD FADC c.fp, ultra - 485 damage
c.lp, s.mp xx strong CoD - 196 damage
c.lp, s.mp xx strong CoD FADC c.fp xx falling sky - 277 damage
c.lp, s.mp xx strong CoD FADC c.fp, ultra - 461 damage

[[Link Combos]]
c.lp, s.rh - 130 damage
c.lk, c.lp, c.lp, c.lp, s.lk - 119 damage
c.lk, c.lp, c.lp, s.mp - 130 damage
c.lk, c.lp, c.lp, s.lp, s.mp - 143 damage. Only works on wide characters.
c.lp, c.lp, c.lk, s.lp, s.lk - 121 damage

[[Situational Combos]]
c.lk. c.lp, s.mp (close) - 114 damage. Generally only works on crouching characters
c.lk. c.lp, s.mp (close) xx strong CoD - 189 damage. Generally only works on crouching characters

[[Counter Hit Combos]]
c.mp, s.mp - 168 damage. Counter hit only.
c.lp, c.mp xx strong CoD - 219 damage. Counter hit only.
c.lp, c.mp xx strong CoD FADC c.fp xx falling sky - 309 damage. Counter hit only.
c.lp, c.mp xx strong CoD FADC c.fp, ultra - 493 damage. Counter hit only.
c.lp, f+mk, s.fp xx fierce CoD - 234 damage. Counter hit only.
c.lp, f+mk, s.fp xx fierce CoD FADC c.fp xx falling sky - 356 damage. Counter hit only.
c.lp, f+mk, s.fp xx fierce CoD FADC c.fp, ultra - 486 damage. Counter hit only.
f+mk, c.fp, ultra - 598 damage. Counter hit only.
f+mk, c.fp xx fierce CoD - 290 damage. Counter hit only.
f+mk, s.mp xx strong CoD - 266 damage. Counter hit only.

[[Standing Roundhouse Combos]]
s.rh overhead, s.lk - 70 damage
s.rh overhead, s.mp - 110 damage

These only work when the kick hits as an overhead counter hit or very meaty
s.rh, c.mp xx strong CoD - 224 damage
s.rh, c.mp xx strong CoD FADC c.fp xx falling sky - 309 damage
s.rh, c.mp xx strong CoD FADC c.fp, ultra - 489 damage
s.rh, f+mk, s.fp xx fierce CoD - 282 damage
s.rh, f+mk, s.fp xx fierce CoD FADC c.fp xx falling sky - 356 damage
s.rh, f+mk, s.fp xx fierce CoD FADC c.fp, ultra - 495 damage

[[Retarded Combos]]
f+mk, f+mk, s.fp xx fierce CoD FADC c.fp xx falling sky - 418 damage. Counter hit only.
f+mk, s.fp xx fierce CoD FADC c.fp FADC c.fp 2nd hit only, ultra - 512 damage. Use this to hit some characters in the corner.
s.fp xx fierce CoD FADC f+mk, s.fp xx fierce CoD FADC c.fp, ultra - 502 damage
s.fp xx fierce CoD FADC f+mk, s.fp xx fierce CoD FADC c.fp xx falling sky - 348 damage
s.fp xx fierce coD FADC s.fp xx fierce CoD FADC c.fp xx falling sky - 378 damage
s.fp (first hit only) xx EX wheel kick - 260 damage
c.fp (first hit only) xx EX wheel kick - 250 damage
c.fp (both hits) xx EX wheel kick - 290 damage. also known as the PAINBOW

New shit you may or may not have known already:

  • fastest & strongest punish w/1 bar - s.fp (first hit) xx EX wheel kick (260 damage, 300 stun) but this probably doesn’t work on everyone
  • overhead close roundhouse can always be followed by standing far strong for an additional 80 damage
  • strongest possible combo into ultra is jump in roundhouse, c.fp, ultra
  • fish for counter hits with c.lp to link into c.mp. Even if the c.mp is blocked, you will stuff everything but invincible reversals and it is safe on block.

Stuffing Balrog’s headbutt on wakeup with close roundhouse and comboing on him afterwards sounds mighty fine to me. Also:


add in

cr.lp ->cr.lp->cr.lk->S.lp->s.lk (This is my favorite for spacing )

^ Link

Not to mention abel has lots of good combo from Neutral J.RH and a few good ones from neutral jump fierce…

Neutral J.RH combos in cr.fierce , cr.mp , st.fp , st.mp and etc…

Neutral Jump RH-> c.lk ->S.fierce -> MP COD -> FADC-> CR.FP-> ultra.

and etc. I wonder what can work on counter hit neutral jump roundhouse.

good stuff once again

Neutral jump roundhouse & fierce do the same damage as the jump in fierce combos do… both do 100 if you jump straight up. Jump straight up forward is the same as cross-up j.mk for the most part, 10 extra damage, you just have to hit it pretty deep to combo from it.

Counter hit… just tested it out, no difference really. You can combo from a deep neutral jump rh into sweep without counter hit, and otherwise the only moves slower than sweep are CoD and wheel kick, neither combos.

I’m not going to go nuts adding the difference permutations of Abel’s link combos… it will always end up around the same damage. I added that one tho.

This is fantastic, lp into crouching mp counter hit! ha

Anyway yeah, could i just add that:
jump in RH > f.mk > HP cod > fadc cancel >cr hp > falling sky…
aswell as doing 418 damage, it does a whopping 605 stun, and yeah, just with two bars, so two of these combos in a round and its lights out for any character, haha

Also jump in RH > cr.Fp > HP falling sky does 510 stun, which is whack, you could have ryu stunned in two seconds.
BUT! the usage of this move is difficult, iv yet to find a good way of landing it, but hey, if you find any success then let me know!

good stuff sakeido, i was too busy with school i missed out on shit that i didnt subscribed too lol…

i love CH combos, still need to use more of them instead of the classic CH f.mk dash cr.hp ultra (boy i have clutched a lot of wins just from that - thanks to abel’s ultra-damaging-ultra lol, and its not even random/lucky, i fish for that CH f.mk dash and react with cr.hp upon seeing the counter hit, shit feels so nice)

one bar? you need two to fadc… or is it that you gain one bar from jump in RH f.mk HP CoD?

as for combos that starts with jump in RH, i cant see a real practical use for that since its really hard to hit a jump in RH(that aint air-to-air) in a real match…

haha, yeah, sorry, i meant two bars!

I know, im trying to find a practical use for the jump in roundhouse, it can lead into some wicked combos, but im kind of struggling for a use.
Jumping over fireballs maybe? Nah, even then its not so great, probably only manage a sweep at best afterwards.

But yeah, if you have a full bar and land two of those 418 combos in one round in succesion, its basically game over, haha. But like i said, not easy and still looking for some practical uses, but i guess i dont use neutral jumps much…don’t see a way to guarantee the hit without a bit of luck, yeah?

samurai drew, neutral jump combos get good mileage in Abel mirror matches and to a lesser extent against Gief… any time you expect an SPD. Otherwise I’ll throw one in as a mix up after F+MK every once and awhile but not often

yeah I was blown away by how strong that combo was :lol: I had no idea that just F+MK, c.fp, ultra would do 600 on its own. The only other one I see being really useful is the F+MK, F+MK, s.fp xx CoD… its like adding a jump in to the combo, it will push someone waaaay into the corner, only problem is it is pretty damn tough…

As far as counter hits go from F+MK I’m going to practice reacting to the sound. Sounds way different on counter hit than standard hit… a lot louder, bassier, more impact.

Ha, yeah,il need try that, and see how quickly i get can get gief stunned, haha.

I wonder if neutral roundhouse beats his lariat?

yeah, for the f.mk > f.mk, would it be possible to get a succesive counter hit(s) on the third f.mk and so on if they were like mashing jab or something? hec, that would be amusing.

YES!!! Taste the Painbow.

Excellent post sakeido :china:! This should step up my game quite a bit. The “c.lk, c.lp, c.lp, s.lp, s.mp - 143 damage” wide character combo has been a great showstopper for a few Zangief’s I’ve played online. Good poking game :smokin:

c.lk, c.lp, s.fp works also on some characters like Seth.

^ works on bison/cammy/fuerte point blank no f+mk dash. everyone else, you have to do f+mk dash first to be in range. characters it doesnt work on,rose, rufus, honda, zangief, guile, chun, blanka (even after f+mk dash) did a cotw on this awhile back heh.

Thanks for the hard and very tidy work Sakeido, this stuff does need to be condensed and represented once in a while cos it gets so jumbled up.

I wish I had an easier time with the f.mk st.FP links. It’s the hardest of the one-framers for me personally. No probs with the others at all.

Thanks again fella :rock:

lol - Taste the Painbow

Awesome work dude.

Yeah, this looks pretty sick. Don’t see many players doing it though, or the lesser variant for the smaller characters, when its actually really useful.

I did once stun someone using only this combo, was amusing.

I was thinking it would be the most awesome move ever (forget the scaling) if you could cancel the last medium punch of the combo into super, but meh, have a go, i tried it and its damn near impossible.

actually, it is impossible!

at that point the scaling would kill damage on the super anyway. I also stole that one from Strider after he landed it on me a bunch :lol:

why is there not anything listed for pressure strings? ie…c.lk, c.lpx2, f+mk and so on. this list is extremely helpful and a few pressure strings could really help me out. if you all know another forum i should look up, let me know.

^this is a list of combos, not pressure strings thats why.