ABC #8 - Voting/Bitching Time (Now With 50% More Drama!)

Fuckin shit.

I was at the library yesterday and i was in the process of voting. The piece of shit crashed on me. I came home and forgot about it. Fuck, that was my bad. Sorry Quiche.

I was suprised by the B’z av by the way.

Again, sincere appologies.

To those who didn’t understand the idea about my chess board avatar:

I don’t blame you one bit! I make up lame stuff sometimes when I’m stoned out :stuck_out_tongue:

Still think I should have won this one though :smiley:

PS: “Rock on” is top tier!

How do you sell sprites? besides, I used copyrighted material to make it, and the image itself is copyrighted.

And you KNOW Apple Films is gonna wnat their royalties.


Look, the problem was that the surprise was accidentally ruined…

yeah, mine was a crop and drop, because well, I was asked to do it, at the last minute, because there wasn’t much participation…

I had an idea in my head, that I wanted to do an avatar of one band, with the logo of another, to see if anybody would notice…

unfortunately, the thing got caught in the Submission phase, and it got captioned as thus…

I wanted it to be one of those ‘spit take’ things…

next time I’ll just take a picture of Warrant, and give it the Whitesnake logo…nobody knows what those guys look like anyway! :tup:

Hey Quiche, let me know what you need me to do once the judging is over.

heh thnx. You know me, touch up those sprites.

BTW, what the fuck is fuckachunkz? TELL ME!!

EDIT: still thinking of a theme

So far as I understand it, fuckachunkz comes from a thread where some noob asked DarkGiygas for an av that said “FUCK A CHUNKZ”.

It has since become a term for an unreasonable avatar request, or just about any other insult you can think of.

I think if I’ll change my sig to:
“Fuckachunkz - It’s an IMM thing, you wouldn’t understand.”


@ Zand:

Please, you’re practically begging for attention.

The thing I dislike most about your behavior (and as much as I’ll sound like an old man saying this) is that you fucking have potential. When you bother to take matters seriously you can make some damn entertaining shit but instead you opt to be this childish, extremely tired, attention pleading little gnat that sits on the shoulders of those of us that have a good deal of fun here that we’d sooner flick off before bothering to take seriously. It’s so absurdly and blatantly obvious that you want people to constantly take notice of you, but at the same time it’s awfully sad because I’ve seen you act otherwise in a respectful manner.

@ poonage:

Crawl the fuck back to Dustloop.

@ Quiche:

I totally and completely admire the constant call of going beyond what’s expected and giving 150% everytime in these contests Quiche, but all you have is a damn spinning submarine and a fractal background. It has little visual appeal to it, regardless of how much wonderful effort you put into it. Does Yoga Metal rank far ahead of it? No, but it’s got more of a push towards being imagintive than a spinning submarine, even if its a cliche concept on SRK. And yeah I’m being an asshole when I say that, but it’s exactly how I feel buddy, and you know it.

@ DarkDragon:

Bravo on your avatar, good shit.

@ OC:

Nice job on the I-No, start giving us more stills man!

@ RoboTron:

Totally love the MTV Dan avatar.


Still love your style man.

I love your honesty, Chibi.

You have my utmost e-respect for it.

And I admit, I fanboyed the avatar. Though it took a lot of work, it may not be too appealing to non-beatles fans.

But I’ve always been a fan of rotating 2d objects because there’s something surreal about a flat, 2d object with pseudo 3d volume, so I’m glad I got to make one.

That being said, I can see why people picked the other 3 entries over it. It’s beauty is in its simplicity…but it’s simplicity is even moreso in its simplicity.

And hell, I still took 3rd place. I’ve only not-placed in ABC #3 and ABC #4. :rolleyes:


Its my tribute to OrangeMegaSlide. I copied his style during the EEK days when OMS was wearing nothing but Shirley Manson avatars. The text is from scratch like OMS’s old avs. The Duct tape and the Shirley picture were desaturated and hand-recolored in classic OMS style. (Aside from the fact that he would have recolored the hair/duct tape orange.) Besides, Shirley Manson’s eyes are more of a grey color, not blue. It is a tribute to OMS’s style and avs, now do you get it?

‘rock on’ is he very best in show imo. But anyway, sorry I didn’t enter… it would of been a last second thing but with out internet on my own pc, i have to share the laptop =/. But kinda off topic- u guys know why i need to do to link 2 computers together and share files? I think thats what im gonna have to do to start making avs any time soon.

srk is #1 in drama followed by myspace as #2… or it could be the other way around… either way, drama brings attension like wet milky titties smothered in hershey’s chocolate syrup or a cracked atm machine spitting out george washington and friends…

haha ok ok makes sense.
Um ive been thinking of a theme and well…Ive decided to go with:
some things that will help spark the thinking process;
work time periods
lunch time
15 min recess
food expiration
clocks -digital/analog
watches, grandfatherclocks, big fucking ben
the time it takes to do…something
beats per second (music/heartbeats etc…)

so how about it?

dg wheres my av you slut, god

As a potential for the next ABC along Chibi, I must admit that I don’t like this theme very much. In fact, it doesn’t even feel like a theme to me given its immense broadness. Hell, it would probably more precise to say that I don’t feel that its a theme with limits, given that what I underlined means that every and any animated instantly applies (which it shouldn’t if we trying to give a general theme to things).

Meanwhile, it would seem like the still avatars get screwed over, at least if we allowed animated avatars for the next one. Hmm…there’s an idea, doing an ABC about time, but limiting it to static avatars…

Meh. Ignore me. I’m not even an offical judge, and even if I was (quiche…?), I’m even if sure if it’s legal for me to comment on a theme pre-emptively.

That said, I would like to hear Chibi’s opinion on the theme if he wishes to share it given that he’s the only official judge at this point in time.


DG is a total slut-god.

The av he made for me might still be my favorite one I’ve ever worn.

Scary Quiche Lady ftw!


Hmmm…so whats ABC 9, Quiche? Or are you taking a break?

DarkDragon picked the theme, it’s “Time”.

I’ll post the thread tomorrow when I’m less drowsy.

The Damned: what the hell, you’re a judge. but seriously, don’t worry about :what’s appropriate" as this is all in fun. say what you like about the theme, it’s fine by me.

I’m interested in seeing what comes out of this. I know I’m having difficulty as this is the first theme I didn’t pick myself (with an av in mind from the get-go, lol)

Seriously, though guys, participate. If this one doesn’t draw a crowd, I’m gonne do something drastic…dunno what yet.

I’m also gonna post a poll about the battle-poll style av-battle I suggested earlier (I’ll post it tomorrow, too)


is their a song rock on references?