ABC #8 - Voting/Bitching Time (Now With 50% More Drama!)

nice… could i judge next one?

maybe we need a break quiche…i know i’m getting overwhelmed right now to do it weekly again. although it was fun to judge for once…look i got some good taste! peeps followed my choices! :clap:

His boyfriend’s hand is ugly?

Drama that he could handle. I’m sure that if he tried that shit in GD he couldn’t handle it. IMM is a bit more kid glovish because we don’t care. It’s too bad…I expected more from a Clover lover. Then again I guess airheads only like their own kind.


No he has very rugged and manly hands thank you.

Also that doesn’t change the fact that none of those avatars in the contest were good except maybe the Athena one.

It also doesn’t change the fact that you people are acting stupid because zand didn’t like your entries. I’m pretty sure judges are supposed to bash entries that they think suck, that’s why American Idol swamps the ratings every season.

If judges didn’t give out poor ratings you’d be seeing people perform bellyflops at the summer Olympics.

If uve been around IMM enough, you would know this zand person has attention issues, much like you. He was given a job and instead of doing it he used it as a way of bringing more attention to himself. Way to show respect to Quiche. A judge should give out some good/harsh criticism but he didn’t do any of the sort.

Is that what Zandwich’s hands are like?

No one’s upset cause Zand doesn’t like 'em, it’s that he didn’t JUDGE.

I’m all for creative criticism, and Master Chibi’s been handing out the harshness all along (and I’ve been happy to have him on my panel) but just saying “they all suck” and not rating them, not giving reasoning, and not giving CC is worthless (and typical of the way Zand’s been acting around IMM lately)


…yes yes

what the fuck

shut up

Okay, I’m closing the voting since Hail And Kill never showed, and so the scores I posted before are final.

The first post now has the artists names.

Congratulations to the winners:

ClouDC, tru3tn01, ROBOTRON, DarkDragon, ROBOTRON2084, and myself (I’ll be giving it to Rei for accidentally forgetting his entry in the first post…a thousand apologies, my friend.)

I’ll post my comments later, but first I want to defend my entry, as it was criticized heavily (by the two judges I respect the most, no less!)

The theme wasn’t SF, it was Rock n’ Roll. Do only avs that reference 2d fighters count? Bah.

Also, as far as a “bit” more effort is concerned, that was a ton of effort. What you folks may not realize is that there is no yellow submarine game. there are no sprites. I made those, by hand. I capped a scene from “Yellow Submarine” where the sub is spinning on a white bg, and sprited over it. Here’s what I started with:

See Adam Epstein

On SRK I think the least creative thing in the world, when asked to do a rock av, is to have an sf character and a microphone. Injecting an SF character into a given situation doesn’t = creativity. That shit is played out. I’m not gonna knock the other animated entries, because I like all 3 of them, but I don’t think any of them were overly creative (content-wise. Technique wise, I think ROBO’s liquify drummer movement was pretty creative, and I think my sprite work was too) except for “Rock On.” Now I’ll admit, I fanboyed out a bit (I’m prolly the biggest Beatles fan on SRK) and made an av with no joke, and no story, but I think it has visual punch. Those sprites took forever to make, and they look damn good if I do say so myself.

that ends my rant.


EDIT: DarkDragon, since you got the most votes, you get to pick the theme for the next one! Please post it here or pm it to me.

Also, in the vein of ABC #9, if it doesn’t get more participation than #8 did, I’m gonna hafta take a break from these or change something up. I’m thinking about doing a battle poll style long ava tourney where each tagger makes 3 avatars (for each of three different themes) and they battle against eachother exactly like in the battle poll. (If you wanted you could even wear “support” avatars to your battle that say how great the ava that’s actually being voted on is…lol) Im considering doing this after christmas, and then when it’s over we’d go back to normal-style ABC’s. Of course, since this would last a whole lot longer than the normal ABC’s I’d expect a lot of people to enter high-quality avatars, but the prizes would also be significantly beefed-up.

Would you guys be interested in that, or should I just keep the format I’ve been using? . Any changes that would help you enjoy these more? Anything that would make you want to enter again (or for the first time)?

damn…this is the problem. sometimes ppl’s work is so well done i don’t know what’s made and what’s just ripped. i could’ve sworn you ripped that submarine cause it was so nicely made. i stick by what i said…this is probably the one i’d rock out of this bunch. and probably moreso now cause that submarine was made almost form scratch mad props :tup:

darkdragon - i swear this man got some talent! i knew it was yours , it has your style written all over it. don’t ever change your style man, your shit is fire!

For those of you that thought I did a simple crop and border job…

stock art:

And then I fumbled about with these:

Yeah, knowing ROBOTRON, I knew it wasn’t a crop n’ stop.

He’s always going the extra mile and making his own shit :tup:
Rock on, ROBO.

Though it’s a shame. Seeing that stock photo, my favorite part is Terry on drums…I wish he’d made it to the avatar.


on athena av, the background, i thought it was an actual photograph with athena pasted on it. good work


I wanted him in there too. BTW, I had no idea so much work went into your submarine…u rocketh, quiche.

You know even who hate stuff still rate it. Zandwich didn’t even go so far as to rank the entries as a Judge should. If anyone is acting stupid, it’s Zandwich.

If he thinks the entries are shit, he should at least tell us what should be done to make it better. I don’t care what he says, just so long it’s actually progresses something. Just saying the rest of the entries I don’t like doesn’t leave much to the imagination. But I don’t expect that much from him considering he himself can’t make anything better what he considers crap on here.


No necessarily. But it didn’t really wow me to the point of it being exceptionally original or interesting. I mean I associate more with Elvis than the J-Rock band there, and yet I chose the J-Rock av over the Elvis one. It’s not so much the reference to 2D fighters that make it count, but out of two pretty weak avs, IMHO, the slight thing that the Yoga Death Metal had was the SF reference in which I could associate more with. And trust me, it wasn’t something that was leaps and bounds over a decision between the two. It was barely enough to make my decision.

You are right on the comment of creativity on, but I saw no better creativity in the Beatles av than I did in the Yoga Death Metal one. It seemed a big more generic to tell the truth. A nice av, but generic.

I appreciate the effort put into making the av then.



“Athena’s Song”

See Adam Epstein

this was cute. really, it is. i like the idea and after seein’ the original pic used for the still i enjoy the av a lot more. i have no real probs with this other than want the colors to be a lil’ bit richer. good shyt ROBO:tup:

“KISS - Rock n’ Roll All Night”

See Adam Epstein

i hate blurry av’s. it destroys great ideas and potentially great av’s. instead of risizing the pic you probably couldve croped the image and focused more on the groups faces and the guitar seems out of place like it rally shouldnt be there at all, but good shyt Nightraid:tup:

“Mienai Chikara”

See Adam Epstein

not familiar with the group but this was my fav av of the stills. clear picture, legible text, great bg. good shyt tru:tup:

“Neinhalt Seiger”

See Adam Epstein

i dont get it but i’ve seen that logo b4. i like av overall and the showing english teacher editing on the logo was a tasteful idea. good shyt quiche:tup:

“Poison KISS”

Adam Epstein uploaded this image to

not feelin the border…too bold, too big, too putrid. when i think of KISS i dont think of an border like that…other than that nice concept just not executed that well, but good shyt taichi:tup:

“Rock & Roll vs. Ryu, Gouki, and Zangief”

See Adam Epstein

Shim Sang Joon
the main reason why i chose not to judge this time around. i had a feeling that some of the contests ideas would fly rite ova my head bcuz im not a rnr fan. with that being said, i just dont get what shim was tryn to accomplish with this entry…cute sprites though shim:tup:

“Rock Party”

See Adam Epstein

good idea. wouldve been even better if the bg was resized just a bit more to show a lot more depth and the fact that ol’ boi is just lookin too talk in the av aswell. couldve brung him down a bit and tryed to make the guitar more clear. animation wouldve made this idea even bigger. good shyt 2xbeef:tup:

“Rock Poster”

Adam Epstein uploaded this image to

obviously stills is not OC’s strong points but im glad he enter this idea. it looks like a flyer that handed out to random kids on campus to see a local rock band which i’d throw this away. wish there was more black in the av and…wtf…is that by i-no? it looks familiar. good shyt oc:tup:

“The Elvis of the Opera”

See Adam Epstein

when i think of rock i dont think elvis but this was a very original idea. not becuz of elvis but bcuz of incorperatin rock with opera…bananas. the effect used were a great touch and executed with skill. the eye freaks me out a bit, but good shyt cloudc:tup:


Adam Epstein uploaded this image to

cool idea but once again “i dont get it”. meh, i wish the pic of the girl was slighty clear especially in the eyes area since her eyes are blue and the should stand out a lot more in the composition. good shyt rei:tup:


“MTV Dan”

See Adam Epstein

dan…rockin? lol, the idea was great man i just wish there was more to it like wtf is dan sign about and stuff. the animation is nice but i’d think the sprites should move a bit faster but i guess this is showcasing that slow rockn j-style. good shyt again ROBO:tup: :tup:

“Rock On.”

See Adam Epstein

refer to my first post in this thread. good shyt DD:tup:

“The Beatles - Yellow Submarine”

See Adam Epstein

i like the orig gif beter for some reason. i think it’s bcuz u mite not’ve used as many frames cuz if you look at the top of the sub in quiche’s av then look at the other gif the top moves diffrent and i just like how the gif version moves…anyway…the idea waas just godly. execution superb and just beau. good shyt agin quiche:tup: :tup:

“Yoga Death Metal”

See Adam Epstein

the ov that made me laugh…just a very good idea. still laughing. good shyt m1x4h:tup:

my finall thoughts…

where was pink flloyd, jimmie hendrix, guns and roses, red hot chilli peppers, ozzy osborne and most importantly chuck berry.


I almost did Buddy Holly instead of Bob Seger (who I’m not a big fan of) but the Bob Seger - Neinhalt Seiger pun would not leave my brain.

BTW shatta, Neinhalt Seiger is a Sam Sho char (the guy in the ava) and Bob Seger is a classic rocker (of the Bruce Springsteen school).

…so now you get it.

As for Shim’s , that’s Rock Howard (rock) and Rolento (Roll) vs Ryu, Gouki, and Gief.

And I don’t get rei’s either really. I understand OrangeMegaGarbage, but I dunno what those lyrics are from.

Also, the difference in the motion of the original and mine is that in the original, the camera zooms in & out and in my ava, I took careful pains to make sure it stayed the same size.


got cha:tup:

sale your sub sprites on ebay…wouldnt hurt…