ABC #8 - Voting/Bitching Time (Now With 50% More Drama!)

I don’t think so, maxx.


have u checked the previous challenges? I don’t see why this theme should have limits when most of the themes don’t. This theme isn’t hard but it isn’t easy either, ani or still.
If alot of ppl don’t like it then i guess ill let quiche think of one then.

Short Term Plans for OrangeCat

[]Defeat both Quiche and DarkDragon in ABC #9.
]Make the next “theme” fuckachunkz.
[]Win by default ABC #10
]Choose next theme for ABC #11 to be oldskooled.
[]Eat pie. And not enter
]Steal Old Skooled avs to wear.

That is all.


Actually, yes I have. I will thusly say that I don’t how themes of Street Fighters, Darkstalkers, Weapons, or even Food is as generic as something as omnipresent and inevitable (even in avatars) as “Time”.

However, both you and quiche have selected, and I will respect your choice and do my part to help Chibi and [Insert Other Judge Here] judge. Let’s just how there are more (quality) entries this time around.

great idea.

i’d prefer moon pies.

its too bad one of your plans isn’t to defeat me but i guess it’s good for you to set goals only possible to achieve >:}

why would anyone wanna beat you? besides most of the people here already did…

sumbody just got punked…

i say yaw fight to the death:nunchuck:

aLee 4 teh winz

I think we should give the avatar battles a rest for right now…

I think something bigger could be done, like hold a End of the year, best of the best or something battle. Winner takes the cake, for like any cat. just whoever has the prettiest, cleverest, most put together avatar between still and animated. And have the prize be some real shit. I’d be willing to put into the pot $10-15. Name it like “Last Damn Avatar Battle '05” XD. Call me crazy, but if we get enough people to do this right it could be big. Just a thought…


Congrats on becoming a Mod Quiche. When did this happen?

Edit: How the hell can I change the color scheme back to Red Madness? Does anyone know? Everytime I try it says a " script error has occured".

I love you Rei.

I think the next ABC theme could be the holidays.

^yeah I agree… although time is still a cool theme…

ps:thanks for the prem…:tup:

Yes i love technolgy, but not as much as you and me…ALWAYS AND FORVER!!! :sad:

lol anyways,so is there goina be another one? I need to come up with ideas if there is.

i like the what if? combine and make your own character… but that’s just me because i thought of it… haha i’m so conceided… that’s what i love most about me… maybe i should win an abc then i can make it a theme… (never happen right)… drop the new theme and the link… so i can prepare for this next one… got a hold of a bunch of new brushes thanks to nightraid so maybe i can compete… i guess we’ll see, my style isn’t completely developed yet… maybe i can suprise a few ppl…