A Progression as Inevitable as Death :: Phoenix Combo Thread

New bread and butter. The timing is strict, and the damage is crap, but it builds one bar.

C:l: > C:m: > C:h: > :s: > A:h: > A:f::h: > A:d::h: > :f::h: > :qcb::l: > :f::h: > :qcb::l: > C:h: > :s: > A:m: > A:m: > A:h: > A:s: > A:qcf::l: > :dp::h:

Alternatively, in the corner:

C:l: > C:m: > C:h: > :s: > A:h: > A:f::h: > A:d::h: > :f::h:> :qcb::l: > :f::h: > :qcb::l: > C:h: > :s: > A:m: > A:m: > A:h: > A:s:> Air :qcf::l: **> **:s: > A:s:

For shorties, just leave out the first C:h:.

A**:f::atk::atk: > A:h: > A:s: > C:l: > C:m: > C:h: > :f::h: > :qcb::m: > :rdp::m: > :h: > :f::h: > :qcb::l: > C:h: > :s: > A:m: > A:m: > A:h: > A:qcf::atk::atk: > A:df::atk::atk: > :s: > A:qcf::m: > A:qcf::atk:****:atk:**

This is a touch of death combo for Dark Phoenix. No X-Factor involved, and it’s very easy to do. Depending on how many of your feathers make contact, this combo will do anywhere from 1,358,400 to 1,375,800 damage. It uses two meters and can be started from anywhere on the screen. If you’re in the corner, you’ll need to substitute the medium teleport for a dash, like so:

A**:f::atk::atk: > A:h: > A:s: > C:l: > C:m: > C:h: > :f::h: > :qcb::m: > :f::atk::atk: > :h: > :f::h: > :qcb::l: > C:h: > :s: > A:m: > A:m: > A:h: > A:qcf::atk::atk: > A:df::atk::atk: > :s: > A:qcf::m: > A:qcf::atk:****:atk:**

think you could make a vid of it serris. I’d really like to learn this combo. i’m going to try it out once i go back to training mode in marvel. Sounds very useful though w/ Dark Phoenix since you can save ur xfactor for crucial moments if you could just 1 hit kill opponents

Pretty similar to my TOD with DPh.

Air:h:, air :d:+:h:, :d:+:l:,:d:+:m:,:h:, :f:+:h: :l:TKOverdrive, :l:,:m:,:h:,:f:+:h:, :l:TKTrap, :d:+:m:,:h:,:f:+:h:, :m:TKTrap, :m:teleport, :s:, air:h:, Phoenix Inferno, :df:+:atk:+:atk:, air:S:, land :qcf::uf: :l:TKShot, :h:TKOverdrive, Phoenix Inferno.

Can be done anywhere. And using air :d:+:h: sucks them in and allows combos to begin off of air dash cross-ups. Also, like Serris combo, it builds 2 meters by the time you get to the 1st Phoenix Inferno. Also, if you reach the corner before :m:TKTrap hits, don’t use the teleport. Just dash into the corner so you end up on the other side before connecting the :s:.

Damage = 1,465,800 - 1,500,000

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

Above combo can also be lead with :f:+:m: overhead with the option of doing the standing :h: link.

:f:+:m:,:h:,:d:+:l:,:d:+:m:,:h::f:+:h:,:l:TKOverdrive, :l:,:m:,:h:,:f:+:h:, :l:TKTrap, :d:+:m:,:h:,:f:+:h:, :m:TKTrap, :m:teleport, :s:, air:h:, Phoenix Inferno, :df:+:atk:+:atk:, air:S:, land :qcf::uf: :l:TKShot, :h:TKOverdrive, Phoenix Inferno.

Damage = 1,481,000+

Can you make a video of your combos can’t seem to make it past the 2nd Forward H into the light trap due to the hitstun deterioration

for this combo i can’t seem to connect the air down forward ATTACK ATTACK after the phoenix inferno into S. It’s really fineky for me. Like the timing seems strict on it. Any help. And if i try mashing it doesn’t seem to help any better lol.

You have to time the dash to start just as the background changes back to normal after Phoenix Rage. It is tricky, but you can get it down with practice. Just make sure you don’t hold down after the dash if you have any teammates left. You’ll trigger a TAC (and miss) instead of air :s:. I’ll try and get another crappy-quality video of this combo in action.

Thank you serris. I’ll try practicing to get the timing down as well.

My webcam is on the fritz. So this is as much of the combo I can do while holding my Iphone…


This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

It’s just a timing thing. The hit stun deterioration shouldn’t affect the combo enough for you to drop it so early.

Thanks i’ll try that as well once i go into training mode :slight_smile:

I fixed my webcam! Now I can show a few combos I do.

Here’s a couple of Jean with Nemesis clothesline assist. I call them Jeanesis. Or Beauty & The Beast.




This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

I’m really getting close to dropping Thor and going to Nemesis in the 2nd slot full-time with Wesker and Jean.

Loving thoe Jeanesis combos The Invincible Swordsman :slight_smile:
They look really graceful too. Going to practice how to get a 2nd super after the first one by airdashing :slight_smile:

Hey guys. I’ve always liked Phoenix as a character, but didn’t play her in Vanilla because I don’t really enjoy using top tier characters. But I felt more comfortable picking her up now, so I’m trying to get good with her.
I made a corner BnB that does 569,700 damage, but I’m not sure whether it’s optimal. How can I improve it? Keep in mind my execution isn’t great.

Air :h::s: > :d::m: :h::f::h: > :dp::l: > :l::m::h::s: >:m::m::h::d::h: > :qcb::l: > :f::h: > :s: > :m::m::h::s: > :qcf::uf::l:> Phoenix Rage > :l:

j.:h::s: > :d::m::h::s: > j.:h::f::h: :d::h: > :qcb::l: > :f::h: > :qcb::l: > :d::h::s: > j.:m::m::h::s: > TK j.:qcf::l: > Phoenix Rage= 628,600 DMG, remove the crouching :m: at the beginning and you get 642,500 DMG.

If I add in another :f::h: before the first launcher I can get it to 653,000. Thanks man.

Im trying do pull of these 2 combos, i’ve done it before with no problems, but now it seems that when i relaunch them after j.M M they simply drop from the combo Oo Its so weird…it has something to do with timming, height?

Its soooo strange to do the combo with no problem at all, then…puff…sometimes i cant land the air series : \

Did you do that in Vanilla? 'Cause hitstun was nerfed in UMvC3.

As I said, the timing is very strict. You have to hit them with the second Flare Sword to TK Trap just as they’re about to hit the ground for the magic series to connect properly.

It was done in Ultimate, as this poor-quality video I recorded demonstrates:


I’ll see if I can capture it in action with the Vita’s replay feature for better quality.

:d::h:,:s:,:h:,:qcf::l: or :qcf::2k: (491,100 or 632,400 with phoenix rage) builds 1 meter & a tiny whiny bit

It works on everyone except Rocket Raccoon and Arthur. Also, you need to dash in and quickly press :d::h:
for the first :s: on small characters like Zero(ugh), Amaterasu, etc when not in the corner. It works everywhere,
but it’s much easier in the corner. You could start with jumping :s: and skip :d::l: to take more damage
but I decided to leave it like this.

I don’t have a capture yet, but I can confirm this combo is intact in the latest build. Works just fine on the Vita.