A Progression as Inevitable as Death :: Phoenix Combo Thread

I’ve leaned away from trying Down+H in combos because of its inconsistancy. I may go for it after the relaunch if I get that.

Awww, where’s your Renegade sports drink? lol Yeah I tried the BNB we discussed last night as well, I could not, for the life of me, hit the tn FB. Oh well, I can just do basic abc123 shit.

Here’s a Dark Phoenix corner combo that will kill the entire cast from start to finish without X-Factor. I recommend that you approach using a horizontal air dash.

A:h: + A:s: + jump + A:h: + A:s: + :m: + C:m: + :h: + C:h: + :f::h: + :s: + A:m: + A:m: + A:h: +

A:f::h: + A:h: + A:s: + jump + A:qcf::l: + :s: + A:m: + A:m: + A:h: + A:f::h: + A:qcf::l: +

A:qcf::atk::atk: = 1,298,400

You know guys… you don’t have to do all these crazy jump-ins to do a TOD in the corner. Unless you guys like doing it anyway.

:d::l:,:d::m:,:h:,:f::h:,:l:TK Overdrive,:l:,:m:,:h:,:f::h::l:TK Trap,:d::m:,:h::m:TK Trap, dash into corner/to the other side as they bounce, :h:,:s:, air:h:, Phoenix Inferno, :df:+:atk:+:atk:,:s:, :qcf::uf::l:TK Shot, :h:TK Overdrive, Phoenix Inferno.

Kills everybody. Can start the combo anywhere and with 0 meter and you’ll gain enough meter to do both Phoenix Infernos. No jump-in required. Of course you can still add the easy jump-ins.

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

And best of all… it’s so stylish. It doesn’t take much practice to get it down blindfolded.

I can’t seem to get the :m:TK Trap to land, and also if they end up in the corner I can’t get :df:+:atk:+:atk:,:s: to connect, what am i doing wrong?

If the :m:TK Trap is too far into the corner, you can either add a :f::h: after the :h: and before the :m:TK Trap. Or you can delete the :d::m: and just go straight into the :h:,:f::h:,:m:TK Trap. Once you get the timing down, it’s easy.

As for the :df:+:atk:+:atk:,:s: after the 1st Phoenix Inferno… just watch the background screen as the hyper hits. As soon as the screen starts to turn back to normal, do the :df:+:atk:+:atk:,:s: (you’ll still be in the air after the Phoenix Inferno).

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

I’ll try to make a vid of it when I get home tomorrow.

EDIT* And here it is…


I’m trying to work on a meterless BnB for regular phoenix, that doesn’t have any air :m:,:m:,:h:, :d::h:'s that I always whiff in real matches. This is the best I came up with so far:

cr.:l:, cr.:m:, cr.:h:, :f::h:, :dp::m:, :d::h:, :qcb::l:, :h:, :s:, jump, :m:, :m:, :h:, :s:, land, [if near corner:qcf::uf: :l:, :f::h:, :s:, jump, :h:, :s:] [if not near corner :qcf::uf: :m:].

-392,300 if ended in corner, 364,100 if not.
-a little over a bar meter gain.
-Hold :f: after the :f::h:, then just :d::df::m: as late as possible for the :dp::m: to come out.
-The :dp::m: crosses under them alot, so be sure to trap in the right direction.
-Wait as long as possible for the trap and :h: so the air combo will connect.
-Since the :dp::m: crosses under unless they’re already cornered, it will end with them in the corner whether you start cornered or they do.
-If you realize you did the trap too early for the rest of the combo to connect, super jump straight up and do :m:, :m:, :h:, :s: and end.

Phoenix corner-to-corner combo against Haggar, Hulk, Sentinel, and Thor for 588,700:
Jump > Air Dash > Air M > Air S > Land > Crouching M > S > Air M > Air H > Burn Out Beak > Land > TK Trap L > Jump > Air M > Air H > Air S > Land > Jump > Air TK Shot L > Land > TK Overdrive H > Phoenix Rage

Phoenix corner-to-corner combo against everyone else for 585,000:
Jump > Air Dash > Air H > Burn Out Beak > Land > Crouching M > Crouching H > S > Air M > Air H > Burn Out Beak > Land > TK Trap L > Jump > Air M > Air H > Air S > Land > Jump > Air TK Shot L > Land > TK Overdrive H > Phoenix Rage

Phoenix corner combo against everyone for 602,800 (1,370,400 at X-Factor level 3):
Jump > Air Dash > Air H > Burn Out Beak > Land > M > H > Flare Sword > S > Air M > Air H > Burn Out Beak > Land > TK Trap L > Jump > Air M > Air H > Air S > Land > Jump > Air TK Shot L > Land > Flare Sword > S > Air M > Air M > Air H > Air Phoenix Rage

They see me trollin’… they hatin’…
Tested against Sentinel, Wolverine, and Viewtiful Joe.

What’s the best DHC glitch ender with phoenix?

I’ve been doing 214L>6H x 4> 5S> JMM>J.H>Phoenix rage. Tacks on 650k but I was wondering if I could squeeze out some more.

Good stuff. What’s the best followup after landing a D.Phoenix wallbounce from crossup :m: trap?

:h:,:f:+:h:,:qcb::l:, :f:+:h:,:qcb:+:l:, :f:+:h:,:s:, air:h:, Phoenix Inferno, :df:+:atk:+:atk:, :s:,:qcf::uf::l:, :h:TKOverdrive, Phoenix Inferno.

Does over 700,000 damage.

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

But if you start the DHC trick with Wesker, you can get more than that.

If you guys like crazy combos, I came up with a rather cool one that does decent damage.

c.:l:, c.:m:, c.:h:, :s:, :h:, :d:h:, :l: TK Trap, jump up :h:, :s:, OTG Tiger Knee :l: TK Shot, :h:, :s:, :m:, :m:, :h:, :s:

From there it does 423,900 damage, and you can follow it up in any OTG situation you’d like. I have fit an OTG Tiger Knee L TK Shot into Phoenix Rage, and with that you’ll see damage at 584,500. Probably not the most efficient combo she has, but it’s definitely really flashy :slight_smile:

So being a new Phoenix player and actually liking her, decided to try some combos with her. Got a silly one in the corner that is an altered version of my BnB.

j.:h:, j.:f::h:, j.:s:, :h:, :s:, j.:h:, j.:f::h:, fly, :h:, :d::h:, :l: trap, :f::h:, :l: trap, j.:h:, j.:s:, :qcf::uf::l: Fireball, :f:.:h:, :s:, j.:h:, ender

You can alter the beginning and make it more viable. Does 662,000 damage if you use phoenix rage as the ender.

I’ll have a video later.

Edit: [media=youtube]WczVxkvlA8Q[/media]

Here’s a corner-only combo I was tooling around with in Practice Mode. Nothing special, really—it’s just plain Phoenix with a Magneto (β) assist thrown in to make it manageable, builds about 1¼ meters overall; nothing too fantastic compared to what I see here, but hey, this is a Phoenix combo thread, so why not…?

j.:s:, :h:, :d::h:, :f::h:, :dp::m:, j.:d::h:××:qcb::s:, j.:m:, j.:m:, j.:h:, j.:f::h:+:a1:, j.:h:, j.:s:, :s:, j.:m:, j.:m:, j.:h:, j.:f::h:, j.:qcf::atk::atk: ► 539,[SIZE=2]000 DAMAGE

What you need to know (but can probably already surmise):[/SIZE]
► You can obviously do this combo with a Lv 2 X-Factor maximum (since you require an assist with it), activating it either before you start the combo, or after you call the Magneto assist and land.
► Being in an X-Factor’d state will also allow you to throw in an extra jumping Heavy right before the “Phoenix Inferno” Hyper, but you have to be quick about it.
► If you start the combo with a Lv 2 X-Factor (and add the aforementioned air Heavy before the Hyper Combo finisher), the yield is ~1,256,[SIZE=2]000 damage, just enough to kill any character. If you activate it during the combo (after the flight combo, but before the standing Special), it averages out to ~844,000 damage.
► This is [/SIZE]***[FONT=arial]not*** going to work with Dark Phoenix, so don’t even try it.[/FONT]


Phoenix ammy combo’s at end! Enjoy :slight_smile:

Just finished my first Combo Video. It features my team’s BnBs (Wolverine/Sentinel/Phoenix). It also features many combo video features that I wanted to see in all combo videos:

  • shows input, damage, meter gain (both sides),
  • has full combo descriptions in the details,
  • has annotations that link to shorter videos of just the combo being performed so that others may more easily refer to and practice just the specific combo they are interested in seeing.
    Enjoy it and I hope it helps people improve.

Phoenix is last, starting at 2:06, since she generally is always anchor:

^Awesome combos and great phoenix combos dude! I definetly need to learn how to effectively relaunch using the l fireball in air. I can only get it about less than 20% of the time which is not good /:

Anyways i was in the lab for a few hrs 2 days ago and came up with a video. Check it out. I have phoenix doing some resets and some cool team aerial tag outs and team supers.

Disregard. The video has since been taken down. I’ll have a legit non X-Factor combo up soon.

Jean Can now Bind loop without xfactor(on all characters except some new characters out of the 12) and do all the same combos except flight(character specific)
She can also do her bnb into level 1 teleport into another level 1 still

Tested some stuff out w/ Phoenix/Dark Phoenix to see if they still worked. Check it out :slight_smile:


