A Progression as Inevitable as Death :: Phoenix Combo Thread

Throw combos for normal Phoenix:

In corner air throw: Immediate j.:h: f.:h: d.:h:, v f.:h: xx :l: trap, f.:h: xx :l: trap, f.:h: :s: ^ :m: :m: :h: :s: v TK :l: TK Shot OTG, :s: ^ :s: - 310k, ends with you offscreen at super jump height so you can throw :h: shots and teleport in safely. If you do the air throw with a forward input, you cannot do f.:h:. So always do air throws with :uf: or :df: inputs. Yes, this works, I was surprised too.

In corner ground throw: :l: TK Shot OTG, v f.:h: xx :l: trap, f.:h; xx :l: trap, f.:h: xx :l: trap (I think it’s 3 traps? Not entirely sure), f.:h: :s: ^ :m: :m: :h: :s: v :l: TK Shot OTG v :s: ^ :s: - I think it’s about 310k also

Out of corner ground throw: immediate dash (cancel halfway), :m: TK Shot OTG xx Phoenix Rage - almost 400k, pretty good for the amount of work. I don’t think you can get anything better than this though without an assist, and it’d have to be a beam assist or something.

Out of corner air throw, SJ height: there are 2 ways to combo I figured out. Either you immediately teleport then do a :l: OTG TK shot, or you do a :m: shot and then teleport. Note that there is a glitch with Phoenix’s air backthrow - :l: teleport will teleport behind them, :m: will teleport in front of them if you do it immediately after the throw. If you do the immediate teleport you can do the corner ground throw combo. If you do the :m: OTG TK shot you should probably do s.:h: f.:h: xx :l: trap, f.:h xx :l: trap, f.:h: :s: ^ :m: :m: :h: :s:. If you teleported to the correct side you should be able to get the followup OTG unless you were in the corner, in which case you should have backthrown.

In the corner at normal jump height you can just land and OTG as normal off the air throw. However, you have to do the immediate combo higher up simply because the opponent lands too fast.

If you want to do a ground mixup after a combo end it at the last OTG and do either a jab to reset the opponent or s.:h: (which combos) xx :l: trap to catch them hitting buttons/make them land and block so you can do a tri jump, flight overhead, or throw. Also I modified my BnB posted earlier, after the trap loops I do :s: ^ :m: :m: :h: :s:. This makes it 450k meterless. Jean also has great air throw/dash under crossup reset potential during this combo if you want to be greedy.

got a 490,000 midscreen damage combo with regular phoenix no meter( i’m almost sure it can be improved upon) over 700k for 2 meters but I have not been able to pull it off yet so don’t have exact damage

c.:m: c.:h: f.:h: :s: j.:h: f.:h: d.:h: (at the apex of the bounce) trap :l: s.:h: f.:h: trap :l: j.:h: j.:s: dash tk shot :l: :s: j.:h: then end however you want for meterless otherwise phoenix rage df airdash j.:s: phoenix rage(im sure there is more to this part also)

Dark Phoenix 1.2mil BnB I came up with. Finally got around to getting a video up of it, so now you guys can see what I was talking about.

YouTube - Dark Phoenix 1.2mil BnB (No X-Factor)

Comments and Critque, please.

you can actually make it stronger by right before the phoenix rage do s.:h: f.:h: :s: jump j.:h: tk shot :l: phoenix rage.

I posted a corner combo that works off the same premise, otherwise very nice :slight_smile:

With Dark Phoenix, midscreen only, you can do the (whatever) -> f.:h: xx :l: trap, f.:h: xx :m: trap, Phoenix Rage, :h: TK Overdive xx Phoenix Rage. It does around 1.1 million with the standard hit-confirm. You want to do the first Phoenix Rage when they’re as high as possible right after the wallbounce.

Not needed when the standard that I posted above will kill the entire cast. I’m not prone to making things more difficult when I can do what is needed to get the job done. If we’re taking about making combo videos for the sake of “style”, then sure, maybe. But in brackets, there’s no reason to extend what I posted because it’s the most damage you can potentially do for as little threat to dropping as possible.

actually the reason I mentioned it is because thor has 1,250,000 hp, so you were down 50k damage as well as not having to use meter to kill any of the cast with 1,050,000 or less hp seeing as how the damage was at 970,000 before the phoenix rage

Starting a combo off a jump-in with Dark Phoenix also seems unlikely.

Her jumping S has some pretty good range though, then go into Cr. B. It’s nice when you think they’re not expecting it.

I understand that, but the likelyhood of Thor not taking 50k before this combo even gets off is low. Also, this combo builds 3 meter in itself, before using Phoenix Rage. So there would be no drawback in having to burn 1 meter to score the kill.

It’s obvious that it comes down to preference, it would just annoy me to have a 99% damage combo knowing it can be 100%, but like you said, more guaranteed to get the 99% so whatever suits best, just know there are more options in case too many feathers wiff somehow or something lol.

Lol for sure. I just don’t see Thor not taking 50k at some point before doing the combo. I see your point though.

how do you make the light trap infinite in xf actually infinite? every time i do it they fall out because it pushes me back by a tiny bit each time, i can only land like 8 before they fall out…

Question: Trying a lot of these combos, and in the air when I do 2+H, the downward attack sometimes misses the opponent because my attacks are pushing them too far away. How do I fix this?

Do :hcb::l:. It eliminates the backward step when you do the :l:TK Traps consecutively.

Depends on what combo you’re trying to do.

If you’re trying to do :d:+:m:,:h:,:d:+:h:,:f:+:h:,:s:, air :m:,:m:,:h:,:d:+:h: just make sure you 1) jump forawrd after the :s: and 2) do the 1st air :m: as quickly as possible after the jump.

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

That seems to be the one most people have problem with.

I had the some problem and someone told me to just do jH, fwd+H, d+H in the air instead of any MMH stuff. Agree or disagree?

air:h:,:f:+:h:,:d:+:h: does more damage. But the timing is slightly tighter. I’ve missed the :d:+:h: more on the 1st combo than the :m::m::h::d:+:h: version.

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

I personally do the :h:,:f:+:h:,:d:+:h: version.

Edit: posted in wrong thread, apologies

Did a x-themed combo video that covers some phoenix combos but you may want to take a look at the last combo. It’s very situational but I hope you enjoy it

I played a session last night and, on launch, I missed my down+H every single time but one when doing sjH, fwd+H, d+H. Any idea what could possibly cause this? Do we want the initial H to be as early as possible? or let her fly up a little 1st? Do we want delays between the moves? or rapid them out? (if you, the answer-er, prefer MMHd+H, answer for that). Thanks! Luckily Phoenix is awesome enough that my combo woes arent costing me too much. but it would still be nice to get solid damage from a launch.