A Progression as Inevitable as Death :: Phoenix Combo Thread

so far most i can get off of normal phoenix combos is like 556,000 without xfactor or assist… is there something im missing like a more damaging combo… cuse that’s all i can see to find with normal Jean

Can we get a new OP? I’ll do it if you want.

yea someone should do a re OP on this so we can have a list of combos

Just learned about wavedashing yesterday and was testing it out with dark phoenix and it is definitely possible to otg off an air throw anywhere. What you have to do is 2 attack buttons and before the dash comes out hit down, you have to do this 3 times then input the air tk shot. The timing on it is extremely precise and I was having a huge amount of trouble going from the three dashes to the tk shot never being able to do the half circle input, there were only like 2 times that I got it to hit out of like 4 successful attempts to even get the tk shots to come out and like 300 failed attempts to even get the tk shot

I’m trying to figure out a midscreen fly/unfly combo with normal Jean because I don’t like the :m: :m: :h: d.:h: or :h: f.:h: d.:h: combos because they seem character-specific and are timing intensive. So I’ve been messing around with cr.:l: cr.:m: cr.:h: :s: ^ j.:h: xx Flame Sword (f.:h:) xx fly -> j.:h: xx unfly. I can land another j.:h: after the unfly but the spacing isn’t good enough to land a d.:h:. I THINK you have enough time to airdash upwards above them after the unfly and land a j.:h: -> d.:h: for a consistent ground bounce but I haven’t been able to actually do it.

In the corner you can consistently do cr.:l: cr.:m: cr.:h: :s: ^ j.:h: f.:h: xx fly -> j.:h: d.:h: v and I THINK you can do :l: trap, f.:h: xx :l: trap, f.:h: :s: ^ :h: xx Phoenix Rage or just ^ :s: for good damage.

Basically I’m trying to remove all the :m:'s out of the combo in order to improve total damage output because they do more and scale less per hit of the combo.

Against crouching MODOK you can’t do cr.:l: cr.:m: cr.:h: :s:. However, you can do cr.:l: cr.:m: s.:h: :s:

got a 100% corner combo for dark phoenix no xfactor needed(does 1,260,600 damage) it does 1,020,600 without phoenix rage and fills up a little over 3 hyper bars before the hyper

j.:s:,s.:l:,s.:l:,s.:h:,c.:h:,f.:h:tk trap :l:,s.:h:,f.:h:,tk trap :l:,s.:h:,f.:h:,tk trap tk :l:,s.:h:,f.:h:,:s:,super jump,j.:h:,tk shot :l:, phoenix rage

edit: found a way to make it do a little bit more damage so is now offically a 100% combo

edit 2: the combo also works with j.:h: f.:h: xx fly j.:h: :s: as a starter and does 1,319,900 damage without having to do the 2 s.:l: and does 1,079,900 without phoenix rage.

Did you try j.:h: f.:h: xx fly j.:h: :s: as a starter?

look at my last post for 100% corner combo now (posting so the last post by name changes)

I have a dark phoenix ground combo, no launch, in the corner no xfactor or assist for 1,091,700, and a throw combo for 900K, will post videos soon…

Hi all! New forum user here, I’ve scoured SRK for quite some time for information and strategy on various games, but I’ve finally decided to go ahead and make an account to share my various findings with my fellow gaming fans.

I’m a very basic 'Nix/D. Phx player in the sense that I really only do TK Shot, M. Teleport, combo into Magic Series. However I’m a very well learned Mags player, so the two go well hand-in-hand on a team.

Lately I’ve been in the lab, and I just wanted you guys advice. I’ve been doing this corner combo for a while now as my go-to BnB:

s. L, s. M, s. H, f. Hard, S, j. M, j. M, d. H, l. TK Trap, S, j. Hard, S, l. OTG TK Shot, S, j. Hard, Phoenix Rage

Is there something else with a larger damage output that I should be aiming for?



s.:h: f.:h: :s: does not combo on many crouching opponents. You should do cr.:l: cr.:m: cr.:h: :s: as your starter. On some characters you can do a f.:h: before the :s:. The cr.:l: is a low, which makes it harder to block. The cr.:m: moves you forwards which makes the combo more consistent. s.:h: will whiff on crouching characters entirely sometimes.

In the corner you should be doing no j.:m:'s, they do negative damage to the combo. Instead do j.:h: f.:h: d.:h:

I don’t know the damage on your combo but after the d.:h: you can almost always do :l: trap, f.:h: xx :l: trap, f.:h: :s:. This should do better damage than the OTG combo and it’s easier anyway.

I posted a corner fly/unfly combo that does better damage earlier in the thread.

I do c.:l:, c. :m:, c.:h:, :s:, j. :m:, j.:m:, j.:h:, jd.:h:, :m: air teleport (:l: probably works too), f.:h: xx :l: trap, f.:h: xx :l: trap, f.:h:, :s:, j.:m:, j.:m:, j.:h:, j.:s:

Good for 400k meterless with regular Phoenix and some nice meter build from whatever starter you like. I’m not even 100% sure the teleport is necessary but I havent been able to get 2 reps of the f.H xx L trap without it. Regardless, I just find it easier to continue the combo with it in there and it looks a little sexier too. Pretty sure this combo was posted in a video somewhere in here but I haven’t seen it written out.

I think I figured out that if :s: j.:h: f.:h: d.:h: as soon as possible in the jump, it makes it consistent. Sometimes you’ll hit the d.:h: from the other side, but whatever. You can get like 435k from cr.:l: cr.:m: cr.:h: :s: ^ j.:h: f.:h: d.:h: v :l: trap f.:h: xx :l: trap f.:h: :s: ^ :h: :s:. You break almost 600k with the Phoenix Rage.

I think this is just better than the j.:m: combos because you have to follow up the launcher with a quick j.:m: for those anyway.

Also, from a full screen Phoenix Rage you can link a :h: TK Overdrive and do another Phoenix Rage for like 550k damage.

I actually already found this out, and broke the glass on it. It’s not corner only, by the way, but if you want I can show you the best way to juggle them to the corner sometime.

Good work though.

After the trap loop on the ground you should simply do Heavy then S because then you can mix them up after as she’s not on screen…

if someone isnt gonna do it I’ll be willing to make the new combo thread, I already run the x-23 combo thread so I can do this as well.

No reason if you’re pushing 1.1mil+ by actually finishing the combo. I don’t see the point of mixing them up at all.

I made one up earlier but now I have refined them a bit for my Wesker/Thor/Phoenix team…

DHC Trick Combos!

Thor & Jean

Mighty Punish, Healing Field, :d:+:m:,:h:,:f:+:h:, :l:TK Trap,:f:+:h:, :l:TK Trap,:f:+:h:,:s:, jump, air:h:, Phoenix Inferno, :df:+:atk:+:atk:, air:s:, :qcf::uf::l:TK Shot, :h:TKOverdive, Phoenix Inferno

Done on: Shuma Gorath
Damage: 951,300

Wesker & Jean

Rhino Charge, Healing Field, :h:,:d:+:h:,:f:+:h:,:s:, jump, air:h:,air:f:+:h:,air:d:+:h:, land, :h:,:f:+:h:,:l:TK Trap, :f:+:h:,:l:TK Trap, :h:,:s:, jump, air:h:, Phoenix Inferno, :df:+:atk:+:atk:, air:s:, land, :qcf::uf::l:TK Shot, :h:TKOverdrive, Phoenix Inferno

Done on: Trish
Damage: 988,200
Note: I was trying to do jump-ins into ground series after Healing Field, but for some reason it wasn’t connecting. I also had plenty of time to even do the Flight+teleport trick/glitch into ground series. But for some reason, I couldn’t get the combo to count after unflying out of the air ground attacks. I hope my timing was wrong as it seems pretty easy to do.

Thor & Dark Phoenix

Might Punish, Healing Field, :d:+:m:,:h:,:f:+:h:, :l:TK Trap, :d:+:m:,:h:,:f:+:h:, :m:TK Trap, :l:teleport, :h:,:s:, jump, air:h:, Phoenix Inferno, :df:+:atk:+:atk:, air:s:, :qcf::uf::l:TK Shot, :h:TKOverdive, Phoenix Inferno

Done on: Doom
Damage: 1,441,700

Wesker & Dark Phoenix

Rhino Charge, Healing Field, :h:,:l:TK Trap, :h:,:l:TK Trap, :h:,:f:+:h:,:m:TK Trap, :l:Teleport, :s:, jump, air:h:, Phoenix Inferno, :df:+:atk:+:atk:, air:s:, :qcf::uf::l:TK Shot, :h:TKOverdive, Phoenix Inferno

Done on: Trish
Damage: 1,320,900
Note: Really easy. I’m kinda tired but I really think I can get Flight+Teleport ground series combos in after Rhino Charge because there’s so much time.

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

I’ll try more another day.