A Progression as Inevitable as Death :: Phoenix Combo Thread

This thread is kinda of a mess, OP hasn’t updated first post in quite sometime. What are the BnB’s everyone here is using in matchplay with Ph/DPH or is everyone just playing the zoning, runaway and chip damage game for victories? A lot of times just doing that seems to get the job done, even against good players.

with darkphoenix you just do something that combos into lp trap. Do it three times into launch then mmhs, otg fireball super a kill on most of the cast

This may be the 1st DHC combo in the thread. This will also be the 1st one using the DHC trick.

Thor & Dark Phoenix

(Thor) Mighty Punish, DHC (right after the 2nd hit of Mighty Punish) into Healing Field (laugh with Dark Phoenix as the damage rescales), :d:+:m:,:h:,:l:TK Trap,:d:+:m:,:h:,:l::TK Trap, :d:+:m:,:h:,:f:+:h:,:m:TK Trap (they should be done by this point, but if not, continue to…), :l:Teleport, :s:, jump, air:h:, Phoenix Inferno (should DEFINITELY be dead by then), 33, air:s:, tiger knee :l:TK Shot, :h:TK Overdrive, Phoenix Inferno (this last part is just for show)

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

For Regular Phoenix…

Mighty Punish, Healing Field, dash, :h:,:f:+:h:,:l:TK Trap,:f:+:h:,:l:TK Trap, :f:+:h:,:s:, jump, air:h:, Phoenix Inferno

That should finish off anyone except Sentinel, Hulk, and Haggar.

Healing field combos are most relevant when Jean’s bleeding from her assist being caught.

And mentioning DHC reminds me that Phoenix Inferno finishers are alright to DHC her back out if she’s been snapped in and you manage to score a combo with her. Might aswell do the damage and get out.

True. I’d probably only do a DHC into Normal Phoenix to finish off a Sentinel/Hulk… someone who can take a lot of damage. Otherwise, I’d rather not waste the meter.

But if I’d DEFINITELY do a DHC into Dark Phoenix whenever the oppurtunity presented itself. The damage she does is outrageous. Truly, truly truly outrageous.

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN singing in his best Gem & The Holograms voice:

JEAAAAAAAN is truly outrageous.
Truly, truly, truly OUTRAGEOUS!
Oo-ohhhhh Jean
JEAANNNN… is truly contagious, outrageous.

Jean is my name, no one else is the same
Jean is MY NAAAAME!!

Here is my new video, with my main team:


There is one Phoenix combo in it; I hope you enjoy it!

@The Invincible Swordsman: Are you sure you can 2B after Light TK Trap?

With Dark Phoenix, yes.

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

With Jean? No.

I’ll update the OP with all the combos listed later today. I had a hard time in the past few weeks - sorry for this, everyone.

And thanks to all for contributing. <3

Air H shot,teleport,cr.l,cr.m,st.h,S, mmh forward h S
any way i can sneak a normal after flare sword?
i can get m to hit n then i miss S
sorry for no damage info, ive been doing this online exclusivly lol

I’m having trouble chaining j.:f: :h: to j. :d: :h: when I’m not in the corner. I only land it about half the time. Does anything have to specifically precede these two when you’re mid-screen in order for j. :d: :h: to connect after?

So I didn’t see anyone address this yet, but obviously, one of Phoenix’s drawbacks is the need to keep full meter for Dark Phoenix, so I started screwing around.

With Sentinel Drones on assist, you can do (anything into) :d::h:,:f::h:+:a1:,:qcf:+:atk::atk: and the Drones pick up after the wallbounce from Rage. I’ve been trying to find ways to continue that combo enough that Phoenix gets back the meter she used on Rage. I was going to try super jump into Stomp or teleport into Stomp for the groundbounce and go from there next. Has anyone else tried this to get more than ~400k damage while maintaining 5 super at the end using an early Rage?

After testing (against Captain America), this is what I have:
:h:, :d::h:, :f::h:+:a1:, :qcf:+:atk::atk:, :u:, j.:d:+:h:, land, :s:, sj.:m::m::h::s:, land, :qcf::uf::l:, land, :s:, sj.:h::s:

It does about 512k damage and is 150k unscaled damage short of regaining the meter used at the beginning. I tried leading in with :m:, :d:+:m:… but couldn’t get the combo and now dinner is here, so I give up for the day.

Any ideas on how to extend this a little further? I tried using Deadpool’s Katana-Rama during my OTG TK Shot relaunch but it just screwed up the timing. The final sj.:h::s: has to be so short because he techs out really quickly after the relaunch. I did find you can do an Aerial Exchange instead of the :s: at the end but I’d rather find a guaranteed way to get the meter instead of being left with a 1/3 change of not getting Phoenix out of there.

some interesting combo ideas:

after two aerial exchanges upward phoenix can (forward h) h tk shot phoenix rage then telelport to the ground before opponent and continue the combo…

[media=youtube]MApol1nCgxg[/media] in the fourth combo after the phoenix rage the player adf h to another phoenix rage, the second phoenix rage can be substituted with an aerial exchange…

after ANY aerial exchange phoenix can teleport to the ground before her opponent…

these ideas are not gamebreaking but can lead to more meter and higher damaging combos…

@ZeroSum: after the drones hit try teleport h, down h, forward h, light tk trap, forward h, special, to whatever or teleport h, down h, forward h, light tk trap, jump h, jump special, (tiger knee) light tk shot, tk overdrive (light or heavy) crouching light, special to whatever…

those combos might work but hit stun could wear off…

Also people should remember that they can team air combo AGAIN if they OTG/relaunch. Decreases hitstun deterioration too.

thank you, i was just going to ask about a lvl 3 x factor dark phoenix combo because i’ve noticed that she move so fast that her reuglar bnbs just dont work.

so this combo is enough to kill any character?

is dark phoenix faster then regular phoenix (non-xfactor) ?

p.s. here is the combo i use for regular phoenix 1 meter, the damage is 497k with no jump in (s or H) 509k with or around that number

hold:d::l::m::h::f::h:(slight delay if you can’t connect launcher):s::u::m::m::h::qcf::m:(slight delay so orb hits):qcf::atk::atk:

i find it easier to do that F+H on the ground then in the ai, and damage wise, no point in doing it twice.

aerial tag combos and ideas:

in the corner after an aerial exchange downwards phoenix can airdash downback tk shot (light or medium) cancel into phoenix rage and the spacing will leave phoenix in a near perfect position to H, forward H, H tk shot (light) phoenix rage or aerial tag again. Its also possible to S after the second PR land air tk shot phoenix rage for a third time…

the first tk shot is unnecessary to input for the combo to be a success but it looks flashy…

also, the first part of the combo up to the end of the second PR will work with an aerial exchange upwards…

Ok. So I was been messing around with Jean’s airthrow last night and trying to combo off of it. Of course there’s…

(corner only)
Airthrow, air:h:,air:s:, land, :h:,:s:, etc etc your favorite combo.

You can also do this combo if you’re close enough the corner that you can throw them into it…

(airthrow into the corner)
Airthrow, air:l:TK Shot, land, :l:TK Overdrive, :l: or :d:+:l:,:m:,:s: etc etc

Now there’s another thing I’ve been trying but I can’t seem to get it down…

Airthrow, :l:teleport or :m:teleport, :qcf::uf::l: TK Shot,:s:

I’m almost positive it can be done if the teleport is done right as she loses the glow on the hand that doesn’t do the throw in the airthrow animation. You land on the ground right as the opponent lands and it feels like you have enough time to get off a :qcf::uf::l: TK Shot. I can get the combo to connect if the airthrow is done in the superjump area (the upper/2nd screen).

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

I know it can work. I think I’m just off. I’m gonna try more today.

At normal jump range midscreen you can OTG off the air throw if you air dash forwards and immediately :m: TK Shot but you can’t get the hyper off of it because you’re too high up. If you used an assist you probably could.

Why did nobody mention in this thread yet that you get a full BnB off anti-air :l: trap? j.:h: xx Flare Sword (f.:h:), Burn Out Beak (d.:h:)…

Shit it must be obvious but I assumed you couldn’t get a combo off it.

i thought this page was gona get updated?