A Progression as Inevitable as Death :: Phoenix Combo Thread

hmm, How about adding TKOverdrive + :l:, :m: :s: -> finisher after :f:+:h: …?

I was in the lab the other day, I don’t know what the tradeoff for damage is since I didn’t do the Fly j :l: j:m: j:h:

I have a video of that… except I had a chun assist for a relaunch so it was really 2 reps without the j:l: j:m: j:h:

I was trying to work out a 100% with my team, and I think that fly section I was missing in the combo Might bring it to what I need…

Well, a person on another forum called Ilmaestro tested out that j.M was an instant overhead on a crouch Sentinel. That inspired me to create the following combo with Dark Phoenix: j.M, j.M, j.H, j.S(land), cr.L, cr.M, cr.H, f.Hxx L TK Trap, st.H, f.Hxx L TK Trap, f.Hxx L TK Trap, f.H, S(jump straight up) j.M, j.M, S(land) Tiger Knee M TK ShotxxPhoenix Rage.

(perform the TK shot like this: qcf, uf+M so that it hits OTG)

1,297,000 damage.

EDIT: Sorry, I made a mistake lol, it only works on standing Sentinel.

I thought the thread was gona have all her Bnb’s at the front page what happened lol

Don’t use a cr.:l: for this combo if you have 4 air hits to confirm. :l:s are a trigger for extra hit stun decay and add unnecessary damage scaling, so try to avoid them whenever possible.

Also, OTG with :l: TK air shot whenever possible because it does more damage. :m: does more total damage via 2 hits, but you only get 1 hit when it OTGs. I have not yet checked the properties for Dark Phoenix, but this is at least the case for the regular Phoenix.

Last combo tip for Phoenix folk. If you OTG them with TK Shot when they are cornered after a combo, you can follow it up with her Heavy Psycho Crusher (AKA Overdrive) and then go into her Super after all the hits since the corner prevents it from causing that cross-through Healing Field nonsense. The :h: Overdrive allows her a meterless extension (corner only, as far as I’ve been able to perform) from the OTG and doing it before the Super does more damage than just going straight into Super.

I can’t remember Dark Phoenix’s OTG properties with fireball, I’ll go test that out soon. And thanks about the cr.L tip, keeping that in mind, I believe I could edit this combo and make it stronger. :slight_smile: Just wish it combo’d on crouching Sent…

OK, this is my first marvel game so what I say may be completely dumb.

Why wouldn’t you do cr.:m:, s.:h:, cr.:h:, f.:h: as your starting string in a combo? I noticed people in this thread going straight from s.:h: to f.:h:. The cr.:m: pushes you forwards pretty far so the whole chain seems consistent.

f.:m: -> s.:h: -> cr.:h: -> f.:h: seems consistent too since the cr.:h: makes them airborne.

I noticed corner :m: overdrive -> air :s: combos. You can follow up with cancel into flight but I didn’t know where to go from that. Trying to think of a way to extend the combo without using up the air d.:h: groundbounce.

Cancelling s.:h: with flight seems like a good setup for a high/low mixup or assist unblockable. Once you’re in flight, air :m:/:h: xx :s: combos and grounds you close to the opponent for a full combo. I suck at tri jumping so that seems like an easy overhead combo, if a bit slow. Against small characters I think you’d have to do raw :s:.

d.:h: can cancel into flight but I haven’t found a use for it on grounded opponents at least. But you can cancel it into teleport to set up some really dumb crossup -> crossup shenanigans.

Turns out the :h: Psycho Crusher follow-up from the Shot OTG is very possible in the open field aswell, it just has to be timed a certain way. I’m not sure if how the Shot is TK’d makes a difference, but I think I was just doing the PC too slow before.

[Edit] I think it’s the Shot OTG that’s important. Needs to be done low to reduce the time she falls after it so that she can PC earlier.

I am seeing a barrage of combos on here I am trying to learn how to play her so can someone clearly show me which are phoenix bnb combos which are dark phoenix bnb? I.e combos I may want to pick up first.

Level 3 XFactor Dark Phoenix combo:

c…:l:, c.:m:, c.:h:, f.:h:, :l: trap, :l: trap, :l: trap, repeat.

I mean you’re going to touch of death them on any c.:l:, might as well style on them.

Ive been messing with this for awhile, and finally got an idea for a full combo off it. Phoenix in xfc 3 (maybe 2 didn’t test) and dark phoenix (I think in any xfactor or if you just space it well) can link off her st.hp. So what you can do before activating xfc with phonix is
cr. :m: , st. :h: XFC cr. :m: st. :h: cr. :m: :h: :f: + :h: xx :qcb: + :l: , :f: + :h: , :qcb: + :l: , :s: j. :m: :h: :f: + :h: :d: + :h: :h: :f: + :h: :s: j. :m: :m: :h: :s: tk :qcf: + :l: xx super did like 1.4million.

Just started using her I’m having a hard time with her bnb combos specifically after flying during jump what’s the timing on this?

For the first page, i think we need to think about the following:
-Normal Phoenix combos without meter (i want to keep my 5 bars)

-Normal Phoenix combos after a throw, and without meter (because sometimes people run away and refuse to kill you, trying to win by time, so we can teleport / air dash and grab them).

-Normal Phoenix combos/setups after a :f::m: overhead, or an jumping instant overhead, and without meter (same reason).

-Dark Phoenix combos with and without X-Factor.

For the Dark Phoenix ones, i think that the :l: trap ones are great.

And for the normal Phoenix, i can do all full 6 hits on ground, but none of you uses the full ground combo, so i think that might hurt damage scalling or hit stun decay.
c.:l:, s.:m:, c.:m:, s.:h:, c.:h:, :f::h:
and then i can :s: into air combo, or :dp: :m: …but without corner i can’t followup that.

Is it a bad idea to use the full ground combo? scalling reasons?

After a throw but without corner i don’t know what to do. I would like to know if there is something without meter.

Keep up the good work, guys. Thanks to everyone for this sub-forum
I see only a few people online using phoenix, she is not among the more used characters, and that makes me proud of using and winning with her.
I try to use my whole team and combos meterless until she transform.

Obvious Reg phoenix combo don’t have damage right now for no meter

cr.:m:, cr.:h:, :f: +:h:, :s:, j. :h: :f: + :h: :d: + :h: :qcb: + :l: :h: :s: j. :m: :m: :h: :s: tk :qcf: + :l: :f: + :h: :s: j :h: :s:

From their you can actually do a hp fireball to teleport while off screen for mixups. Getting the last launcher is hard.

Well I’ve seen a lot of suggestions to do cr. L, cr. M, cr. H, f. H to start combos. But it doesn’t work in the corner against small enemies.

And personally I end up shooting TK shot half the time after cr. H trying to do f. H.

So here are the easiest BnB combos for me to perform consistently that do respectable damage, from either midscreen or corner. Can be used on any opponent.


Overhead j. H, cr. M, cr. H, S, superjump towards the opponent, very quick jumping M, j. M, j. H, jd. H (Footdive), land, Light TK trap, H, S, j. M, j. H, Phoenix Rage

Approximately 555,000 Damage

Overhead j. S or jd. H (Footdive) not always, but typically require cr. L before the cr. M.

Approximately 530,000 Damage, adding the cr. L before the cr. M.

For low combos, just drop the overhead and go immediately to the cr. L or cr. M.

Dark Phoenix-

Overhead j. S or j.H or jd. H (Footdive) to crouching L, cr. M, cr. H, Light TK overdrive, cr. L cr. M cr. H, Light TK trap, H, f.H, Light TK trap, H, S, j. M, j. H, Phoenix Rage

Approximately 1,000,000 damage. The cr. L at the beginning actually adds more damage for Dark Phoenix, and it’s also easier to combo it off of an overhead.

If you drop a TK trap and do 1 instead of 2, it does 150,000 less or so.

Usually, if you make sure you return the stick to neutral/discontinue holding the control pad after the :d::h: and then do :f::h: then that solves the problem.

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

I used to have that problem too.

In my combo you may replace the cr.h with st.h into f+h into s and the rest still works.

These are my Phoenix Combos:


I hope it helps you guys to create even more advanced combos.

HAH! With BK’s extension, I can now get the following with DPh…

:d:+:m:,:h:,:l:TK Trap, :d:+:m:,:h:, :l:TK Trap, :d:+:m:,:h:,:f:+:h:, :m:TK Trap, :l:Teleport, :s:, jump, air:h:, Phoenix Inferno,… :df:+:atk:+:atk:, air:s:, tiger knee :l: TK Shot, :h:TK Overdrive, Phoenix Inferno.

1,264,800 damage. This will kill anybody from full health to nothing. Yes. Even Sentinel. No X-factor required.

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

And you can start the combo with 0 hyper bar, and it will fill to 2 by the time you do the 1st Phoenix Inferno.

Any advice on landing H Down in the air to make the juggle? I’m having trouble connecting this during mid screen combos. The only thing I can see mentioned, unless I missed it, is to do the MMH down H fast after the launch. I need to figure out how to land it consistenly because I keep whiffing and then occasionally I will connect.

You have to do the initial :m: as fast as you can after the jump after the launcher. Then do the rest normally and the air :d:+:h: should hit after the air :h: easily. I’ve noticed that it even sounds different when you do it correctly.

This is has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

Of course this is only with Normal Phoenix. DPh :d:+:h: never bouncees because of the flame feathers.