A Progression as Inevitable as Death :: Phoenix Combo Thread

After inspiration from the X23 Xfactor loop I found that Dark Phoenix has an easy xfactor lvl 1 loop that kills most anybody meterless.

:d::m:, :d::h:, :f::h:, (:l: TK Trap, :f::h:)x5 1.7 Million

More than enough to kill Sent or anybody without meter. Work midscreen, in the corner, was able to do on smaller characters like spider man.


That should be the definite DP BnB…haha. Good stuff.

yeah 1 hit confirm and you got this pretty nice… pay back sentinel for all that damage he dishes out especially to phoenix

Dark Phoenix combo (corner only)

:d:+:m:,:h:,:f:+:h:, :l:TK Overdrive, :l:,:m:,:s:, jump, air :m:,:m:,:h:,:f:+:h:, Flight, air :l:,:m:,:h:, :l:TK Shot, Phoenix Inferno
Damage: 919,700
Done on Zero.

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

And if you want a dirt easy Flight combo with Normal Phoenix…

(corner only)
:m:,:h:,:f:+:h:, :m:TK Overdrive, :d:+:h:, Flight (wait for them to bounce back to you) :l:,:m:,:h:, :l:Tk Shot, Phoenix Inferno
Damage: 479,400
Done on Modok

Also, you can take the forward throw a little further.

(Corner) Forward throw, :qcf::uf::l:Tk Shot, :h:,:s: jump, :m:,:m:,:h:,:f:+:h:, Flight, :l:,:m:,:h:, :l:TK Shot, Phoenix Inferno

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

I’ll see what I can get off the forward throw with DPh tomorrow.

Wow, I can’t believe I missed that. Nice find!

(Corner) Forward throw, :qcf::uf::l: fireball, :f::h:, :s:, j.:h:, j.:f::h:, j.:d::h:, :qcb: :l:, :f::h:, :s:, j.:h:, j.:f::h:, j.:qcf::l: xx Phoenix Rage - 457,100, 1 meter, no assist, no XF.

(Corner) Forward throw, :qcf::uf::l: fireball, :h:, :f::h:, :qcb: :l:, :s:, j.:h:, j.:f::h:, j.:qcf::l: xx Phoenix Rage - 459,800, 1 meter, no assist, no XF.

I tried to include the “dive kick combo” I’ve been posting into this but they keep teching out before the dive hits. I don’t know if it’s me or it’s the hit stun decay thing.

For Dark Phoenix, corner throw can lead into the :qcb::l: sigil loop FunkyP posted a page back without XF. I don’t know if it’s stricter timing but I managed to get up to 3 reps but I’m sure you can get more (or at least one more maybe?)

(Corner) Forward/backward throw, :qcf::uf::l:, s.:h:, [:f::h:, :qcb::l:]x3, :f::h: xx Phoenix Rage - 825,200 - 849,400 (!!!), 1 meter, no assist, no XF. Off a freakin’ throw. lol Damage depends on how many of those little fiery feathers hit during the combo.

(Corner) Airthrow, j.:s:, land, s.:h:, [:f::h:, :qcb::l:]x3, :f::h: xx Phoenix Rage - 867,200, 1 meter, no assist, no XF.

just follow the 3 steps.

  1. Zone(Dormammu)
  2. Meter(Morrigan)
  3. Kick ass(rush,die,switch,meter/zone,last character,UNLEASH)

lol nice but Dormammu bnb does good damage wana get in from time too time

A couple of trap loop combos I found with Dark Phoenix. Note: Whenever I refer to trap in my combos it is ALWAYS L trap.

Mid Screen:
c.L, c.M, c.H, f.H xx Trap, st.H, f.H xx Trap, f.H xx Trap, f.H, Launch xx Superjump Straight Up, j.M, j.M, j.H xx Phoenx Inferno

Damage: 1, 059, 100

c.L, c.M, c.H, f.H xx Trap, st.H, f.H xx Trap, st.H, f.H xx Trap, [f.H, Launch xx Superjump Straight Up, j.M, j.H xx Phoenx Inferno]

Damage: 1, 072, 000
Note: Bracketed portion can be replaced with st.H, f.H xx Phoenix inferno for a easier combo. The damage will instead be 1, 043, 100.

The st.H or f.H for each loop must be delayed slightly so that the opponent falls lower after the trap activates otherwise they can flip out of the combo on the 3rd loop.

True, but then again, you shouldn’t need to.

I’ve been training with this combo:

Dormammu on point, just keep-the-f-away while charging 3-4 bars with morrigan, switch phoenix and fill last bar with morrigan and rushing your opponent till phoenix dies, switch her for dormammu during the explosion of her revival, from this point on you have two options:

End the fight with dormammu or morrigan on point, or play lose until phoenix is the last character, when she gets out, x-factor and unleash her specials, done.

Dark Phoenix:
j.:h:, j.:f::h:, j.:s:, s.:m:, c.:h:, :f::h: xx TK Trap [:m:] xx Healing Field, Teleportation [:m:], c.:m:, s.:h:, :f::h: xx TK Trap [:l:], :f::h:, :s:, j.:h: xx Phoenix Rage (1,058,600)

I got this idea from one of tragic’s combo videos. It seems to work on average-sized characters. My training dummy got launched too high at the end, so I couldn’t do much of an air combo, unfortunately.

I found a couple of anti sentinel combos if you can get in on him. They start with instant overheads so should be pretty tricky if used correctly.

You can do j.:l: , j.:m: , j.:h: , j.:s: , land. After that you can either do a magic series into launcher into whatever you like or you can repeat the combo so it goes:

[j.:l: j.:m: j.:h: j.:s: land] x2 (This loop actually looks quite a lot like storms infinite on sentinel from mvc2 - if only)

Unfortunately I haven’t been able to combo that into any ground normals - in regular mode. However, as dark phoenix you can do:

[j.:l: , j.:m: , j.:h: , j.:s: , land] x2 , c.:l: , c.:m: , c.:s: and follow that up how you want. You might be able to get a c.:h: or maybe her :f::h: before the launcher as well but it’s a little tight. This does about 600,000 damage before the before you even follow up from the launcher.

There is a similar combo which works on crouching sentinel and large standing characters (hulk, thor, haggar - not modok) which goes:

j.:l: , j.:h: , j.:d::h: , land , c.:l: , c.:m: , c.:h: , :f::h: , :s: into whatever (I haven’t had time to work out what her best combos after launchers are - some of you will have).

The reason for j.:d::h: instead of j.:s: is that the latter will whiff on crouching sentinel and the low hit series becomes really hard to hit on hulk. From what I’ve tried the jump part of this combo can’t be looped, even with dark phoenix.

It’s early days in testing and just because I can’t do it yet certainly does not mean it can’t be done, so if anyone else wants to try these and give some feedback I’d be very happy to listen. Especially if someone can get the x2 loop into a magic series to work in regular phoenix mode or get a x3 loop with dark phoneix.

Most damaging combo I’ve been getting with normal Phoenix is M, d. M, H, f. H, S, j. M, j. M, j. H, j. d. H, S, j. M, j. M, j. H, Phoenix Rage.

Get’s 517, 300… :confused:

Gotta keep looking, but this is a decent bnb since M is a decent poke tool, and this can be done anywhere on the screen, but you have to watch the timing between C. M to H, or else C. M won’t put you close enough to combo.

Heres a pretty simple bnb i’ve made up. Works anywhere on the screen. Its a bit harder to do on smaller characters though.

:d::l::m::h::f::h::s:Super Jump:m::m::h::f::h::h::d::h::qcb::l::qcf::l:xx Phoenix Rage

  • 529,700 damage 1 bar no assist no xf

hope it helps :slight_smile:

you can combo off phoenix’s super if you use the qcb+L trap at the right spacing or the qcf+h fireball cancelled into super also if you call assist and do the super at the same time

i combo’d 4 supers this way but i dont know if theres much more practical setups other than call super, xfactor qcf + h xx super, super again but that shit doesnt really seem like its worth it in most situations but whatev

I was thinking of a cool way to self kill phoenix and ressurrect without having to worry about being not incontrol to what damage she would take unprotected. I haven’t tested as of yet and won’t have time. But someone could try it and lemme know.

Deadpool point, start combo or block string, call phoenix and setup deadpool teleport to blast urself and phoenix assist killing her. Idk, just an idea. :stuck_out_tongue:

Guys i don’t know if anyone else has found this but Phoenix has a sick tri jump/tridash j.h mixup. Depending on when you do the tri dash, you can either hit them on the side you are on or cross them up. the best part about it is the mix-up doesn’t end with the j.h. Say they block it whatever side you end up on, there natural tendacy would be to block low well once you tri dash j.h do a d.h so she does her burning beak and it will hit as an overhead from there you can do whatever you want for big damage, at a minimum i get 400k, theres a lot of stuff you can do with her tri dash actually

If you’re thinking of killing phoenix as an assist she wont turn if she’s not on point. She can take the damage however and you can swap her out leaving her no life.

I’ve noticed that with Phoenix you can start combos with c.L, c.M, ST.H, c.H but I’ve only tried it in corners. Is the st.H to c.H possible on midscreen also?

A simple and real good BnB signed bopper of sweden:

c.A - c.B - c.C - f.C - S - sj.C - f.C - d.C - qcb+A - S - sj.B - B - C - S
(this combo often gets them into the corner and if they do you this):
tigerknee+B xx Phoenix Rage. The whole combo lands in on 567,200.